It's Gotta Be the Moon
It's Gotta Be the Moon

Chapter 1

By: Kei



This is story that ties in with my other fic, Basic Instinct, in that you all will get to read what happened during Goku and ChiChi’s first full moon together. I’ve been real busy lately with work, school and packing for vacation. Guess what…I’M GOIN’ TO DISNEYWORLD!!! HOORAY! So I’ll try my best to post as many chapters as I can before I leave. So I hope you enjoy this fic.



Oh before I forget I do not own any of the Dragonball characters mentioned in this fic. I do, however, own Kei. She is an original character because…well she’s me. Well I’ve bored you enough with these minor details on with the fic.



It is an extremely hot and yet beautiful day as two butterflies dance around in a sweet ballet past a very familiar domed-shaped capsule house. Inside the house sits a petite, raven-hair princess trying desperately to keep cool in all the extreme heat. “Oh Kami I can’t believe how hot it is.” ChiChi stated taking a sip from her ice-cold lemonade. ChiChi was correct in her statement. She was seated in front of two fans and just couldn’t stay cool long enough. “Damnit why did the air conditioner have to break down?” ChiChi grumbled. “And where’s Goku? What is with him lately? Sometimes he clings me to like a second shadow and then other times, like now, he’s not here when I NEED HIM!” ChiChi shouted the last part banging her fist on the table almost spilling her glass of lemonade.



To be honest the latter part was far from the truth. Ever since they got married Goku found it hard to leave ChiChi alone. In fact even when they were dating Goku always wanted to spend the night with ChiChi but…for some reason Ox King wouldn’t let him. Well not too far away sitting near a waterfall sat Goku. “Oh man is it hot.” Goku whispered to himself chucking a rock into the crystal clear water. “I don’t get it.” Goku said with a sigh as he closed his eyes to meditate. “Why am I actin’ so strange? I can’t believe I threatened that guy at the mall…but he shouldn’t have been tryin’ to hit on ChiChi.” Goku thought as he opened his eyes letting out a low and deep growl.




Early that morning Goku and ChiChi went out shopping in Capital City at the new mall that had just opened. ChiChi was so excited about going the night before that Goku couldn’t find it in his heart to say ‘no’. “I can’t believe I actually let her talk me into this.” Goku thought again as he let out a sigh following ChiChi into the mall. The mall was having a HUGE sale to celebrate their opening and it was very crowded. As Goku looked around mostly what he saw were women and the occasional husband or boyfriend who was dragged along. “What a perfect time to married.” Goku thought bitterly frowning which quickly changed into a smile as he saw ChiChi’s eyes light up while looking at some clothes. “It is a perfect time to married.” .


“Oh Goku Sweetheart.” ChiChi called sweetly not even looking in Goku’s direction.

“Yeah…what is it ChiChi?” Goku asked walking up next to her. At first ChiChi didn’t answer but was still looking at a dress in the window. “Oh Kami. Please, please, PLEASE don’t make her ask me how every little thing will look on her…and while I’m prayin’ how about letting the food court be empty when we get there. Oh and how about havin’ a huge discount at all the restaurants…and

“Goku…are you listening to me?” ChiChi asked glaring daggers at Goku.

“Uh-uh yes…I mean no. That is…sorry.” Goku said laughing sheepishly.

“Anyway. I was asking you were you ready to shop?” Without waiting for an answer ChiChi grabbed Goku and they were off into the mall. Goku quickly grew tired of this little ‘adventure’ as Bulma would call her shopping trips. Even though Goku had to admit there were sometimes when things got exciting.



“GIVE IT HERE!!!” ChiChi shouted as played tug-o-war with a young girl over a purple tank top.

“NO! I SAW IT FIRST SO IT’S MINE!” the young girl shouted back. This continued on as Goku sat in a chair at a safe distance watching the fight with interest. Goku wanted to help but the last time he helped he was mauled by a bunch a women.

“What’s the big deal about? It’s a shirt!” Goku thought. “But ChiChi does look good when she’s angry. Kami I hope that girl gives up soon so we can go. It’s not like they’re fighting over food. Speaking of which I wonder if I’m close to the food court?” Goku thought looking cautiously at the doors and back at ChiChi. “Hmmm. I can’t tell her I want to go to the food court. Maybe if I come with some…little ‘excuse’. Here goes.” Goku said letting out a sigh. “ChiChi…hey ChiChi. ” Goku called telepathically.

“Goku what NOT NOW! Can’t you see I’m busy? And how many times have I told you not to do this. It really creeps me out.” ChiChi said now fighting off two girls.

“You told me not to read your mind. Anyway…I gotta go to the…bathroom…………is that alright?” Goku asked.

“YES! GO NOW AND QUIT BOTHERING ME!!!” ChiChi shouted as she finally wrenched away the tank top she wanted. .


After securing her prize ChiChi turned around to where she had left Goku and found him…gone? “I can’t believe he’s not back yet.” ChiChi thought as she started looking through a rack of clothes. Not far off a man had been watching ChiChi the entire time she was fighting the young girls for the tank top.

“I think that this would look beautiful on you.” A tall and handsome blond man said showing ChiChi a traditional Chinese dress that was a light blue.

“Hmmm…that is nice. Thank you.” ChiChi said taking the dress and looking at herself in the mirror. (See ChiChi can be just as naïve as Goku). “I’ll go try this on.” ChiChi went into the dressing room to change.



After a couple of minutes of maneuvering past women and helping out a lost child (isn’t he the greatest ^-^) Goku eventually found the food court. Goku’s eyes lit up as he saw that his prayers were answered. There wasn’t a LINE anywhere. (0.0). The court was completely except for a few of the employees that were cleaning and chitchatting.

“I- I don’t believe it. This is like a dream come true.” Goku said as his eyes began to water and he felt emotions that he had felt since well never. Goku quickly gathered himself and walked over to the closest restaurant, Chow’s Lo Mein.

“Hi sir. How may I help you?” a young dark-haired and dark-eyed girl asked Goku looking him up and down. “Kami check out the bode on him. I could just eat him up. I wonder if he’s got a girlfriend?”

“Hi. Let’s see here…I want three of the…#18’s, five egg rolls…ummm…. six of bowls of the hot and sour soup and…OH YEAH I want one order of the Mugugaipan, please. (Forgive me if my spelling is wrong).

“Will-will this be all for you sir?” the girl asked after she had gotten Goku’s order together.

“Yeah, that will do for now.” Goku said smiling sweetly.

“Alrighty then…the total comes to…94 zenii.” She told Goku as he started digging in his back pocket for his wallet. “Would like soy sauce or duck sauce, sir?”

“Ummmm…soy, please.”

“You know what soy sauce taste great on?” the girl asked Goku seductively leaning on the counter.

“No…what?” Goku asked looking up from his wallet.

“Hehehehe…me.” She answered blushing and giggling adorably.

“Huh…what did you say? Damn ChiChi took all my money and the credit cards. Look I’ll be right back, okay?” Goku said and then ran off away from the food court.

“NO!! COME BACK I’LL- I’LL LET YOU EAT FOR FREE!!! PLEASE COME BACK!!!” the young girl yelled as she started to cry.

“KEI! Kei are you hitting on the customers again?” the store manager asks coming out from his office frowning.

“*sniff sniff * No…no I’m not.” Kei said sadly shaking her head as she starts crying again.



Meanwhile ChiChi was just stepping out of the dressing room in the dress admiring herself as it showed off all the right curves. “Goku will simply love this.” ChiChi giggled to herself.

“It looks good on you.” The blond man said standing behind ChiChi with a smug smirk on his face.

“Thanks.” ChiChi answered not paying him any attention.

“So what’s a cute little thing like you doing here at the mall all by herself?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” ChiChi asked becoming annoyed. “I’m shopping and I’m not by myself. My husband is here with me.” She added with a smirk.

“Husband? Well he’s not here now. How about you let me take you out tonight and you can wear that.” The man said looking ChiChi up and down while licking his lips.

“I don’t think so. Besides my husband wouldn’t like it. Not to mention me.” ChiChi said narrowing her eyes at the man as she crossed her arms.

“Alright, alright look I’m sorry, okay? You have a husband and I’ll respect both of you.” The man said

“But…I think it’s missing something.” The man said.

“What?” ChiChi asked turning around in front of the mirror.

“Me.” The man stated as he wrapped an arm around ChiChi’s waist. Before ChiChi could register exactly what was happening she heard a growl as the pressure around her waist was lifted. ChiChi was surprised to see the man up against the mirror gasping for air with her husband’s hand around his throat.



“ChiChi are you alright?” Goku asked letting out a deep growl as he narrowed his eyes at the man. ChiChi was in complete shock over everything that had just transpired. First she was just trying on a dress, and then some guy wrapped his arm around her waist…didn’t he? And now Goku was here with a man in a death grip. Goku became worried when ChiChi didn’t answer him right away. ChiChi looked up at Goku and instead of the anger he had earlier all she saw was soft and concerned dark eyes looking at her.

“Yes, I’m fine Goku.” ChiChi responded trying her best to smile. By now everything in the store had come to a complete stop as everyone stood staring at the scene in front of them.

“Good.” Goku said turning his attention back to the man. “ChiChi why don’t you go pay for your dress and whatever else you found, okay?” Goku said smiling sweetly at ChiChi.

“What about you?” ChiChi asked looking at Goku, the man and back at Goku again.

“Oh nothing much.” Goku said nonchalantly. “Just going to have a little talk with your new ‘friend’.” Goku said smirking arrogantly as he carried the man into the same dressing room that ChiChi had come out of. ChiChi not knowing what else to do she did as Goku told her.



Inside the dressing room Goku had released the man from his grasp and now stood in front of the man with his arms crossed frowning. If Goku still had his tail it would’ve been bristled as he lashed to and fro in frustration.

“Wow! That’s some grip you got there.” The man said rubbing his neck trying his best to laugh. Even though the man knew he was tall compared to Goku’s height and build he was completely outmatched.

“Thanks.” Goku said cheerfully sounding as if he was talking to Krillin. “By the way can I ask you a question?” The man nodded his head. “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU and why did you have your arm around MY WIFE’S WAIST?” Goku shouted trying his best to stay calm and keep his power level down.

“It’s-it’s a… Pencil.” Pencil said shaking scared by Goku’s sudden outburst. “I-I-I was only…that is.”

“Look.” Goku said menacingly picking Pencil up and bringing him up to Goku’s eye level. “I’ll be blunt. ChiChi is my mate you got that you scrawny piece of SHIT! If I ever catch you anywhere near my mate again; I don’t care if it’s just pure coincidence.” By now Goku had a small energy ball forming in his hand. “I will take your ‘Pencil’ dick and shove it down your THROAT! You got that?” Goku growled out as Pencil fiercely shook his head. “Good…well bye.” Goku said walking out to an anxious ChiChi.


“Man…what’s going on with me? I know I love ChiChi but does love really change a person so much?” Goku asked himself out loud. “The moon.” Goku said looking at the moon’s reflection in the water. “THE MOON? CHICHI’S GONNA KILL ME!” Goku shouted as he realized that it was already night. Without another word Goku takes off towards home knocking down anything that happens to unfortunately get in his way. In a matter of mere seconds Goku is standing outside his house looking very distressed. “ChiChi’s gonna be mad at me again. I wonder if there is something I can do to keep her from blowing up? I know.” Goku says with a smirk as he walks inside confidently.


So what is Goku’s plan? Will I ever finish the next chapter for Basic Instinct? Can I post the next chapter for this fic by the end of the week? These are all very good questions and they WILL be answered…hopefully by the end of the week. I tell ya there is no rest for the wicked. Heheheheheh ^-^. Well as usual REVIEW this fic and don’t worry about hurting my feelings. I’ve done that perfectly well all by myself when I couldn’t even get Goku in MY OWN FIC! *sigh * I hope you enjoyed it. Bye. And oh just so that you know…Goku DOES have quite the potty mouth. It’s as dirty as Vegeta’s. And before I forget I would like to thank Lady Nightshade for giving me this idea. To tell ya the truth I wouldn’t have even thought of writing this fic if it wasn’t for her.