
Chapter 5:Pan, the Pimpette of the Season, Like Future (?) Father-in-law, Like Future (?) Sister-in-law, and An Unforgettable Moment.

By: Ryoko#2001

Hey! Thank you guys sooooo much for reviewing! I can’t believe that I actually got past the 50-point mark. (Even if I did review my own story. ^_~) I am very happy because I never reached the 50-point mark. It made my day a whole lot better. Okay, this chapter is has sap, bonding, weird humor, and (of course) romance! (I am such a romantic. I don’t think I can write a love story that has a tragic ending). This is the longest chapter I’ve written. I tried to be accurate with the time zones and such and I think I’m right more or less an hour. Please tell me the correct time and I’ll fix it. This is what you guys have been waiting for. I’m just hoping it’s not a typical T/P series. I hope its unique and that you guys like it. Also, don’t assume that Bra and Goten are going to hook up in this fic. (I know I have some G/M, B/17, and B/U readers.) This purely T/P. Well, enough of my rambling! You better start reading, and review!!

Disclaimer: I do not own DragonBallZ/GT. If I did, Trunks and Pan would officially be a couple. (They are, but you know how those writers like to keep you in suspense. ^_~)ó


We were supposed to meet Trunks and Bra at the airport at 12:00pm. The plane left at 1:50 and we would reach New York at 6:30 am, Eastern Standard Time.

Goten rang the doorbell at 11:25 and I opened it and gave my uncle a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, Uncle. Come on in and help me carry my suitcases,” I cheerily said.

He walked in and looked at himself in the mirror. Goten was very concerned about his looks. “How do I look, Pan?” he asked.

I smirked and shoved one of my two suitcases in his hands. “I swear if you were anymore vain, you’d be a girl.”

He gave me the death glareä (hey, Vegeta patented it!) and I innocently smiled. I grabbed my carry-on luggage and he took my other suitcase. We packed my luggage in the car and slipped into the backseat.

“Hi, mommy and daddy,” I said.

Dad was a little teary eyed. “My little girl is going to America. Away from here.”

Goten and I shared amused looks and Mom rolled her eyes.

“Gohan, Pan’s been in space. And she was only 14 then. She can take care of herself. Besides Goten and Trunks will be there,” she reassured.

Trunks. I haven’t talked to him since Monday, but that man has been invading my thoughts. I sighed and looked out of the window. What did New York City have in store for him and me?


I turned around and saw my dad looking at me from the rearview window.

“Oh, sorry. I just zoned out a bit,” I apologized.

“I just wanted to know if you remembered your passport,” he said, tears coming down his eyes.

Goten whispered in my ear. “He’s worse than my mom.”

I laughed and Gohan scowled. “I heard that.”

In about ten minutes, we reached the airport. I kissed my mom and dad goodbye and Goten and I walked into the airport. Bra and Trunks were already there. I noticed Bra had a huge smile on her face when she saw Goten.

“Oh yeah,” I whispered, “I forgot to tell you. Bra said hi and wants to know if you are still cute.”

Goten smirked and Bra ran up to Goten and gave him a big hug.

“Wow, Goten! It’s been a while!” she happily said.

He smirked. “Yep, it has. And I’m still cute.”

Bra scowled at me and I innocently looked away. I felt Trunks eyes trained on me and I started to feel self-conscious. Gathering up my courage, I smiled and walked up to him.

“Hey, Boxer Boy. You ready for this trip?” I flirtatiously asked.

He smirked. “Ready as I’ll ever be, Bandana Girl,” he said, referring to my bandana.

Was it my imagination, or was he coupling us. Wishful thinking, Pan. Wishful thinking, my cynical voice said. Goten came up to Trunks and they gave each other the “male” hug. I looked at my watch.

“You guys, we better get going. It’s one o’ clock.”

Bra latched herself onto Goten’s arm. “I’m sitting beside Goten. We have so much to talk about,” Bra flirtatiously said.

Trunks and I shared amused looks. Then he offered his arm to me.

“Shall we go?”

I felt my cheeks flush. He was so cute and he looked so earnest. I couldn’t resist. I hooked my arm to his and smiled.

“I guess so.”


We arrived in the Kennedy Airport at 6:45 am. After going through customs and picking up our luggage, a limo took us to the Four Seasons hotel. Bra and I shuffled into the suite we shared.

“Sugoi,” Bra yawned.

I nodded. “Yeah. If I wasn’t so sleepy, I’d look around,” I sleepily murmured.

Bra went into the bathroom and there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Trunks.

“I just wanted to see if you guys were settled in alright.”

I nodded, my face flushed. Even his presence could do that to me. “Yeah. Bra just went to sleep.”

Trunks looked down at his shoes and put his hand in his hair.

“Um, Pan,” he began, “Willyougooutwithmefordinnertonight?”

“What?” I asked, embarrassed. Trunks was deep red and I knew I was much worse.

“Sorry, I babbled. I just want to know if you would like to go out on a dinner date with me at 8:00 tonight. I know this really great place and I think you would probably like it. If you don’t, we can go somewhere else if you like.”

Trunks looked deep in my eyes. He really wanted me to come.

“Sure,” I said.

Then he gave me the most gorgeous smile I ever saw. “Thanks, Pan.”

I closed the door, leaned against it, and sank to the ground with a lovesick sigh. This was not good. I was falling for him. No, let me correct myself, I fell for him. I was in love. He didn’t even have to kiss me. Just what he did, how he acted, what he said… Damn it! Why did he have to smile and say my name like that? Why did he ask me out! I definitely wasn’t going to get any sleep this morning.


It was 12:29pm when I woke up. Bra was searching in my bag for something.

“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty. I heard a very interesting rumor,” Bra said.

I stretched and crawled off the bed. “What are you doing in my bag?” I sleepily asked.

“I just wanted to use your lip gloss. It is so pretty. Anyways, I heard a rumor.”


“You. More specifically, you and Trunks.”

I mysteriously smiled. “Really? Well, if it’s about me, I think I have a right to know.”

Bra walked in front of me then stopped. “I heard - from a very reliable source I may add – that you are going out on a date. With Trunks.”

Trunks must of told Uncle Goten, I presume. “Your assessment of your source was right.”

Bra’s eyes widened. “No way. When Goten told me, I didn’t believe him… but wow. When did he ask you?”

“After you went to sleep, he asked me,” I answered.

“Well, what time is he taking you?”

“8 o’clock pm.”

“Good. We have lots of time to get you ready,” she said.

I raised a hand. “Wait a minute. I don’t want you to make me over.”

Bra looked wounded. “Why not?”

“Because I want Trunks to like me for who I am. Not for what make up I have on,” I quietly said.

Bra huffed. “Fine. I guess you just don’t need me after all.”

I felt my resolve weaken. Bra turned around, puppy-dog face on.

“Pwease?” she asked in a baby voice.

“No,” I teased.

She tackled and pinned me. “Pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease!”

I laughed. “Alright!!! But don’t make my make up too extreme.”

Goten walked in. “Trunks is taking us to bru-“ but he cut off when he saw the position Bra and I were in. “What’s going on?” he asked.

I laughed. “Everyone wants a piece of me! I’m playing both of the Briefs!” I joked.

Bra got off and flicked me off. “Bitch. Get your lazy ass in the shower so we can get brunch then go shopping,” she commanded.

I sighed, knowing I had a long day in store. I picked up the phone and dialed my mom’s number.

“I’m going to tell my mom I’m safe,” I told Bra.

“Moshi, moshi,” my mom cheerily said.

“Hi, mom.”

“Pan! I’m glad you’re safe. How are you?”

“Great. I just wanted to tell you I was safe,” I happily said.

“So how’s New York. Your father is on the line now.”

“Hi, Dad.”

“Panny. *sob* You’re safe!” he wailed.

“Yeah, I am. I miss you, Daddy,” I said.

Bra yelled at me in the background. “Hurry up!! We need to plan your date!”

Oh, no. That was the worst thing Bra could do.

“Date?” my father asked, all sadness gone replaced by suspicion

“Heh, well. I.. uh… see…”

“Pan,” he sternly said.

I sighed, knowing I would have to tell him. “I’m going on a date with Trunks.”

“WHAT?!” I could practically see the blood vessel popping from his head.

“Dad, I’m an adult. I am responsible and-“

“Don’t date him! He’ll break your heart!”

“If he does, don’t break his neck,” I reminded.

“Pan, I’m forbidding you,” he strictly said.


“Pan, I don’t trust him.”

I started to get angry. I know my dad loved me, but he was so overprotective. I saw an empty chip bag and figured out how to get out of it. I started crinkling it.

“I cant hear you!” I yelled.

“Pan, don’t date him!” my father yelled.

I put the crinkling chip bag closer to the receiver. “Too much static! Can’t hear you! I love you dad! Bye!” and I hung up the phone. I know he wasn’t going to be happy, but I had to deal with one problem at a time.


“Ouch!! Stop plucking my eyebrows!”

“Stay still, dammit!”

“It hurts!”

“Honey, beauty is pain. Remember that.”

“Why did I have got waxed?”

“Knowing how in love you are, you’d probably sleep with him on the first date.”

“I’m not a slut! I’m still a virgin!”

“Yeah right. Liar. Stay still or else.”

“Or else what?”

“Oh, I’ll think of something.”

That was how it has been for at least 2 hours. After brunch, Bra took me to on a shopping trip to hell. (I like shopping and all, but not like Bra). Then I had a waxing session. (That was the most painful thing I ever did) Last, I had a facial. Bra was doing my make up and my hair by herself and she wouldn’t allow me to look.

Then Bra’s face was in front of mine.

“I am such the genius. You actually look great.”

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Bra had outdone herself. The make up was natural. It just enhanced my face. My hair was in a sleek bun and curly tendrils framed my face. I looked beautiful. I looked at myself hard for a moment. I was lucky enough to inherit some of my mom’s beauty, but I wasn’t as pretty as her or Bra. I had a lean figure until I reached 16. I gained some curves but compared to Trunks’ ex-girlfriends, I was a stick. I was just your normal, average, girl-next-door beauty. Yet Trunks Briefs saw something in me he liked. What he saw mystified me.

Bra hugged me. “You look gorgeous, Pan.”

I hugged her back. “Thanks, Bra. But if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t look as good.”

She shook her head. “No, Pan. You are naturally pretty. I just enhanced it. Even without make up, you look great. My brother is going to be blown away.”

“He betters. After all that pain I’ve been through…” I mumbled and Bra laughed.

There was a knock on the door and Bra smiled. “I’ll get it. Just hurry up and get in your dress!”

I sighed and took my dress from the Macy’s bag. It was a backless gold dress. I slipped into it and looked at my reflection in the full-length mirror.

I walked outside and blushed. Trunks looked handsome. He was wearing an ArmaniÔ suit. He never looked as good in a suit as he did now. I wanted to know what cologne he wore; it smelled great.

“Hi, Trunks. You look great,” I shyly said.

He looked at me like he just saw me for the first time. “So do you.”

Bra smiled and before we knew it, she snapped a picture. “Heh. I’m taking pictures of your first date. Don’t worry. I’ll make you two copies.”

“If I wasn’t in a dress…” I threatened. Bra just laughed.

“Whatever! Well, you two better go out and have fun! And remember Pan, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”


He took me to a quiet restaurant by the shore. The full moon was shining and it was a very romantic setting.

“This is a seafood restaurant I know. You do like seafood, don’t you?” he worriedly asked.

“Yes. Actually, I love seafood. You actually did something right, Boxer Boy,” I teased.

He poked me in the stomach. “Well, I can’t call you Bandana Girl.”

“What, you like me better with the bandana?” I teased.

He gave me that gorgeous smile again. “You look great whatever you wear.”

I began to redden furiously. If he continued complimenting me like this, I wouldn’t survive this date. We easily passed the line and we sat at a table near the ocean shore.

A waiter came to our table. “Hello. Welcome to Ocean Shore. My name is Davis and I am your waiter. What would you like to eat?”

I opened up my menu and looked at it. “I would like to have the salmon with steak,” I said. He jotted it down.

“And to drink?”


“And you, sir?”

Trunks put the menu down. “I would like to have the fried trout with oysters.”

“What would you like to drink?”

“Coke, please.”

The waiter left and I looked at the waves crashing. I couldn’t believe my luck. Me, boring, old Pan Son, was on a date with the most eligible bachelor of the world. Remember that, Pan. He could decide you aren’t worth the trouble, my inner critic reminded. One day, I was going to have to shut that thing up.

I looked at Trunks, and discovered that he was watching me. “What?”

He shook his head. “I just noticed you looking out in the ocean.”

“Yeah. I really love the ocean, especially at night. And at this place, you can see the stars which make it even more romantic.” As soon as those words were out my mouth, I instantly regretted it. Damn you, Dende! Just take me now!

Trunks started laughing at me.

“What?” I said, starting to get defensive. That was probably the only way I could save face with him.

“You! You’re so neurotic!” he chuckled.

“I’m not neurotic. Besides even if I was, can you blame me? You tried to seduce me!” I shot back.

He gave me a smug look. “Excuse me, but you wanted it.”

I scowled at him. “I didn’t want it. Not from you.”

“Liar. Besides, what about you and what you did at Victoria’s Secret? Weren’t you trying to entice me then?” he reminded.



We locked eyes and glared at each other. Trunks cracked first with a huge smile.

“I won,” I chanted.

He stuck his tongue out at me. “Luck. So seriously, Pan. What is your idea of a romantic date.”

“Well,” I began, “I would just like it to be a nice quiet place like at the guys apartment. It better be clean of course. The room would be darkly lit and there would be beautiful yellow roses tinted with pink scattered on the floor. Soft music would be playing in the background – preferably a jazz song or one of those soft 80s songs. The guy would be standing by a candlelit table, and he would be holding roses for me.” I looked up to see Trunks intently staring at me. I couldn’t stand it when he did that. It was like he saw me in a way no one else can. “What?”

He shook his head and smiled. “You. I would’ve never imagined you being such a romantic.”

I gave him the Son grin. “Neither did I, Trunks.”


I laughed all the way up the elevator. “I still can’t believe you did that. Even though it was annoying how she was just staring at you.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. But the look on her face when I said ‘Take a picture. It’ll last longer’… It was priceless,” he laughed.

The doors opened, and we walked to my door. “I had, fun, Briefs. We should do it again sometime,” I said.

Trunks face became serious. “Pan, I had fun also.”

I looked up at him, and I started to get nervous. He was looking at me so intently, I started to squirm.

He looked away for a moment, then his attention was focused back at me. “Pan, I really want to kiss you now.”

I didn’t know what to do. I was in shock. “Why wont you, then?” I whispered.

He put his hand on my cheek, and gently touched my lips. Then Trunks’ lips touched mine. He started off gently, like he was afraid I was going to resist. Then for the first time for this whole night, I knew what to do. I kissed him back. It was magical, wonderful. It was the best kiss I ever had or ever would have. It felt so right to be in Trunks’ arms. All my troubles seemed to fade away under his kiss. He tucked back a stray strand of hair, and I shivered under his touch.

Then it was over. Trunks pulled away, and I saw him utter “Damn” under his breath.

“Trunks?” I softly questioned, confused at his actions.

“I’m sorry, Pan. I just have to go,” he mumbled.

I watched him open his door, give me one last look, and he closed it. I touched my lips and fell against my door. Why did Trunks run away from me. I sank on the floor and looked at my feet. Did Trunks really have feelings for me?


MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *Ducks chairs, lamps, and heavy books* Damn, you guys are vicious! I admit, though, this is a very evil cliffhanger. I actually was going to end the chapter at “I kissed him back”, but then I wouldn’t be able to do the next part. Well, do you like? Right now, I’m in serious pain. (Stupid braces!) L Also, I might not be uploading stories for a while. I’m going in the really hard school program. (Kind of like a magnet program except harder). They expect me to write a book report during the summer and turn it in after Labor Day weekend. And I haven’t even started the poster. K (I read the book. I love reading books) Littlelizzygurl and me are stuck in the same boat. Well, wish us luck. Please R/R.

P.S. I can’t give you a preview to the next chapter. It would totally mess up the storyline. But I’ll give you this, everything will be revealed in the next chapter. I have it all planned out in here. *points to noggin*. Ja, ne! Love Âyoko#2001!! J