
Chapter 2:Training sessions, coffee for two, and a date from HFIL

By: Ryoko#2001

Hey! Thank you so much for the reviews. You really do not know how much I appreciate it. I was so happy to find all these reviews. I really hope you enjoy this next chapter. In this chapter, Pan does stuff she wouldn’t usually do, but hey, the story must go on!


I stood in front of Vegeta who surveyed me.

“Go SSJ1,” he commanded.

It was 5:30 AM and lightly drizzling. I had fleeting thoughts about sleep, but I powered up. Before I knew it, I was punched in the stomach. I doubled over and scowled at my sensei.

“Terrible defense,” he commented.

“I didn’t know you planned to attack me now,” I muttered.

He leveled me with a glare. “I said training begins at 5:30 am.”

“Well, in that case…” and I punched him in the face. He moved back a bit and smirked.

“Nice one, but don’t stop,” he said. He punched me in the stomach, and I did a flip in the air and launched an all out attack on Vegeta. He had excellent defense, so I didn’t even land a punch. “Weakling,” he muttered and I began to see red. I was one of the strongest fighters. I gave Vegeta a roundhouse kick to his head, and he flew and hit the tree. When he got back up, I was in a fighting stance.

We sparred like that for four hours and I was a mess. Vegeta had a few bruises while I had cuts that were openly bleeding. Still, I smiled.

“Good workout, Vegeta-sensei,” I cheerily said.

We walked into the kitchen where Bulma, Bra, and Trunks where sitting down eating breakfast. When Bulma saw me, she almost had a heart attack.

“Pan, what in the world happened to you? You look terrible. Take a sensu bean!” she said, giving one to me.

I ate it and gave the infamous Son grin. “I was just sparring with Vegeta-sensei.”

Vegeta huffed. “She’s part Saiyan. Of course she can handle fighting.”

Bra rolled her eyes. “Sparring? That’s all you guys.”

Trunks smirked. “You’re just mad ‘cause you wouldn’t last even a minute without worrying about breaking a nail. Besides, Pan, you look terrible. I guess you aren’t as strong as you thought.”

Bra and I both gave him the finger.

“Do you really want to fight me? ‘Cause I can open a can of whoop-ass even in my state,” I threatened.

“Sorry, Pan. I have work. We’ll fight later. And Bra, I know I’m hot and all, but incest isn’t my thing,” he said and Trunks was out of the door.

Bulma shook her head. “He’s always like that. Here’s some food for you,” she said handing me a plate of bacon, Danish, and eggs.

“Thank you, Bulma-san.”

Bra smiled at me when I sat down beside her. “We can gossip now! Don’t you have a date tonight?”

With those words, everyone stared at me, especially Vegeta.

“With a human?” he asked, face curled up in disgust. Bulma scowled at him, but he ignored it.

“Who else am I supposed to date?” I asked, mouth full with food. “Besides, Bulma-san isn’t a human.”

Vegeta waved that away. “That’s totally different. He isn’t of your class, Brat.”

“Well, Vegeta-san,” I began, but he cut me off.

“Sensei. Vegeta-sensei,” he growled.

I ignored it. “Most of my class is dead. And Uub and Marron are married. Who am I supposed to date?”

Vegeta shook his head as if the answer was obvious. “Trunks.”

Cough, cough, cough, cough. I was choking on my eggs. I took a huge gulp of water. “What?”

Vegeta looked calm. “He’s part-Saiyan. Besides, I don’t want him to mate with some human.”

Bulma became starry-eyed. “That’s a great idea! I can plan the wedding. The bridesmaid dressed could be blue, no green! And the flowers…”

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Vegeta was trying to play matchmaker. That was almost funny. Almost.

“Excuse me, but what makes you think I want to be with Trunks?” I huffily said.

Bulma’s face fell. “What’s wrong with Trunks?”

That was a hard one. I couldn’t think of anything, but marrying Trunks? That was too weird.

Bra chirped. “I know why! Not only is he an egotistical bastard, but he looks like daddy did when he had that ugly mustache!”

“What???!!” Vegeta screamed.

Bra angelically smiled. “It’s the truth.”

Vegeta muttered curses under his breath, but didn’t reprimand her. Instead, he went upstairs to take a shower. Bra had a leash over her father.

“Oh well. It was a nice thought when it lasted. Might as well do the dishes,” Bulma said and left the room.

I shook my head. “No offense, but your parents are crazy! Trunks and me?”

Bra looked thoughtful. “I don’t know. You two would look cute together and it would be nice for you to be my sister.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. I have to go. I’m meeting Goten for lunch.”

Bra’s eyes lit up. “Goten? Is he still cute? Tell him I said hi!”

“Will do,” I said and left.


Goten cancelled our meeting. He said he was going to New York, but I still wasn’t so sure. Even though spring break was next week (when we would depart for New York), I might have a guy to hang out with. I went into Starbucks to get some coffee when I saw Trunks. Was that man everywhere I went, or what? I playfully pinched his butt and smiled up at him.

“Seems like someone was playing hooky,” I teased.

He smirked at me. “I know I have a nice ass and all, but hands off.”

I rolled my eyes. “You wish! It’s only 11:00 and you aren’t in work. I wonder why?”

Trunks shrugged and moved up with the line. “It was a slow day and I decided to take a breather.”

We reached the counter and he smiled at me. “I’ll get you some coffee on me, just get a table.”

“Thanks, Briefs.”

I retrieved a table by the window when I was struck with a sudden thought. Trunks and I were acting like a couple. I admit, I am attracted to him, but I knew him way too long.

Trunks came with our coffee. “Three sugars and two creams, right?” he said, referring to how I used to drink coffee when I was 14.

I smiled, refusing to be charmed that he remembered. “Yep. So, what’s up? Do you have any new rides in your office?” I teased

Trunks blushed. “Kami, no! I learned the hard way not to mix business with pleasure. Now my ex-secretary is bragging to the world she had my love child when it’s really her little sister.”

I laughed at that.

“So what about you? Do you have anyone?” he inquired.

I shrugged. “I have a date tonight.”


If I didn’t know better, I would say Trunks is jealous.

“Just some guy from school.”

He opened his mouth to talk, but his phone rang. While he was talking, I wondered if he was attracted to me. He hung up and apologetically smiled. “I have to go. Are you and Goten coming?”

“Goten is, but I’m not sure.”

“You should. What is Goten doing anyway?”

I laughed. “Goten is definitely a true Son. He’s a taste tester.”

Trunks laughed heartily. “Tell Goten I’ll call him. Bye, Panny,” and he kissed me on the forehead and left.

Okay, he didn’t like me in a different way since he called me Panny and kissed me on the forehead. But then again, he was attracted me. Why did I care anyway? I didn’t like him or did I? All Bulma’s and Vegeta’s fault for putting thoughts in my head. I finished my coffee, and threw away the Styrofoam cup. I had a date to get ready for.


He was right on the dot. Before answering the door, I mentally checked myself. I wore an orange halter-top and dark blue jeans. I grabbed my bag and opened the door. “Hey, Richard,” I said.

He wore a red shirt and dark blue jeans. His blonde hair was spiked and his green eyes were sparkling.

“Hey, Pan. You look great.”

I smiled. “Same to you.”

He escorted me to his car and opened the door. An extra 10 points for being a gentleman. He drove to Olive Garden, and opened the door for me.

“I hope you like Italian,” he said as we walked into the restaurant.

“Yeah, I do.”

We gout our seats and a beautiful waitress came to serve our table.

“Hello. I am Lisa, your waitress. What would you like to have?”

Ah, the test. I wondered if he was going to flirt with her. But he didn’t. In fact, he was the perfect gentleman. He was nice, sweet, charming, witty, and could hold an intelligent conversation that didn’t include animalistic grunts. He drove to his apartment, and I started to get nervous. It was pretty obvious what he probably wanted.

He smiled at me. “Relax. I just have to get something. Come on in,” he said.

We went inside of his house and he turned on the TV.

“Where’s the bathroom?” I asked.

“Past the kitchen, on your left,” he said.

I went in there and locked the door. I wasn’t going to sleep with Richard. I think he might want to, but he respects me. I know he does. I heard a snicker and realized he was on the phone. With my Saiyan hearing, I could hear every single word.

“Yep, I’ll have her in my bed by 10:30 PM. Pan Son will be mine.”

Those words went through my head. And I trusted the jerk. I jerked open the door and walked towards the exit. I looked over at Richard and scowled at him. “You will lose that bet, I hope you know.” He paled.

“Pan, I can explain,” but he got punched in the stomach.

I left his apartment and flew away, tears blinding my vision.


Thank you, fluffy, Regina, Lady6183, shinigami379, N, Lady Ev, Bee, PsychoPixieDragn, Lonna¸ Angel, Ketty, animiluvr, Kalessan, sHiNiGaMi, B-chan¸ L, tiger, shadowlilly, Shin no Tenshi, PCTG, Zia, Tracy, somebody4someone, and drama-queen for reviewing. B-chan, I’ll try not to disappoint you! Zia, that was informative. Thanks! Well, it’s 11:40 here and I’m going to post this up now.

P.S. Vegeta will be sorta playing matchmaker throughout the series.

You really want a preview? Ya sure? Oh, all right. I am not a hentai, but the preview is kinda weird. You just have to read the story to find out!!

What to expect: Brazilian leopard-print thongs.

Don’t even ask. Just review and wait for the next chapter. Ja ne!