I need a little Miracle

Chapter 3

Pan glanced at the finished product. Her work had been completed…and she was glad. Trunks was beginning to get to her. Sure she liked the idea…but she also told him that she would never give into him, and she never went back on her word.

“Okay Mr. Briefs…I’m finished.” Pan said standing up.

“Pan, you REALLY don’t have to talk like that. I REALLY wish you wouldn’t.” Trunks pleaded.

“No Mr. Briefs, I prefer to call you that.” Pan said.

“Well, I prefer you don’t.” Trunks said wittily.

“Well…too bad.” Pan said walking out of his office.


Pan sighed as she continued her long drive home. Well actually, the drive was only 5 minutes…but after her long day, it seemed longer.

*Ring Ring* Pan’s cell phone rang incessantly.

“What?!” Pan yelled in highly irritated.

“Well, I can see someone didn’t have a good day.” Gohan laughed into the receiver.

“Sorry dad…yes it has been a long day.” Pan mumbled.

“Anyway, how was your day?” Gohan asked.

“Long, but I’m looking forward to the weekend.” Pan sighed.

“That’s good, because Bulma has invited us over for dinner.” Gohan said with a smile forming on his lips.

“You’re kidding right.” Pan said.

“Nope…sorry kiddo, but attendance is mandatory.” Gohan laughed.

“Awww…dad….do I hafta?” Pan whined.

“Yes you do…now hurry and get home so you can get ready.” Gohan said demandingly.

“Okay already.” Pan said into the phone.

“Alright Pan…see you later. Bye.” Gohan said.

“Yeah bye.” Pan said moodily hanging up the phone.


Pan let the hot water pound on her relentlessly. After her long day, she didn’t mind the hot shower. But after thinking about the little encounters with Trunks…she was debating weather or not to turn off the hot water and take a long cold shower.

“PAN! HURRY UP!” Goten yelled from the outside of the bathroom.

“Alright already.” Pan said stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her. She opened the door and saw a very angry Goten standing there.

“There, I’m done.” Pan said walking past him. She heard Goten slam the door and hop into the shower.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! IT’S COLD!!! PAN!!!” Goten yelled opening the door and pounding on his niece’s door.

“What?!” Pan said menacingly while opening the door.

“You used all the hot water!” He yelled.

“Well boo hoo.” Pan said closing the door on her childish uncle.

Pan heard him grumble all the way back to the bathroom.


Pan continued to argue with Gohan all the way to Capsule Corporation.

“Do I really have to go? I really don’t want to talk to Trunks.” Pan said.

“Well, you don’t have to talk to him. Just eat dinner and mingle with Bra and the rest of them.” Gohan insisted.

“But dad…” Pan continued to whine.

“But nothing Pan. Now stop your whining and act your age.” Gohan scolded.

“Alright already.” Pan said sitting back. She looked over at Goten and noticed that he was still peeved off at her.

“Uncle Goten?” Pan asked tapping his shoulder.

“What?” He said hotly.

“I’m sorry for blowing up on you. It’s been a LONG week.” Pan said sincerely.

Goten sighed. “It’s okay…I guess. I don’t know what happened too. I woke up with the worst hang over yesterday…and I was broke too…I don’t remember what I spent all of my money on.” He said sadly.

“Here uncle Goten.” Pan said handing him a wad of bills.

“No Pan…I couldn’t.” Goten said handing it back.

“No…I insist.” Pan said. ‘And besides…some of it’s yours.’ Pan thought shuddering at the thought of her drunken uncle handing her money. “Eww…” Pan muttered.

“What’s wrong?” Goten questioned.

“Nothing, nothing at all.” Pan said.


Pan entered the Briefs residence hesitantly. “Hi everyone!” Bulma greeted as she shut the door behind them.

“Hi Bulma.” Everyone greeted walking into the living room.

“Pan, Goten.” Bulma called.

“Yes?” They both answered turning around.

“Trunks and Bra are in the upstairs living room waiting for you two.” Bulma said.

“Okay, thanks Bulma-san.” They said making their way’s upstairs, though Pan took a very hesitant step the entire way.

“Hi Trunks, hi Bra!” Goten yelled greeting them.

“Goten!” Bra squealed jumping into his arms and giving him a long and well-deserved kiss.

‘Boy, Bra would kill Uncle Goten if she knew that he went to a strip club.’ Pan laughed just thinking about the sight of Bra beating Goten over the head with her fists.

“Hey, why don’t we go somewhere quiet.” Goten whispered into her ear.

“Okay.” Bra blushed thinking of the possibilities.

The two left, leaving Trunks and Pan dumbfounded.

“Pan.” Trunks greeted.

“Trunks.” Pan nodded in his direction while sitting on the sofa.

“So, it’s not Mr. Briefs anymore I see?” Trunks said amused.

“Well, this isn’t your office, now is it?” Pan retorted equally in the same tone.

“Guess not.” Trunks shrugged.

“So…” Pan trailed off. She was still uncertain of today’s events, and she preferred not to talk about it. Trunks on the other hand, didn’t mind.

“Pan, about today.” He started off.

“There’s nothing to talk about.” Pan said standing up and walking onto the close by balcony. She leaned on the railing and took in a long deep breath.

“But there is something to talk about.” Trunks said coming up behind her while running his hands up and down her arms.

“Trunks…no…” Pan moaned.

“Then stop me.” He said.

“I…I…” Pan started.

“You can’t.” He whispered into her ear.

“No…stop…” She said doing her best to push him off her. She only succeeded in getting herself turned around and pushed up closer to Trunks.

“Pan, you don’t want to stop me.” He said leaning down closer to Pan.

“Trunks…” Pan said. But she couldn’t continue. Her lips were soon covered by something that was not her own. She felt the softness of his lips stop the incessant noise of her talking.

‘Pan, your promise.’ She told herself.

“No Trunks, STOP IT!” She yelled out pushing him off her. She looked up at him angrily.

“Pan, why?!” He yelled out.

Pan just turned her head…afraid he’d see that she really did want him.

“Pan! I want you to look me in the eye and honestly tell me that you don’t want me…and then I’ll stop.” He said.

“I don’t want you.” She said emotionlessly.

“You’re lying.” Trunks said smiling slightly.

“How do you know?” Pan retorted.

“Because Pan.” He said closing the distance between them and caressing her cheek while looking her deeply in the eyes. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that your eyes are the window to your soul.” He said caressing her cheek.

“Everyone tells me that…but I don’t let anyone see inside.” Pan said looking away.

“Pan, I know that you think that no one understands you…but I do. I know of the loneliness that you face. I know about your fiancé that ran off with a girl he barely knew. I know of your pain…because I can feel it too.” He said.

“How do you know about that? I didn’t tell anyone except for my mom and dad. Did Goten tell you? I bet he was eavesdropping on my conversation!” She said angrily.

“No Pan…I felt it.” Trunks said bringing her hand to his heart.

Pan looked at Trunks, dumfounded once again. “How did you feel it Trunks?” She asked.

“I just did Pan. It was like a weird little voice in the back of my mind that was telling me to save you from your pain. But then again, it could be my conscience.” He shrugged.

“Well Trunks, I’m glad that you found your conscience. But as for me, I will always have my pride. You told me that I should drop my pride…but without it, I’m vulnerable. And I WILL NOT feel hurt again. I never want to feel again.” Pan said pushing swiftly into the house.

Trunks looked as she was walking into the house. He scowled. “Pan, denial is a strong thing…but it isn’t as strong as love. Pan, stop fooling yourself, I know that you want me…be true to your heart!” He yelled inside.

Pan just shook her head and continued to go anywhere but there. She found herself wandering around the Briefs residence. She wasn’t exactly lost. She used to come here everyday as a child. Why should today feel any different?

‘Probably because things have changed…feelings have changed.’ Pan thought answering her own question.

She stopped when she noticed that she was outside of Trunks’ door. She just stood there stupidly. She knew that Trunks was in there. After their little talk, he went straight to his room. Pan had two options…she could walk away and never come back. Or she could let go of her pride and go into his room to say that he was right.

Pan decided to go with option one. She began to walk away. She began to slow down for no apparent reason. Pan stopped again.

‘Should I stay…or should I go?’ Pan thought. She didn’t have time to think. Her feet began to move for her. She didn’t even notice the distance between her and Trunks’ door closing in. She was now right in front of it.

Pan’s hand surrounded the entire cold doorknob. She was afraid of what was about to happen. She’d be breaking her promise to herself…but her heart didn’t want to go through that discussion again. Instead, it forced her to turn the handle and walk in.


Trunks sat there dumbfounded as someone opened his door. He looked up and saw Pan. He was lying on his bed, just looking up at the ceiling when she interrupted his little moment.

Pan noticed that he was just lying there without a shirt. She smiled to herself. ‘I think that I might’ve actually chosen the right option.’ Without further notice, she walked over to his bed and sat by his side. She leaned over and gave him a warm passionate kiss. Trunks was surprised to say the least. Here was the girl that had proclaimed that she wouldn’t get involved with him…and now she was making out with him on his bed. He decided not to think anymore.

‘Thinking always gets me into trouble.’ He mused thinking about his days as a youngster causing trouble along with Goten.

When Pan pulled away, Trunks was stroking her face.

“I don’t want to hear you say I told you so.” Pan said lightly.

“Why would I do that?” Trunks asked innocently.

“Because…that is just something that you would do.” Pan smiled leaning in for another kiss.

“You’re right.” Trunks laughed.

Pan looked at Trunks in the eyes. “Pan, what made you change your mind?” Trunks pried curiously.

“Trunks, if I were to tell you a secret…you can’t tell anyone.” Pan said.

“Okay.” Trunks said not sure that he was going to like what she had to say.

“Come here.” She whispered. Trunks leaned his head in closer.

“Closer.” Pan said. Trunks moved his head until he was inches away from Pan.

Pan leaned over and whispered into his ear. “I think I’m falling in love with you.” She said.

“You think?” Trunks said pulling away from her.

“No, I know I’m falling in love with you.” Pan smiled.

“That’s a good thing Pan.” Trunks said.

“I know it is.” Pan said full of pride.

And so Trunks gathered the girl in his arms and gave her the kiss of a lifetime.


Pan continued to type the remainder of the documents that sat on Trunks’ desk. She felt a sudden nip on her neck.

“Trunks, what are you doing?” Pan asked suggestively.

“Just tasting you.” He murmured allowing his kisses to trail down her neck.

“Well, now is not the time…you know that I have to get this done.” Pan sighed leaning back on the chair.

“Not if I give you a break.” He continued trailing his hot kisses down her neck. He continued to plunge further until there was a knock on his door.

“There. That is a sign from Dende to stop.” Pan smiled while getting up to open the door, and to get away from Trunks…for the moment.

“Tsk, tsk.” Bra said once the door opened.

“Oh hey Bra.” Pan smiled allowing the door to open wide enough for her to step in.

“You two know that mom wouldn’t like that in the office.” She directed mostly to Trunks.

Trunks, on the other-hand, just grunted and continued to finish what Pan didn’t. “That is none of your damn business Bra. How do you think mom would feel if I told her what her loving daughter was doing in her VP office as well. Oh, and tell Goten to stop leaving the water in the bathroom running so long. It irritates the living piss out of me.” He smiled seeing his sister redden in embarrassment.

“Shut up Trunks…that is none of your damn business either!” Bra shrilled.

“Then stay the hell out of my business!” Trunks said returning her glare.

“Um…okay you two, cut that out. You’re scaring me.” Pan laughed…well, she tried to break the tension in the room.

“Fine.” Bra said stomping her way out the room. She slammed the door shut.

“Geez.” Trunks muttered. “The never of some people.”

“Now come on Trunks, you provoked her.” Pan soothed taking his seat and continued to type.

“Hurry up Pan, I’ve got a surprise for you.” Trunks urged.

“Alright then, I’m done. Just let me save this.” Pan said. She saved the material and hurriedly shut the computer down.

“Alright, now what is it?” She asked putting on her suit jacket.

“Let’s go.” He said dashing out of the room with the girl in his arms. Pan was about to protest about being able to fly on her won…but thought against it since this felt so good to have someone else do it for her.


Pan felt them come to a stop. She looked down and noticed a big mansion.

“Trunks, where are we? Don’t you think the people that live here might get a little weird over the fact that someone is flying over their house?” Pan asked.

“No, because the owners of the house are flying in the air right now.” Trunks remarked.

“You mean…” Pan started wide-eyed.

“Yes, welcome home Pan.” Trunks whispered. He levitated to the ground in front of the front door.

“Trunks, I don’t know what my parents will have to say when I tell them that I’m moving in with my boyfriend.” Pan reasoned.

“How about telling them that you’re moving in with your fiancé?” Trunks questioned getting down on one knee. Before Pan could question him, Trunks had taken out the ring.

“Son Pan, will you marry me?” He asked lovinlgy.

“Well, I don’t know.” Pan started. She noticed the look of disappointment cross Trunks’ features. She began to laugh. “Of course I’ll marry you silly!” She laughed as he placed the ring on her finger. She tried not to cry out of sheer happiness, but a tear or two fell from her eyes.

Trunks stood up and hugged Pan. “I love you Pan.” He said.

“Trunks, you had me at hello.” Pan said mocking ‘Jerry Maguire.’

Trunks just laughed at Pan’s futile attempt to make the scene romantic. Soon, clapping was heard from the inside of the house. Soon, every one of the Z warriors stepped out of the house.

“What are you doing here?” Trunks asked looking at all of them.

“You didn’t think that we were gonna let you celebrate without us, did you?” Goten questioned while wrapping an arm around Bra’s waist.

“I guess not anymore.” Trunks sighed.

“This is just wonderful. Everyone is here!” Pan said happily.

“So, when is the set day?” Bra asked. Everyone sweat-dropped at her enthusiasm.

“Let’s talk about that later…right now, I’m hungry.” Pan said walking inside the house with Trunks.


Well, how was that? I plan on doing one more chapter…but I hope that this series is a good follow-up to “Years.” Ja ne!

-Christina :)