I need a little Miracle

Chapter 4

Okay just to let everyone know…this doesn’t have anything to do with “Years.” I think that my last statement might have confused some people. I was saying that I hope this series is just as good as the other one…hehe…well, please read and enjoy it!


Pan paced the room nervously. ‘Great, this is the worst time to get nervous.’ Pan thought. She continued to keep her paces at even ratios…she even began to count her steps.

*Knock knock* “Pan honey, I’m coming in!” Videl said.

“Okay.” Pan said not losing track of her steps. Videl stepped in and gasped.

“PAN!! You’re not even ready yet! You’re getting married in another hour…unless you’ve forgotten.” Videl said.

“Of course I haven’t mother.” Pan said hysterically.

“Oh no, not another case of cold feet.” Videl sighed shaking her head.

“Mom, I’m so nervous. I don’t know why. The butterflies in my stomach are just fighting to get out!” Pan yelled.

“Well, that’s the way cold feet work Panny.” Videl laughed.

Pan just frowned at her mother. “You are really not helping right now mom.” Pan said.

“Okay, okay.” Videl waved off. “Now, let’s get you ready for your wedding.” Videl said.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Came a couple of voices from the door. Pan looked behind her mother and saw Bra, Bulma, Chi Chi, and Marron standing there.

“You guys are too much.” Pan said happily as everyone worked together to get the bride ready.


Trunks just looked at his reflection in the mirror. ‘I wonder if Pan is this nervous.’ He thought as he ran another desperate hand through his hair.

Trunks looked towards the window where he heard tapping. Thinking it was Goten; he went over and opened the blinds.

“AH!!! IT’S TRUNKS!” A crazed girl said as she continued beating on the window. Trunks just sighed in pure disgust.

“Man, it sucks to be me.” He muttered. “Excuse me.” Trunks said.

“OH MY GOD!!! HE’S TALKING TO ME!” The girl squealed.

“Yes, I am talking to you. Do you mind getting the hell out of there? Right now, I’m engaged to the most beautiful woman on this planet…and I have no intention of giving her up for nobody.” He said hoping to shoo the woman away.

“It’s okay! We can have an affair!” The girl yelled through the window. Trunks just rolled his eyes in disgust. Without saying anything else, he shut the blinds and never looked back. He heard curses, and pounding from outside…but he refused to open the window.

Trunks was drawn out of his thoughts when Videl walked in. “Hello Trunks.” She smiled.

“Hey.” Trunks said lightly.

“Ah, I see you’ve got the case of cold feet too.” Videl nodded knowingly.

“You mean Pan feels this way too?” He questioned.

“Of course she does.” Videl laughed. Trunks sighed a sigh of relief as he fell on the nearby couch.

“Okay, I thought it was just me.” He said running a hand through his hair.

“Of course not…it’s a normal part of ‘The Big Day.’” Videl added.

“Hehe…” Trunks laughed sheepishly.

“Well then, I’ll leave you with your thoughts…plus I gotta go help Pan. She’s still not ready.” Videl said.

“Well, she’s a woman. It’s understandable.” Trunks shrugged.

“Good point.” Videl laughed.


Trunks stood by the alter as the moment would soon unfold before his very eyes. His impatience was dwindling down to nothingness…but he managed to wait because he knew that he had forever with the girl that he has wanted for so long…actually, too long.


Pan stood at the door calmly waiting for her father to arrive. He was there…but he thought that he’d antagonize the bride and groom by taking his sweet time. Gohan rounded the corner and walked ever so slowly.

“Come on Dad!! This isn’t funny!” Pan screeched quietly.

“I’m getting there.” Gohan said smiling his sly smirk as Pan fumed. “Alright, I’m here.” Gohan laughed as his daughter hit him lightly. “You ready to start the rest of your life?” Gohan asked seriously.

“I wasn’t so sure before…but now I know I’m ready.” Pan answered Gohan’s question with ease.

“Well, I don’t think that I’ve ever wanted to say this, but I think it needs to be said. My little girl has really grown up…and before my very eyes. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken that for granted.” Gohan said.

“Wrong again daddy.” Pan smiled. “I’ll always be here…and when I have children…they’ll be there too.” Pan smiled. Gohan smiled brightly as he figured out that Pan was right.

“Okay, but I don’t think that now is a good time to discuss this. I think that your husband-to-be might be a little impatient…especially since he’s got Vegeta’s blood in him.” Gohan laughed.

“Yeah, good point.” Pan laughed as her and Gohan stood before the large church doors.

“You ready?” Pan asked.

“Ready when you are.” Gohan smiled. Pan nodded her head in the direction of the door holder as he opened the door for her. And soon, the music began to play.


Trunks was about ready to go and look for his bride himself when the door opened. He nearly let his jaw go slack as he saw the most beautiful woman in the world appeared at the door.

‘Good Kami she’s beautiful.’ Trunks thought.

‘Thank you.’ He heard Pan say in his head. Trunks continued to blink rapidly as he heard Pan. Pan noticed his little moment of confusion and decided to fill him in.

‘I can hear you in my head…we’re speaking telepathically.’ Pan thought. Trunks just nodded his head slightly.

Pan felt her father leave her side as she noticed that she was a lot closer to Trunks and the altar now.

She felt her blood race as she suddenly felt alone and all eyes upon her. But Trunks filled in the little gap and Pan felt her world fall into one big whole piece.

Trunks squeezed Pan’s hand for reassurance. She seemed to calm her racing heart and looked deeply into Trunks’ eyes. She felt a sense of security and just mumbled out her vows as the priest instructed.

Before both knew it, the priest was blessing the rings. Pan looked down and noticed that the ceremony had passed a lot faster than she thought. She smiled to herself as Trunks placed the ring on her slender finger.

It was Pan’s turn to place the ring on his finger. She held his hand tightly as she slid the ring over his masculine fingers. She squeezed his hand once more to make sure that this moment was real, and not just another one of her dreams.

Pan almost felt her eyes water as she found out that it wasn’t a dream. She just stood her ground as Trunks began to lift the veil. Inside, Pan had stray tears going down her face.

“Don’t cry Pan…I’m here and I’m real.” He whispered.

“Good.” Pan said as he leaned in to kiss his bride. The crowd behind them cheered as they kissed each other deeply. Pan’s eyes sprouted a few tears…but nothing dramatic.


Trunks watched Pan with slight amusement. She stood in front of a large group of unmarried women. She looked over at Trunks and flashed him her best smile. Trunks only smiled back with that sly grin as she turned around and got ready to throw the bouquet. She turned her head around one last time and smiled. With a quick turn, she threw the bouquet up.

Bra watched as it came down to her. She caught the flowers and held them up in the air happily.

“OH HELL NO!!!” Vegeta roared. Bulma just wrapped her arm around Vegeta’s waist…and that sure kept him in place.


Everyone smiled proudly as Trunks and Pan stood waving to everyone outside of their limo. Trunks grasped Pan’s hand and led her inside of the limo. Once both were inside, they rolled the windows down and said their good-byes one last time. After the car began to move slightly, they closed the window, and the rest of the time…was theirs for eternity.


Well, there is my short last chapter. I hope that you enjoyed this series as well. I hope to make a good creative series after I finish “Blood Rivals.” Please write review. Ja ne!

-Christina :)