
Chapter 6:Pillow Fights, Cheesy Pick up lines, and False Kisses.

By: Ryoko#2001

Hey! This is a very stupid Ryoko#2001 typing right now. ::Hitting head against wall:: Since I’m such a dumbass, I was looking at my stories and I saw a file which I didn’t create. (I thought I didn’t) It turns out that it was files to the last three chapters (Including this one and the last chapter) and I deleted all of them. -_- The worst part is that I saved them on a 3 ½ floppy disk. (Like I really want my mom or sister to read my stories. Do you know how much trouble I’d be in!) so I can’t go to the Recycle Bin and get them. Right now, I’m very angry with myself ‘cause I’m such a baka. So I’m typing them all over and I’m mad since I liked how I wrote the chapters. I believe they all had proper grammar. Well, here’s the next chapter where everything is revealed. I just hope it’s as good as the one I typed and deleted. Please R/R. ::Still hitting head against the wall::

Disclaimer: I do not own DragonBallZ/GT. If I did, Trunks and Pan would officially be a couple. (They are, but you know how those writers like to keep you in suspense. ^_~)


It was 6:45 am and I was wide awake. Only one thought ran through my mind. Trunks kissed me. Me. I touched my lips for the tenth time that morning and sighed. I was euphoric – I was incredibly lucky to be kissed by Trunks. I was the happiest girl in the world – I felt as light as a feather. I was happy and a silly grin was on my face.

But he ran away. I sighed and instantly fell from cloud nine to rock bottom. I forgot about that. Well actually, I just refused to remember. Why did he run away? I thought he had fun and he said he wanted to kiss me. I didn’t ask him. Figures he’d run away. Trunks was so confusing.

I stretched and climbed out of my bed. I was going to talk to Bra – she’d definitely have some ideas to why her brother ran away from me. I tiptoed to her room, slowly opened the door, and grinned.

Bra’s hair was in a mess. It was tangled and she was snoring quite loudly. There was a small pool of drool on her pillow. I guess the princess isn’t so high and mighty after all, I thought. It was comforting seeing Bra like that – it made her seem more human. She was intimidating just like her father.

“Bra,” I whispered, gently shaking her. She rolled over to the other sighed.

“I didn’t do it,” she mumbled in her sleep. I shook her harder and one eye opened.

“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty,” I teased.

She angrily sat up and gave me a glare. “What the hell are you doing in my room? Don’t you have any regards to time!”

I just smirked and sat down beside her. “Geez, good morning to you, too. I thought ‘Hey, Pan! How was your date with my brother’ was going to come not your bitching and moaning, but I guess I was mistaken.”

Bra sat up immediately, sparkle in her eye. “Oh yeah! So how was your date? Did you sleep with him?” she enthusiastically asked.

I chuckled at Bra. “Aren’t you the subtle one. No, I didn’t sleep with him, but I had a great time. Your brother is a great guy. He’s handsome, witty… There’s something so irresistible about him… I don’t know how to describe it. He’s just amazing. Very charismatic and a sweet person when he wants to be.”

“So is that all that happened? You fall in love with Trunks and think all this mushy shit about him? Did you sleep with him?” Bra asked, sparkle starting to diminish at the thought of Trunks and I not doing anything at all.

I shook my head. “No! I was taught to wait. But Trunks did kiss me…” I murmured, voice trailing of. I felt like I was in eighth grade again – I can’t believe I kissed and told.

Bra gave me a huge smile, her eyes shining. I guess I sparked her interest again. “So how was it?”

“Nice…” I said.

Bra raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow and gave me the no-shit-Sherlock-look. We both knew no girl in the right mind could kiss Trunks and say it was just nice. My comment was probably the biggest understatement of the millennium.

“Fine,” I cracked, “I loved it. It was the best I ever had or ever would have. It was so passionate and so sensual. I loved it so much, I wanted to fu-“ but Bra held up a finger and waved it in front of me.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. And you were taught to wait. But if it really was as good as you said, how come you aren’t in his boudoir?” she asked.

I sighed and looked down at the floor. I lifted my knees up to my chest and looked at her. “Well, after he kissed me, he ran away… Why did he, Bra? I thought he liked it. I know I did.”

Bra did the same as me with her legs. “Well, the only reason I can think of is that the kiss was a mistake…”

A mistake. That word sounded so desolate. I hope with all my heart it wasn’t a mistake. “Mistake? Why?”

“Pan, just lay low. Don’t ask him about the kiss or he’ll probably back away. He’ll be afraid you might be like ‘He’s my boyfriend!’, you know all peppy and shit,” Bra counseled.

I jumped up, anger starting to take over me. “But, I want to find out why he ran away, Bra!”

She got up in my face also. “Listen, Pan. Just do what I say. I know him better than anyone else.”

“So why did he run away?”

We stood there, glaring daggers at each other and Bra looked away first. I sighed and my shoulders sagged. I shouldn’t be angry at Bra, after all it isn’t her fault her brother is a dumbass.

“I’m sorry, Bra. I shouldn’t have snapped,” I apologized.

She gave me a smile. “Don’t worry about it, I understand. Just be yourself and he’ll talk to you. Let Trunks make the first move.”

I hugged and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Bra. You’re the best. I really owe you one,” I said.

She huffed and folded her arms. “Yes, you do owe me. You interrupted my beauty sleep!”

I shoved her and laughed. “Get out of here, Bra!”

She picked up a pillow and attacked me. “No, you get out!”

It was a full-fledged fight. As I kicked Bra’s ass, I realized she’s right. Trunks would think I’m going possessive. The more I mused over it, I realized that was definitely the best way to approach him. I was ready for whatever happened.


When Bra and I walked downstairs, we saw Trunks and Goten pointing at beautiful girls and laughing. I stared at his profile and sighed. What was up with that man? One minute, he’s making out with me; The next minute, he’s ogling girls with my uncle. What was Trunks thinking? Bra gave me an encouraging pinch and I grimly smiled.

“Hey, you two,” I cheerily said, Son smile on my face. Goten mirrored my look, but Trunks looked a little wary. He was probably afraid I was going to kick his ass or something. But I wouldn’t unless he gave me reason to do so.

“Hey, Pan. Did you have a nice night?” Goten asked, smirk on his face. Trunks looked up at me again. He was afraid I was going to take a leaf out of my grandma’s book and pull out a frying pan.

But I just smiled. I admit I wanted to squeeze out everything from Trunks, but I was going to be the epitome of calmness. “I had fun. It was pretty cool, I suppose. What about you, Trunks?” I asked, finally addressing him. He finally smiled and looked at me in the eye. He realized that I wasn’t going to hurt him and I wouldn’t badger him about the kiss even though I wanted to.

He shrugged and gave a smile which could only be described as relief. “It was fun.” We locked eyes and I knew he would tell me what the hell happened.

Bra and Goten looked back and forth between us, bewilderment perceptible. Bra cleared her throat, and I finally tore my gaze away from his baby blues.

“Sorry to interrupt that little Kodak moment, but we have more important things at hand. I think we should go shopping, I don’t want to spend my whole New York vacation doing nothing at all.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Bra, we went shopping yesterday, remember? Besides, its not like were not doing anything at all. I’m sure Trunks has something planned,” I said.

Bra gave me an evil smile. “You’re only saying that ‘cause you’re in love with him.” I felt my neck turn deep red and I suppressed the urge to attack her.

Trunks had a huge smirk, but he didn’t comment. “A day without going to the mall is like hell to Bra.”

Bra then turned to her brother. “Shut the hell up, Trunks. You know you like shopping just as much as me.”

Trunks scowled at her. “If you were any bitchier, I’d buy you a dog collar.” I laughed uproariously and Bra gave me The Glare.

“It was funny!” I said, face red from laughing. Bra gave Trunks and me the finger.

“Thanks a lot, Pan. See if I make you ever when there’s some party,” she growled. Like I really wanted her to anyway.

“Oh yeah,” Trunks said, “There’s some high class party at the Plaza Hotel, and we all are on the guest list because of me,” he smugly said, reminding us of his status.

Bra smiled, like what Trunks said proved her point. “See, we do need to go shopping. Afterwards, we can eat.”

Goten gave Bra a smile. “Sounds good to me.” Bra beamed up at him.

Trunks and I sighed. “Whatever, Bra,” Trunks said. Bra always got her way.

Bra and Goten started to talk animatedly and walked ahead, leaving me with Trunks. I looked at him expectantly.

“I know you’re wondering about last night,” Trunks said.

I nodded. “Yeah, actually I am. I just want to know why you kissed me. I mean if it’s a mistake, I’m okay,” I lied.

Trunks looked down at his feet then up at me. “It wasn’t a mistake, Pan. I just was… shocked that I enjoyed it.” Something sounded weird about his voice; it had an undertone of something else, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. But I brushed it off.

“I enjoyed it, too,” I shyly admitted.

He gave me one of his gorgeous grins and I couldn’t help, but smile back at him. We started to slowly walk, and he gripped my hand. I looked up at him in surprise and he just smiled. “So, Pan. Do you want to be my date for the gala?” he asked.

There was only one thing I could say to him, but I wanted to tease him a bit. “Two dates in two days? I don’t know, Trunks. We might have to rain check,” I teased.

He ruffled my hair and smirked. “Oh really? Well, I just might slip about your, how do I say it, obsession about thongs. Maybe if a certain someone goes with me, I’ll forget all about it.”

I laughed at Trunks. “Desperate much? But you do drive a hard bargain, and I’ll accept. Might as well, anyway,” I bantered.

“Like you wouldn’t?”

And for once, I didn’t have a snappy comeback line for that.


New York was an amazing place. It was always moving. We went shopping at Macy’s and I bought another dress. My father wasn’t going to be happy with the bill. We went to Chinatown and got some souvenirs and I almost was mugged. I kicked the shit out of the guy who attempted it.

Now, I was in my room, trying to apply my makeup for the party. Bra was true to her word, and I actually was kind of sad. I was carefully applying my mascara when Bra burst through my door in a flurry. A long, jagged streak was across my forehead.

“Damn you, Bra. You made me mess up my make up,” I swore.

She just shrugged and spun around. She wore some silver halter thingy which looked great. “So how do I look?” She asked.

I grumbled and started to repair the damage. “Great as usual. While you look great, I look like shit.”

Bra blinked twice then smirked. “Aw. Is someone nervous with her little dwate with Trunksie-wunksie?” she teased.

I gave her the death glare and sighed. “No, I’m not nervous. I’m just intimidated by all the people who are going to be there and how many people are going to see me.”

Bra raised and eyebrow and I realized how pathetic I sounded. “I can’t believe I’m acting like this,” I whined.

“Like what?”

“I’m just all scared about everything. I’m afraid I won’t live up to the media’s expectations of Trunks’ date. I should be the happiest girl in the world. Even though Trunks and I aren’t a couple, he practically admitted to me that he liked me. But, I’m acting so damn neurotic. I’m actually wanting to make a good impression to impress Trunks.”

I half-expected Bra to comfort me and assure me that I would do fine. But she just looked down at her feet and up at me. She was holding something back from me.

“Spill it, Bra. I know you have something to tell me,” I said. I narrowed my eyes at me friend and with a sigh, she sat on my bed.

“Well, Pan,” she cautiously began, “You know that a lot of celebrities and paparazzi are going to be there. Right?”

“Yeah, of course,” I said, not comprehending at what she was getting at.

She sighed again and continued. “Well, among those celebrities, Rosita Carlos and Carly Bibbs are going to be there. Rosita did always have a tendency to get really jealous and possessive of her ex-boyfriends. And Carly Bibbs is very attractive and likes Trunks. I think Trunks might still be attracted to her.”

Oh shit. That was not good news at all. Great. Bra let those things sink in for a while. A gorgeous and jealous ex-girlfriend and another gorgeous girl who would have been his girlfriend if I hadn’t have come along. Bra saw the horror on the face and gave me a strained smile.

“I just wanted to warn you, Pan. I’m not saying anything will happen, but you never know. I mean, you don’t have a thing to worry about! Trunks definitely likes you, not the Carly Bibbs girl,” she weakly said. She gave me a smile, but it faded away when she glance at my face. “Are you okay, Pan?”

I gave her a small smile. I didn’t want her to worry. “I’m fine, Bra. I don’t care who the hell they are or could’ve been. I’m Pan Son, greatest female fighter in the universe, and if they mess with me, I’ll kick their asses!”

Bra smiled, relief obvious. “Good. Now hurry up so we can meet the guys!!”

I finished applying my make up and sighed. What was going to happen at that party? Something was going to go explode, and I knew I was going to be on the wrong side of the blast.


The limousine stopped and someone opened the door for us. Screams erupted everywhere and flashbulbs went off. Trunks stepped out onto the red carpet, my hand in his. The crowd’s roars became deafening and I started to feel a little nervous. We slowly walked, stopping a bit to shake hands. Glares were focused on me, after all I was with Trunks, but I just brushed it off. Bra linked her arm with Goten, and a huge smile was on her face. We stopped to pose for a picture and we finally reached the door. The whole “walk” had been thrilling and disorienting.

“You handled the ‘walk’ well,” Trunks whispered into my ear.

I blushed. I didn’t know I was that transparent. “Of course I did, Briefs. Now let’s go to the party.”

Someone led us through a maze of hallways until we reached the VIP room.

The VIP room was also an amazing experience. It was darkly lit and the walls were burgundy. Cream-colored couches filled the big yet homey room. Soft jazz music played from the amazing speakers. The celebrities there seemed untouchable. They just stood there in small clusters, talking to each other, not caring who walked in. But when someone noticed me with Trunks, a ripple started. It was slow at first, but soon all the conversations came to a pause to stare at the mysterious girl on the Trunks Vegeta Briefs arm.

It was overwhelming and I began to feel self-conscious. Their eyes finally stopped bugging out of their heads and they turned around back to their conversations, but I swear I heard something about a “black-haired girl with Trunks”.

Trunks let go of my hand and gave me an apologetic smile.

“I have to mingle, Pan. I’ll be back,” he said.

I shook my head no. I couldn’t handle this pressure. I was a fighter, not a socialite. “Trunks, I really don’t think I can handle th-“ but I was cut off by a short but amazing kiss on my lips.

Trunks gave me that gorgeous smile of his. “I know you can, Pan,” and he left me in my bliss. Somehow, I felt powered by his kiss. Aargh! Damn! I sound like some cheesy-ass romance sap.

I felt a sudden chill on my neck, and turned around to see what it was. But I saw no one staring at me. Weird. I walked around the room, hearing whispers and low laughs. Then I saw Rosita Carlos. She had beautiful black wavy hair. It reached down to her waist. She had black expressive eyes and a sexy, pouty lip that rivaled Angelina Jolie’s. She was gorgeous. Then she glared at me. She must have seen Trunks kiss me.

I turned around, not wanting to get into some bitch fight. Why are you scared? You could kiss her ass anytime, a proud Saiyan voice said. That was true. I’m Saiyan and far more superior than that bitch. I may not be as pretty or tall, but I could win in a fight anytime.

I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder, and I spun around to see Rosita Carlos giving me a glare that could rival Vegeta’s. I inwardly smirked, knowing this could be interesting.

“Yes?” I innocently said.

“Back off, bitch.”


She glared at me. “I don’t know who the hell you are, or who the hell you think you are. Trunks is my man so you need to back off.”

My Kami, this was really humorous. Rosita Carlos was definitely the type of person who always got what they wanted. But this time, she wouldn’t. “Excuse me, but you and Trunks broke up a while ago. So you need to step off.”

She looked appalled, like she couldn’t believe anyone had the audacity to talk to her like that. Then she spun off. I mentally patted myself on the back, took some champagne and food, and sat on one of the couches.

A very attractive guy, probably in his mid-twenties, sat beside me and gave me a smile. “Your father must be a baker ‘cause you have some nice buns,” he smoothly said.

I started to choke on the cheese thingy I was eating. I gave him a furious glare and he was unfazed. “That was terribly rude and a lame pick-up line,” I reprimanded.

He just smiled. “Your father must be a terrorist ‘cause you are the bomb”

I felt my patience start to run thin. I will not kill that annoying human. I will not kill that annoying human. “No, my father isn’t a terrorist unless I tell what some fucking bastard is trying to do to his baby girl,” I said. The guy walked away and mumbled something about me being a bitch. Whatever. The door opened and Carly Bibbs walked in.

All conversation ceased for the second time this night and I could see why. Carly Bibbs was absolutely gorgeous. Even more beautiful than Rosita Carlos. She had this aura about her, it was cool and calm and it intimidated me. Her confidence was palpable. She didn’t walk or waltz into the room, she floated. She was the kind of person you couldn’t tear your eyes away from even if you tried. All of the males’ eyes were focused on her, even Trunks. She was my worst nightmare, the other woman, whatever. All I knew was that she was some sort of goddess. It should be illegal to be that pretty.

Then she made a beeline for Trunks. She gave him a demure yet seductive smile and he smiled back at her. As I watched them flirt back and forth, an emotion which could only be called jealousy coursed through my veins. Along with jealousy, came betrayal. Trunks kissed me. Twice. So why the hell was he flirting with that girl. So what if she was beautiful, talented, smart, amazing, self-confident, and a goddess. I saw Rosita Carlos scowling at Carly Bibbs and felt slightly better.

He finally finished talking to the “goddess” and walked over to me. He saw my face and gave an apologetic smile.

“Pan, don’t be like that,” he begged.

“Like what?” I coolly asked. He gave me the puppy-dog look and I almost relented. Then I remember how disgusted Vegeta would be and I decided to be cold for a little longer.

He sighed. “I was just talking. Don’t get all jealous.”

I leveled him with a glare. “Pan Son doesn’t get jealous. Besides, if you were just talking, why do you feel the need to defend yourself?”

Trunks sighed and changed the subject. “So how’s the party?” he asked.

I shrugged and took a sip of my champagne. “It’s okay. I told of some jealous bitch and almost kicked some guy’s ass ‘cause he had a lame pick up line.”

Trunks chuckled. “You always get into trouble, Pan.”

“I don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me,” I said.

Something in Trunks’ eyes snapped. I didn’t recognize the emotion, but it scared me. He leaned down, eyes focused on something past me and kissed me. I was surprised; I didn’t mind it, don’t get me wrong, but Trunks was acting way to weird. He pulled away and I looked up at him. Triumph mingled with guilt and sadness (?) was in his eyes. I turned around to see what he was staring at and gasped.

Rosita Carlos, was glaring at us. Her eyes were like black daggers and if looks could kill, I would be with my dear Grandpa in Heaven right now. I had a sudden realization what was happening. Trunks was using me. I looked back at him and my worst fears were confirmed. He looked even guiltier and his eyes were begging for mercy. The only problem was that he wasn’t going to get any.

I took a resigned sigh, knowing what I had to do. My heart was breaking; I never thought he would do that. I looked into his eyes and he flinched. I was just a game to him, but I was going to end match on my terms. I leaned up and kissed him. Unlike the other kisses, this one was painful. This time, I knew it wasn’t real, just like all the others. Cameras flashed all around us and I pulled away. Fear was in Trunks’ eyes. Good. Fear should be in his eyes after what he did. I pulled him closer and whispered into his ear.

“Don’t ever use me again.”


*Hiding in a trench* Don’t kill me!!! I had to end it there!!! I have bad news. The next chapter will definitely take a looooooooooooonnnnnnng time to continue. My school has so much work for me… it’s insane. So please review, it will definitely inspire me to write faster. P.S. Visit my Trunks and Pan shrine. It’s still in the making, but it’s pretty darn good if I do say so myself. :)