I Can’t Believe
I Can’t Believe

Chapter 1

Well…I’m back!!! Did ya miss me? Oh who cares about that right now. Onward to the story. And yes this is yet again another Trunks and Pan fic. So for all you player haters, don’t read after the stars. All righty then…HERE WE GO!!!


Pan kept crying. She let her sobs wrack her body. She couldn’t digest what had just happened. ‘I can’t believe that he left me.’ She thought sadly. Pan and Trunks had been going out for 8 long happy months. Everything seemed to be just fine. This break up just came out of the blue. Pan tried to stop her crying. ‘Come on Pan. Where’s your pride?’ She scolded herself mentally. She quickly stood up and brushed away the stray tears. She blew her nose and calmed herself down. She decided to take out her rage on the unlucky punching back that sat outside to await for it’s fate.


It was Decemer 25th and Bulma had just invited the whole Z gang to get together for her Annual Christmas party. She also made it mandatory that they were formal clothing. Bulma had planned the party and had gone all out again.


Pan checked her watch and cursed at herself for being so careless. The party would be starting any minute. Pan ran through the endless trails of green and cut through the many bushes. Out of a distance, she could see Capsule Corporation. ‘It’s a good thing that I left all of my clothes and make-up at Bra’s house.’ She thought thankfully.


Pan walked to the front door and knocked on it casually.

“Konnichiwa Bulma-san.” Pan greeted respectfully.

“Konnichiwa Pan-chan. Running a little late were we?” Bulma asked politely.

“Hai.” Pan said scratching the back of her head with her famous Son grin. “Is it okay if I use your bathroom?”

“Go ahead. I presume you know where it is?”

“Hai! Arigatou Bulma-san…” Pan stated as she zoomed past Bulma. Bulma just shook her head and smiled. ‘Trunks has made a terrible mistake.’ Bulma’s smile disappeared along with the thought.


Trunks had been walking around the house uneasily. “I can’t face Pan now.” He whined.

“Sure you can.” Came an unexpected voice.

“KAASAN! Don’t do that.” He said jumping into the air.

“Trunks, why are you so uneasy?” Bulma said with a serious tone.



“Pan doesn’t know that I’m going back out with Marron.” Trunks stated plainly.

“So, why should you care what Pan feels.” Bulma said to see her son’s reaction.

“Kaasan, Pan and I may have broken up, but we’re still best friends.”

“Trunks-chan, things will never be the same between you two anymore. You can’t just hope that things will be the same no matter what.” She said to soothe her son.

“I know.” He said above a whisper. He lowered his head not knowing what else to do.

“I don’t know what else to tell you Trunks-chan. But just don’t pretend that nothing happened. You could end up losing a lot more than you bargained for.” Bulma turned on her heel.

“Kaasan, is Pan here yet?”

“No Trunks-chan, not yet. But I’m pretty sure that she’ll be here.” Bulma said leaving. “Oh, and Trunks.”


“You might want to come out now. I think Marron is looking for you.”

“Hai.” Trunks said.

Bulma just took a deep breath. ‘This is going to be a long night.’


Trunks walked out in his black tuxedo.

“I don’t see why mom makes everyone dress for a banquet or something.” He mumbled.

He looked around and saw Marron talking to Goten and Bra in the corner.

“Hi.” Trunks said giving Marron a peck on the cheek.

“Hi.” She smiled.

“Okay love birds, can we go upstairs now? My feet are killing me!” Bra complained.


Pan examined herself in the full length mirror. Her long black dress hugged to every curve on her body. She smiled and thought that she’d put on some make-up. Just as she was applying some dark blue eye shadow, there was a knock at the door.

“Yes.” She replied nicely.

“Pan! Hurry up!” Bra complained.

“Almost done.” She said putting on some lipstick. She opened the door to see a wide eyed open mouthed Bra.

“YOU LOOK GREAT!!!” She squealed joyfully.

“Thanks.” Pan said blushing.

“Come on!” Bra said leading Pan into the upstairs living room.

Pan looked around and was relieved to see that Trunks wasn’t there. She smiled when she saw everyone in the room face-vault. Just then, Trunks walked in to see Pan. He couldn’t help but stare at Pan. Pan quickly noticed Trunks and thought up an excuse.

“I have to go greet the others. You know how Grandma Chi Chi gets if I don’t go and say hi.” She said forcing a smile. “See ya later.” She said hurriedly. She turned and went down the long staircase..

“Can you believe that is my niece.” Goten cracked up. “Who would’ve thought that that beautiful woman is my tomboyish niece.” He said slapping his leg.

“PAN!!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!!” They heard Chi Chi and Bulma say from downstairs.

“Sheesh.” Goten said out loud.


Everyone came downstairs for dinner.

“Pan, you coming? We’re going back upstairs.” Bra asked.

“Umm…it’s okay. I’ll stay downstairs.”

“Okay, bye!”



Bra and Marron decided to go downstairs and keep Pan company, so the two boys were left alone to talk.

“Trunks, you okay?” Asked a very concerned Goten.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.” Trunks mumbled.

“About why Pan keeps avoiding you?” Goten answered coolly.

“You know Goten, for an idiot, you’re pretty smart.”

“Thanks. Anyway, she keeps avoiding you because she’s still in love with you.” Goten replied.

“How would you know?” Trunks questioned.

“I’m her uncle. We share a certain bond, and a certain phone line.” He smirked.

“You were eavesdropping on your niece?!”

“Ummm…NO! She just…ummmm…talks too loud. Yeah, that’s it., hehehe.”

“Whatever. What should I do?” Trunks asked quietly.

“Try talking to her.” Goten stated plainly.

“Easy for you to say. Look, let’s just go downstairs. The DJ’s going to start.”

“Okay buddy.”


Goten and Trunks walked down the stairs. The slow music crept into their ears.

“Oh great.” Trunks grumbled.

Marron and Bra spotted Trunks and Goten and got them on the dance floor immediately, leaving Pan all by herself.

Pan noted that she was the only one sitting. Tien had Lunch, Pilar had Chaozu, Yamcha was with another girl, Bulma had Vegeta (Did hell freaze over?) Goku had Chi Chi, Videl had Gohan, Bra had Goten, and Marron had Trunks. Master Roshi and Oolong were outside trading dirty magazines. (Big surprise…) Pan felt uncomfortable and was about to leave the room when the music ended. Bulma grabbed the microphone.

“Okay everyone, I thought that I’d end a new twist to today’s agenda. I’ll pick out one name, and whoever I choose has to come up here and……….SING!” Everyone just grumbled. Bulma shot all of them death glares, and the room was silent. “Good, just tell the DJ what song. And remember, this song has to have SOME meaning to it.”

Pan just sat down and thought, ‘Well, there’s a one out of a million chances that I’m first.’

“First up is…PAN!” Bulma just smiled her charming smile and glanced over at Pan who had sunken down in her chair.

“Umm..Bulma-san, I can’t…” Pan started. Bulma shot her a “You-better-or-else” glare. “On second thoughts, hehe.” Pan said smiling.

“Good.” Bulma said. Pan walked to the stage hesitating every step she took. She talked to the DJ and he nodded. Pan held the microphone closer to her mouth as the music began to play…

Hmm, no, no, no

No, hmm


You told me that you didn't love her anymore, oh

Then you turn around and you walked out the door, oh

Whether you go or if you stay babe

I'll still be loving you any way

I know I just can't stand the pain


And I can't believe

That she's the one you really love

And I can't believe

That she has your heart

Cause it seems to me

She's the one that you're thinking of

And I can't believe that he is gone

And she's the one who took your love away


I can't believe it's true

That you're not in my life, life

So tell me what did we go wrong, ooh baby

So now that you're gone

All I do is count the days

I'm sorry that you didn't wanna stay

But I will be loving you any way, hey


And I can't believe

That she's the one you really love

And I can't believe

That she has your heart

Cause it seems to me

She's the one that you're thinking of

And I can't believe that he is gone

And she's the one who took your love away


Sooner or later you're gonna see

The mistake you've made baby

And you're gonna run back to me

And you never should've made me cry

And boy let me tell you why

Cause you had the best, the very best

That's why I can't believe that you've gone away


And I can't believe

That she's the one you really love

And I can't believe

That she has your heart

Cause it seems to me

She's the one that you're thinking of

And I can't believe that he is gone

And she's the one who took your love away…

**** Pan sang the song with all of her heart and soul. She kept her eyes on Trunks the entire time. Marron noticed this little contact and became furious. But Pan just kept singing. She allowed a tear to slip down her cheek.

“I suppose that I’m supposed to give an explanation as to why I chose that song. Well, I wanted to sing that to just remind a certain somebody what he does to my heart and soul.” Pan said. It was hard to make out what she was saying, even with the microphone.

Pan stepped off of the stage and walked towards Bulma. “I’m sorry Bulma-san, but I forgot that I have something very important to do. Great party.”

“I understand Pan-chan. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas…” She replied. She regarded her parents, and was off. She didn’t bother to say anything to the group.


Pan flew home at top speed. She didn’t care if her tears were wrecking her make-up. “I’m such a fool.” She cursed aloud.


Trunks stood in utter and complete shock.

“The nerve of that baka girl.” Marron said aloud.

“Shut up Marron. She’s still our friend.” Bra replied angrily. She always like Pan better than Marron. Marron was so arrogant, just like her mother.

“Hmph, whatever. Trunks doesn’t care anyway. She’s the one that spilled her heart out, not me.” Marron retorted.

Bra just snorted. “Come on Goten, let’s go.”


For the next week, Pan avoided all of her friends as much as possible.


Pan began to pack her clothes.

“Pan honey.” Videl chided.

“Yeah mom?” Pan asked.

“Are you sure that you have to go now? I could’ve sworn that you had a longer break.” She asked her daughter while walking into her room.

“Oh, they cut our breaks short this year.”

“Okay, but don’t you want to say bye to any of your friends?”

“Umm…I already did.” Pan said lying.

“Okay. Come on, I’ll take you to the airport then.”


Bra sat in the kitchen doing her nails while talking on the phone.

“Hold on Jana, I’ve got another call. Hello? PAN! How have thing been? Oh wait, let me get rid of someone on the other line. Hello? Sorry Jana but it’s a family emergency. I’ll call you back later. Okay, bye.” Just then Trunks walked into the kitchen. “Hello? Pan, you there? So what’s up…what do you mean that you’re leaving to the United States? Already? Oh well, at least let me throw you a good-bye bash or something…What?! What do you mean that you’re calling from the airplane. Well, give me 10 minutes to run down and say bye. What do you mean the plane took off already. Argh…you should’ve told me ahead of time.” Trunks just listened intently to his sister’s conversation. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to visit you one day then. Bye!”

“Who was that?” Trunks asked.

“You know very well who that was. She’s going back to the US already.”


“For college stupid.”


“She just called to say good-bye.”

“Did she want to say bye to me?”

“Nope. Actually, she didn’t want me to tell you that she was leaving.”

“Oh…” Trunks said disappointed.


For the next year, Pan made excuses to avoid going home.

“Sorry mom, I won’t be able to make it home for Christmas this year.”

“Oh, okay honey.” Videl said sounding disappointed. “Bye.”

Videl turned off the phone. “She’s giving up a lot just to avoid Trunks.” Gohan stated. “It’s not very healthy. Mom’s getting worried.”

“I know.” Videl sighed. Suddenly, her face brightened up with and idea. “Why don’t we send over Trunks to bring her home for Christmas!”

“I don’t know if Marron will like it.” Gohan chided.

“You baka, they broke up 6 months ago. He probably broke up with her because he still loves Pan. Doesn’t it all make sense?”

“Umm…I guess.” Gohan said scratching the back of his head. “Hehe, in that case…” Gohan said picking up the phone.

“Moshi. Moshi.”

“Trunks? I have a favor to ask of you…” Gohan started.


Oh no, what will happen in the next chapter? Will Trunks succeed in bringing Pan home for the future? You'll have to stay tuned for the next chapter.


So, what do you think? Please write a review. PLEASE! *Christina gets down on knees and begs.* Thanx!