
Chapter 3:Irresistible: Future Father-in-law knows best, and a trip to Victoria’s Secret.

By: Ryoko#2001

Hey! Well, thank you everyone for reviewing the 2nd chapter. More mayhem is in this chapter! In this chapter, Pan acts like a seductress. Please review.


I looked at the clock. It read 5:09 am. I should get up since Vegeta is going to train me, but I couldn’t muster the strength. Last night’s fiasco drained me away emotionally and I didn’t feel like getting up. A fresh wave of tears threatened to overcome me when I remembered what Richard did. Bastard. And to think I trusted and liked him.

My digital clock read 5:11 pm. I really should get up. I would call to cancel, but Vegeta was the kind of person who would not take no for an answer. Might as well suck it up and take it like a Saiyan. Besides, if I imagine I’m hurting Richard, it might push me to SSJ2


I arrived there one minute late. Vegeta looked very angry. He was punctual, right down to the second and I knew I was in trouble. I landed in front of him.

“Hi,” I weakly said.

“Why are you late?” he barked. Ouch.

“Well, I-I,” I stammered.


“I overslept.”

There. I said it. He was silent for a moment. With Vegeta, it was never a good sign.

“Why didn’t you use instant transmission? Didn’t Kakarot teach you?”

I gasped. In my self-pitying state, I forgot all about it. Stupid Richard. Guys screw you up.

Then Vegeta kicked me. A tree was in my path, so I flipped, bounced off the tree, turned SSJ, and attacked Vegeta.

“HAI!” I yelled. I imagined it was Richard and I landed a couple of punches and I kicked him in the gut.

He backed away and smirked. “You need to be punished for being late. I’m going to show you a little trick I learned from Chrome Dome and the Namek,” he smugly said.

I had a sinking sensation because I knew what he had in store for me would hurt. Then there were three Vegetas. Three SSJ3 Vegetas.

“Oh shit.”

I held my own for about five minutes then Vegeta #1 kicked me.

“You should never be late!!” he yelled as he fired a beam at me.

“AHH!” I yelled as I tried to counter it. My body started to grow and I realized I was turning SSJ2. Then it stopped and I fell on the floor.

The three Vegetas became one and he smirked. “Don’t be late next time. Meet you in the kitchen.”

I felt like limp spaghetti. I knew I was going to be in pain tomorrow. I pushed myself up and walked toward the kitchen. There was a glass of water for me. Vegeta was drinking one for himself. Wow, even though I was late, he did something nice.

I noticed no one was downstairs. “Where’s everyone?” I inquired.

“Woman is at a meeting with Brat. Bra is asleep.”

“Oh,” I said then nausea came over me.

I ran to the wastebasket and there went last night’s dinner. Even the food was horrible at the date. Vegeta looked at me, one eyebrow cocked up. I took a huge gulp of water.

“Damn, Trunks knocked you up already?”

I started to wheeze and I scowled at my sensei. I really hope I can’t die considering there was about 4 oz. of water in my lungs.

“I haven’t done anything with Trunks!” I indignantly said.

“But you want to.”

I was going to protest when I realized he might be right. Dammit, I was falling for Trunks. And I didn’t even want to like him. Vegeta almost smiled.

“I’m right! Well, I’ll give you credit. You are much better than those stupid human sluts out there so I want you to mate my brat and keep the Saiyan heritage alive.”

“There’s a huge gap between crush and mating. I’m not even going to think about crossing it.”

Vegeta studied me. “My brat of a son has woman falling over him. You will cross the line. You aren’t as tough as you think you are. Trunks will get the best of you.”

“I seriously doubt it. I’m going to go to my mom’s house for breakfast. See ya, Vegeta-sensei.” And I used instant transmission to leave.


After having breakfast and taking a long shower, my mother, Grandma Chichi, and I went shopping.

“Oooh! There’s Victoria’s Secret!” Grandma squealed.

Mom and Grandma scurried of to the lingerie section while I wandered around the lotion section. Then I saw Trunks. Damn, he must be stalking me. As I studied his profile, I wondered if a little flirting wouldn’t hurt. Putting on my best smile, I walked up to Trunks to play the seductress.

“Hey. I thought your cross-dressing days were over,” I teased.

He looked up and smiled. “Sometimes, I feel the need to put on a wedding dress. It comes with the hair, ya know.”

I laughed heartily at that. Should I or shouldn’t I touch his shoulder. He probably would know I was flirting after all, woman throw themselves at him. Literally.

“But, seriously, why are you here?” I asked.

“Mom ran out of her favorite lotion and of course she sends me to get it.”

“Well at least you got out of work.”

“Yeah. So how was your date?” he asked in a tone of nonchalance.

It was so obvious he was jealous. “You’re jealous, Briefs.”

He leveled me with a glare. “Trunks Vegeta Briefs does not get jealous.”

“Right,” I sarcastically said.

“But seriously, how was it?”

I was not going to tell him my date sucked and I almost blasted the guy to the next dimension. Trunks would make fun of me. “It was pretty cool,” I replied. Then he tried to sleep with me, my inner voice silently added. “Where did you go?” he interrogated.

This was too funny. “Just some Italian place. What’s up with the third degree?”

Then Grandma Chichi poked her head out and yelled. “Pan! They have some great underwear here! Even those leopard Brazilian-style thongs Videl told me you like!”

I just stood there, frozen in place. That was just perfect. Trunks started laughing like a baka and I looked like a tomato. I punched him the stomach and he wheezed a bit.

“Shut up, Trunks,” I growled.

He snorted. “Leopard thongs? Are you wearing one now?”

Then I had an idea how to turn this situation around to my favor.

“Would you like to see it?” I seductively said.

His eyes widened. He obviously didn’t expect me to say that. I leaned against Trunks and pulled his head to mine. Our lips were almost touching and I could tell he wanted to kiss me. The desire in his eyes was evident.

“Tell your pants, its not nice to point,” I whispered.

I immediately backed off and walked to where my mom and grandma was, leaving an embarrassed and speechless Trunks. A little flirting definitely didn’t hurt at all.


So did you like this chapter? Personally, I liked the Vegeta line I threw in. *evil laughter* Anyways, what matters is what you think. Please review and if you don’t like or find something wrong in here, please tell me without blatantly flaming me. You want a preview? Okay, here it goes and this time, you get two!

Pikachu, I choose you! And Late-night snacks.

Heh, I know you are wondering about the pokemon thing. Well, that’s actually the title to the next chapter. Review please!!!!!!!!!!