Meant For Each Other

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. Akira Toriyama made all Characters in this story. (c) Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation. Used without permission, please don't sue me; all you'll get is... nothing! :P

*.....* = thoughts
"....." = speaking

Thanks for reviewing, it really encourages me to write! ^_^ Well, here's chapter 3! Review pleaseeeee! I'll love you forever! :P

"Mother, have you seen Pan?", Trunks asked while looking around the Throne Room.

"No, dear, I haven't. Is something wrong?", Bulma asked concerned. She really liked Pan and enjoyed having another native of her planet in the palace.

"No, it's just that I haven't seen her all day.", the Prince continued. Bulma looked up in deep thought. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen Pan either.

"Well, I'm sure she's fine, Trunks.", Bulma soothed Trunks, even though she had a bad feeling something was wrong. She knew Trunks could feel it, too.

You don't think she ran away, do you?" Trunks suddenly felt very sick to his stomach. The thought of Pan leaving was too much for him. He knew in his heart that he was in love with her, but he didn't think she felt the same way. Before Bulma could answer, Trunks darted out of the palace and into the woods where he and Pan trained and spent most of their time together.

When he reached the forest, he felt his heart break in half. He knew she was gone; he let a scream of pain and anguish and blasted a random tree into oblivion. The heartbroken Prince fell to his knees and sobbed into his hands. (I know, kinda OOC, but work with me here!)


"Hmm... this forest should do fine.", Pan assured herself. She felt hot tears brim around her eyes, but violently faught them back. She shot a small ki blast onto the pile of sticks and weeds to start a fire. Pan yawned and stretched her arms out and decided to go to sleep; tomorrow she would go into the market to buy some food. She didn't feel like hunting anytime soon and figured shopping would pass the time. Maybe Trunks wouldn't have her as a burden now that she had left. She didn't want to be in the way.

*****A week later*****

"Pan," whispered Trunks, "Where are you?" He sighed and ran his hands through his dirty hair. He hadn't taken a shower, left his quarters or eaten since Pan had left a week ago. He searched for her, but to no avail. Anytime Bra came around him, even if to check on him only, he would shoo her away angrily. He wanted to be left alone in his sorrow. *I guess it's true what they say... you never realize how special someone is until you lose them.* He missed the midnight talks they had in the forest. He missed her sweet-smelling skin. He missed her beautiful face and voice. He missed everything about her. *It's my fault she left. I must've said something to her to hurt her feelings.* He hung his head in defeat and sighed a pain-filled sigh.

*****In Vegeta and Bulma's quarters*****

"Veggie-chan," Bulma began but was interrupted.

"Woman! Don't call me that!", Vegeta spat out. He saw the sorrow in her normally beautiful, blue eyes and looked at her apologetically.

"I'm worried about Trunks.", the Queen continued. He was avoiding everyone; if anyone were to even mention Pan around him, that is when he allowed them around him, they would've wished they were never born.


"He loves Pan, I know. He's going to die if he doesn't find her.", Bulma sobbed into Vegeta's chest.

"Woman, the brat's not going to die. He's a saiya-jin!", Vegeta stated matter-of-factly. Bulma sighed and drifted to sleep in the King's arms. He kissed his mate's forehead and left the room. That damn daughter of his was probably harrassing the guards again. He chuckled his pity for the guards and servants of the palace; they had no peace when Bra was around.

*****A week and a half later*****

Trunks slipped his armor over his head and left his chambers. As he was on his way to see his parents, he bumped into a group of his 'fan club.' He groaned and turned around to face them.

"Hello, your majesty.", they all greeted. Polla stepped out in front of the others, "Ready for some private time yet, Prince Trunks? That little bitch Pan is gone now; it's just you and me." She ran her hands over her curves, showing them off to him. He growled threateningly at how rudely she spoke of his Pan. He turned on his heel and continued on his way.

Everyone stared in shock as the Prince entered the Throne Room. Bulma ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Bra jumped up and down, begging him to train with her. Vegeta simply smirked that saiya-jin smirk. It had been two and a half weeks since he left his chambers. He had eventually began eating again, but still stayed locked in his room, having servants deliver his meals.

Trunks simply waved and took to the air once he left the palace. He had decided to go to the other side of the planet for however long he needed. He didn't want to accept the fact that Pan was gone and he hoped she was still on the planet somewhere.


For the next six days, Trunks went from town to town searching for his beloved. Nobody seemed to know anything about her. He had just about given up hope when...

"Yes, miss, that one right there.", Trunks pointed to a royal blue blanket laying behind the counter. It was beginning to get cool at night and he didn't like wasting his energy to keep himself warm. He felt a familiar ki, but when he looked around, he saw no one suspicious or familiar. He shrugged the feeling off, just thinking he was hungry and his stomach was convincing his mind.

The lady handed him the blanket and whisked him away. He went to leave, but not without leaving her enough coins to pay for the blanket first. As he turned around to leave, he ran smack into someone who was wrapped in black cloth, covering his/her face, revealing only deep, black eyes. The eyes reminded him so much of... he shook the thought away. He helped the being up and apologized thoroughly.

He noticed the person was staring at him intensely as a tear fell from one of the almost-covered eyes. Trunks watched curiously as the person slowly began to remove the cloth from their face. Once done, the Prince thought he was in a dream. There, right before his very eyes, was the woman he had been looking for. That beautiful face he so longed to see. "Pan.", he whispered.

She felt his sorrow through that one simple word, her name. She felt the same hurt he did and wished it would all go away. Trunks absently brushed a strand of hair from Pan's face. She stroked his cheek, then passionately kissed him on the lips. He was shocked at first, but quickly returned it. The world seemed to fade as they held the kiss, only feeling each other.

Ok, I'm sorry if this chapter was boring and/or I skipped too much time. I just thought it would be really boring to tell day by day how they both felt. Sorry if this was a disappointment... ;/ Next chapter out soon, hopefully it will be better...