I Can’t Believe

Chapter 2

YEAH! This part is finally done. Please read and write a review. It would mean a lot to me. I would also like to thank all of you who didn’t bash my story. It’s given me courage to go on. THANX!


Pan sat and took a long deep breath. “At least things can’t get any worst.” She said aloud. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Probably another damn caroler." She said aloud. "Just a minute." She said sweetly.

"Yes..." She started. She opened the door and saw Trunks.

“What do you want?” She asked coldly. Trunks finched at the tone of her voice.

“Can I come in?” He asked quietly.

“Do what you wish.” She said leaving Trunks. She went to the living room and pretended nothing happened as she turned on the Tv.

“What do you want?” She asked icily.

“I just though that you could use a little company.”

“Shouldn’t you be at home. I’m sure that all of your bitches, or is it just Marron, might get mad that you’re not there. Wouldn’t want your fan club to get mad, would you?” She said dripping with sarcasm.

“I broke up with Marron.”


“Pan, I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through.”

“You’re sorry? YOU’RE SORRY! YOU CONNIVING SON OF A BITCH! Don’t tell me you’re sorry Trunks because sorry doesn’t work. I sit at home alone day after day trying to avoid you. Okay Trunks, you win! You broke my god damn heart, and fed it to the dogs as yesterdays dinner! Are you HAPPY?!” She let the flow of tears come down. "So don't say sorry and hope that things will return to normal. I don't trust you anymore, and I don't think that I ever will."

"I understand. But at least some and say hello to everyone. They're all getting worried."

"Fine." Pan got up and grabbed her coat and bag. She turned on her heel and didn't bother to wait for Trunks.


Pan took a deep breath. "At least things can't get any worst." She said aloud. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

'Damn Christmas carolers.' "Just a minute." She said in a sweet voice.

"Yes..." Her sentence was cut short. Trunks was standing outside.

Pan saw Capsule Corporation come into view. She landed in the yard and made her way over to the door. She knocked on the door only to see that no one opened it. She could here the DJ playing music and figured that everyone was dancing.

She opened the door and used her ki to dry herself off from the storm she had ran into. She walked into the ball room to see everyone dancing and dressed up. She just stood in the doorway.

“PAN!” Bra screamed. Everyone adverted their attention to the being standing next to the door. Soon enough, Pan was being passed around the room for hugs and kisses.

Bulma went to the microphone and onto the stage. “Okay everyone, let’s keep this good vibe going. Welcome back Pan-Chan!” Bulma squealed. Pan just smiled sheepishly and scratched her head.

“Now, let’s see who is going to start off our karaoke singing. It is…MARRON!”

Marron smiled and went the DJ. He nodded indicating that he had that song.

“Umm, I have 2 songs to sing.” She stated. Everyone just nodded. Soon, the music began to play…

*This song is sung by Monica and Brady. It's called "THE BOY IS MINE" I did not write this song!!!*

B - Uhm, can I talk to you for a minute?

M - Sure. You know, you look kinda fimilar.

B - Yeah you do too. But uhm, I just wanted to know, do you know

somebody named... you know, you know his name.

M - Oh yeah definetly, I know his name!

B - Well I just wanted to let you know he's mine.

M - Heh, oh no, he's mine.

**** Chorus

You need to give it up

Had about enough

It's not hard to see

The boy is mine

I think it's time we got this straight

Let's sit and talk face to face

There is no way you could mistake him

for your man, are you insane?

You see I know that you may be

Just a bit jealous of me

Cause you're blind if you can't see

That his love is all in me

See I tried to hesitate

I didn't want to say what he told me

He said without me he couldn't make it

Through the day, ain't that a shame

And maybe you misunderstood

Cause I can't see how he could

Wanna change something that's so good

Because my love was all it took

**** Chorus

The boy is mine

You need to give it up

Had about enough

It's not hard to see

The boy is mine

I'm sorry that you

Seem to be confused

He belongs to me

The boy is mine

Must you do the things you do

You keep on acting like a fool

You need to know it's me not you

But if you didn't know it, girl it's true

I think that you should realize

I'm trying to understand why

He is a part of my life

I know it's killing you inside

You can say what you wanna say

What we have you can't take

From the truth you can't escape

I can tell the real from the fake

When will you get the picture

You're the past in the future

Get away it's my time to shine

If you didn't know the boy is mine

**** Chorus

The boy is mine

You need to give it up

Had about enough

It's not hard to see

The boy is mine

I'm sorry that you

Seem to be confused

He belongs to me

The boy is mine


You can't destroy this love I've found

Your silly games I wont't allow

The boy is mine without a doubt

You might as well throw in the towel

What makes you think that he wants you

When I'm the one that brought him to

This special place in my heart

Cause he was my love roght from the start

**** Chorus

The boy is mine

You need to give it up

Had about enough

It's not hard to see

The boy is mine

**** The boy is mine

You need to give it up

Had about enough

It's not hard to see

The boy is mine

I'm sorry that you

Seem to be confused

He belongs to me

The boy is mine

**** You need to give it up

(not yours)

Had about enough

(not yours)

It's not hard to see

(not yours)

The boy is mine

I'm sorry that you

Seem to be confused

He belongs to me

The boy is mine

**** Marron sang this entire song while looking at Pan. Everyone noticed this and sweat dropped. Pan, on the on the other hand, just crossed her arms and smirked.

‘She can be so saiya-jin like.’ Vegeta thought eyeing Pan.

“As the song came to an end, another song started up. Pan watched as Marron’s gaze was turned towards Trunks. She began to sing…

(This is called “I Wanna Be With You” and is sung by Mandy Moore. I did not write this song!!!)

**** I try but i can't seem to get myself to think of anything but you

Your breath on my face you warm, gentle kiss I taste, I taste the truth

We know what i came here for

So I won't ask for more

**** I wanna be with you

If only for one night

To be the one who's in your arms to hold you tight

I wanna be with you

There's nothing more to say

There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way

I wanna be with you

**** So I'll hold you tonight like I would if you were mine to hold you forever more

And I'll savor each touch that I wanted so much to feel before, to feel before

How beautiful it is

Just to be like this

**** I wanna be with you

If only for one night

To be the one who's in your arms to hold you tight

I wanna be with you

There's nothing more to say

There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way

I wanna be with you

**** Oh, baby

I can't fight this feeling anymore (anymore)

Drives me crazy when I try to

So call my name and take my hand

Can you make my wish, your command (command)?


**** I wanna be with you

If only for one night

To be the one who's in your arms to hold you tight

I wanna be with you

There's nothing more to say

There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way

I wanna be with you

**** Oh yeahv I wanna be with you

Wanna be with you, ooo, yeah

I wanna be, I wanna be,

I wanna be, I wanna be,


**** Pan thought that it was a good time to leave. She was ready to turn when something grasped her wrist.

“You can’t keep running from your problems.” Trunks whispered.

“Oh yeah? Watch me.” Pan said slyly. She weaseled her way through the bunch.

She thought that Trunks wasn’t following her anymore, so she made her way to the park and sat on a bench. She brought her knees to her chest and rested her head on her knees. A couple stray tears made their way down her cheek.


Trunks saw Pan on the nearby bench. He sucked it all in and sat next to her.

“Pan-cha…You can’t keep running away from your problems.”

“You just dump them, right Trunks? You seemed to have already tested that strategy. How does it work?”

“Pan, I dumped you because I was a baka. What I mean is…I felt a strong bond form between us. I won’t lie to myself or anyone anymore but I was afraid of commitment. I thought that if I got back together with Marron, things would go back to being the same. I WAS afraid of commitment, but now I regret it. I lost the one true thing that I really love, and that was you. Pan, I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you. I now see that there’s nothing left to do but his.” Trunks leaned in and kissed Pan passionately. Lucky for him, Pan responded.

Pan looked at Trunks in the eyes. “You felt the bond too.” She said as tears coursed down her cheeks. She wiped her tears away. “Trunks, promise me that you’ll never leave me again.”

Trunks said nothing. He got down on one knee and took Pan’s hand. “Pan, after being without you, I learned that I couldn’t live without you. I love you, and I never stopped loving you. I would be honored, if you, Son Pan, would be my wife.” Trunks said. He put a beautiful diamond ring on her hand. She didn’t bother to look at it though. She continued to look into Trunks’ beautiful blue eyes. She wasn’t like all of those other bimbos that Trunks went out with. She wasn’t after his money. She wouldn’t have cared if she got a ring made out of paper, for as long as she had Trunks.

“Yes.” Pan cried. Trunks smiled and kissed Pan passionately. “Trunks, I belong to you now.”

“Come on, let’s go tell everyone the good news.”


Trunks and Pan walked back to Capsule Corporation. They both made their ways to the stage and Trunks took the microphone while Pan pretended to be mad at him.

“Ladies and Gentlemen.” Trunks started. “I have a proposal to make. Actually, I already did. Pan and I are getting married!” He grasped Pans hand as she showed everyone the ring.

“Oh, I knew it was only a matter of time.” Chi Chi and Bulma squealed.

Pan looked over at Marron to see her in a stated of shock.


Pan sat at the side to recollect today’s events.

“YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT! You knew very fucking well that Trunks and I were supposed to get married!” Marron shrilled. Pan stood up, only to be pushed back down by Marron.

“What the hell are you talking about?!” Pan screamed.

“You’re stupid to think that Trunks loves you. Just wait till he comes back to his senses, then we’ll see who’s wearing that ring. Now…run along and play little girl.” She grinned. That set Pan off. If there was one thing she hated, it was being called little. She lunged herself at Marron.


“Uh-oh.” Someone said. Trunks and Gohan turned around to see the fight. Gohan rushed over to Pan while Trunks grabbed Marron. “Pan, calm down!” Gohan yelled.

“Marron, cut it put!” Trunks yelled. Without notice, Marron tilted her head and kissed Trunks. He shoved her away. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!”

“She’s asking to get sent to hell, that’s what!” Pan shrilled. Trunks could see that Gohan was getting tired, so he held Pan in a strong embrace.

“Let her go!” Came an unexpected voice. The all turned to see Vegeta. “Just let Pan go. Trunks is the Saiya-jin Prince. We shall settle things as they do on Vegeta-sei. There will be a battle. Winner is worthy to marry my son.” Everyone gawked at Vegeta’s words. Rarely did he ever call Trunks and Pan by their names. HE never referred to Trunks as his son either. “Then it’s settled. The battle will be held here tomorrow at 8am sharp. Don’t be late.” With that, Vegeta stalked out of the room.


After Pan calmed down, all that was being talked about was the upcoming battle.

“I can’t wait!” Goku squealed. Chi Chi just rolled her eyes at her husband’s childish behavior.

Trunks just sighed. He had tried everything to stop Pan from going through with this, but she was a stubborn ass.

“Oh well, until tomorrow.” Trunks sighed.

Pan made her way over to Trunks. “Good-night underwear.” She said pecking him on the lips.

“Good-night frying Pan.” He said and gave her a more passionate kiss.

Marron stood on the side with an evil grin on her face.

“We’ll see who’s kissing Trunks tomorrow.” She said chuckling evilly as she left the party with her family.


Oh, what will happen next? Well, there’s the other part of my story. Tell me whatch think. THANX! Oh, and I don’t own any of the songs that Marron sang. ByE! BYe!

-Christina :)