
Chapter 4:Car discussions, Pikachu! I choose you! And Late-night Snacks.

By: Ryoko#2001

Hey! Thank you so much for reviewing the 3rd chapter. I was so happy. Anyways, I added something else to the title. In this chapter, the real games begin. *evil laughter* :-Þ I really like this chapter the best. Some sap, and lots of fun! Oh yes, if you are wondering, Trunks is not stalking her. They are just meeting each other by coincidence. Also, the last part of this chapter, I got the idea from a book series called Sweet Valley Senior Year. Well, review.

Disclaimer: I don’t own DBZ/GT. If I did, Trunks and Pan would officially be a couple. (They are, but you know how those writers like to keep you in suspense ^_~)


I sat in Biology II – the last class of the day. Richard was more of a jerk than I originally thought. He told the whole Satan University that I had begged him to sleep with me then gave everyone one of his friends blow jobs. Half the university believed him (Everyone adores Richard) and jeered at me while the other half were unsure and most of them ignored me.

My sorority believed him and they probably were going to kick me out, but luckily my roommate believed me. It was times like these you knew who your real friends are. This kind of stuff made me wonder if high school was really over.

I heard a peal of laughter behind me and felt my cheeks go red. This was not fair. And to think I actually liked the jerk. The ball ran – signaling class was over- and I bolted out of the class room.

I walked through the hall and heard catcalls and jeers, but I held my head up high and ignored them. They were nothing anyway. All I wanted to do right now was go to my apartment and eat 3 pints of Ben and Jerry’s chocolate ice cream.

I walked past the main office and caught a glimpse of purple hair. He walked out and spotted me.

“Hey, Pan.”

I shook my head and smiled. “Trunks, we have been seeing each other to many times,” I said.

He walked up to me and gave me a smile. “It’s like faith is telling you to come with me to New York.”

I rolled my eyes. “So what are you doing here? Don’t tell me you came all the way here to see gorgeous me.” I sounding like Bra more and more.

He held up a briefcase. “Business meeting. Since your grandfather owns this university, I came here to see if we could negotiate advertising Capsule Corporation in here.”

“Oh. So did it work out all right?”

He nodded his head. “Yeah. Quite well, in fact.”

I heard whispers and turned around to see a couple of my sorority sisters talking about me. Screw them kicking me out, I’m going to quit. I hardened my face and turned back to Trunks. Trunks looked between those girls and me then he frowned.

“What’s wrong, Pan?” he asked.

I shook my head. I couldn’t let him know why I was mad. After all, I did lie to him about the date.

“Nothing, Trunks,” I lied.

He grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes. “Pan, you should know by now I will always be there for you. You can trust me.”

I melted under his gaze. If it weren’t for the fact he would probably run away, I would’ve proposed to him on the spot. “Okay, I’ll tell you. Could you take me to your house? I don’t want to go to my dorm and I want to see Bra.”

He smiled. “Okay. I’ll show you my new car.”

He led me to a black Alfa Romeo with a spoiler and a sun roof. I whistled.

“Nice car,” I appreciatively said.

He opened the car door for me and slipped in. Not only was he cute, but also he was a gentleman. He slid in the driver’s seat and started the ignition.

“Thanks. This one only goes 300 hp. The one at home goes a whooping 700 hp. Then I also have a ton of Ferraris™ and Chevrolets™.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Seems like someone is obsessed.”

Trunks shrugged. “I’m not obsessed. I just have a deep passion for them. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

I sighed and told him the whole story. When I finished, he had a huge smirk on his face.

“So your date is a bastard and you didn’t have a hunky-dory time like you led me to believe?” he asked.

I scowled at him and looked out the window. “Yeah. Go ahead and laugh. I know its pretty damn amusing to you, but it isn’t to me.”

He touched my shoulder and patted me. “Don’t worry, Pan. The guy’s a jerk and he doesn’t know what he’s missing. Anyone who would do that to you, doesn’t deserve you.”

I blushed at his words. The boy could not get any cuter. “Thanks.”

He parked the car and we walked toward the front door. He opened it and we heard muffled sobs toward the front door.

“Bra,” we said at the same time. We raced up the stairs to her room, and I opened the door. Bra was in a fetal position crying her eyes out. I sat beside her and hoisted her up.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

She hugged me and I hugged her back. “Raul! He cheated on me. I went to his house to say hi and he was in bed with that waitress from your restaurant! He didn’t see me because he was too busy. I really liked him a lot! He wasn’t one of my flings or anything. I really thought we had something!”

Trunks’ ki rose. “Do you want me to take care of him?”

Bra shook her head. She stopped crying, and her eyes weren’t as red as I thought they would be. “No, Trunks. I could’ve done that myself. Besides I want to end it on my terms and dump him first.”

I smiled inwardly. Bra is a definite survivor. I put on a big smile. “Well, I guess we have to do our ritual,” I said with a big smile.

Trunks rolled his eyes. “A pow-wow? I’m gone.” and he left.

Bra smiled. “But you have school.”

“I’ll skip it. After all my grandfather does own it and I don’t want to go anyway because of Richard.”

Bra raised an eyebrow. “Tell me during our post-cheating/dumping/breakup ritual. Just you, me, and tons of ice cream.”

“What about the movies? We can’t do a ritual without girl-dumping-guy movies,” I said.

Bra wrote a list and gave it to me. “Just get Trunks to get them for us.”

I nodded and walked toward Trunks’ door. It was slightly open and I peeked inside and smiled. Trunks was playing Pokemon Yellow™. He was holding a lime green Gameboy™ and he was jumping up and down.

“Pikachu! I choose you!” he yelled. “Gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all!™ Thunder jolt! Thunder jolt! Team Rocket goes blasting off again!”

I couldn’t take it anymore. “So are you a pokemon master now?” I asked.

Trunks turned the Gameboy™ and turned deep red. Swiveling around, he gave me a glare. “Do you always spy on people?”

I smiled sweetly at him. “Of course not, Trunks-chan. I have favor to ask of you?”

“What is it?”

“Go rent Bra and me all these movies,” I said, giving him the list.

He snorted. “Hell no. Get of your lazy asses and do it yourselves.”

I smiled at him. “Well, I just might accidentally slip about you being a Pokemon master. If someone just so happens to rent movies for me, I’ll forget all about it.”

Trunks smirked. I had him and we both knew it. “You drive a hard bargain, Son. But I’ll do it.”

I blew him a kiss. I was becoming more flirtatious day by day. “Like you had a choice?” and I left his room, self-satisfied grin on my face.


It was 1:37 am; I ate nine pints of ice cream and I was still very hyper. I tossed and turned in the guest room. I got up and walked quickly down the stairs for some water. I flipped the switch and winced as lights flooded the kitchen. I tiptoed across the marble floor and went to the cupboard where the Briefs kept their glasses.

I took one glass and walked toward the refrigerator. I opened the door to look for water.

“Nice nightgown”

The glass slipped from my hand, but I hardly noticed the crash. Turning around, my heart stopped. Oh. My. God. What stood there was Trunks wearing black boxers and nothing else. His body was dripping wet and the kitchen lights were reflecting of his well-toned chest.

I recalled Bra telling me Trunks trained with Vegeta late at night so Trunks must have freshly showered and came down for a snack. I read somewhere that 35 was the peak of physical attraction so maybe that’s why I’m lusting after him. Still, Trunks looked like a Greek god. And I wanted to be his sacrifice.

Then I blushed. I felt silly in the short baby-doll nightgown Bra let me borrow. I felt so naked, so exposed. Miraculously, I found my voice.

“You startled me,” I whispered.

“I gathered,” he said in a low, gravelly, sexy voice.

I mentally shook my head. Lust is a sin, Panny girl, I told myself. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

He gave me a boyish smile. “I live here,” he reminded me, the amusement evident in his voice.

I blushed feeling stupid. Not only was I half-naked, I was making incoherent comments. “Right,” I softly said. The silence after my statement was deafening. “I’m going to clean up the glass,” I stammered. I cringed inwardly at myself and turned around to pick up the glass. I squatted and pulled down on my nightgown. I didn’t want to embarrass myself even more. I felt his eyes on me and sighed.

Before I knew it, he squatted beside me and started picking up glass.

“Be careful, Pan. You might cut yourself,” he whispered in my ear. He was right beside me, so close. I looked at him and his eyes seemed to be inviting me. It would be rude not to accept. He must be paying me back for what happened at Victoria’s Secret. If I kissed him, he would win, but this is one game I’m willing to lose. All I had to do was cross 2 inches and kisses him.

Then Vegeta walked in. He didn’t even acknowledge us. He just took water for himself and left, but you could tell we amused him. Trunks stood up.

“I’ll get the broom,” he flatly said.

I watched his retreating back and only one thought coursed through my mind. This was not good. Not good at all.


Yes I am evil! I love this chapter!! Haha! *reader picks up lamp and throws it at me* he he. Well, at least you didn’t have to wait a long time. I actually enjoy writing this story. Lots of fun to do! Oh, well here’s a link to my website. It’s a shrine to Trunks. You guys have to look at the picture I drew of Trunks and Goten. I got the idea from the Charlie’s Angels Soundtrack and I like to call it “Tangerine Speedo”. My scanner program kind of screwed up the colors a bit, so please bear with me. Also, that is the first time I actually drew muscles on DBZ males. I’m telling you, you will laugh! I change the layout a lot, so don’t be surprised if pages are different colors. I am also working on a Trunks and Pan shrine. Well please review. Pretty please with sugar on top?? Well see ya!