Discoveries Of Love


 Chapter 9

By Strawberries


Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. Akira Toriyama made all Characters in this story. (c) Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation. Used without permission, please don't sue me; all you'll get is... nothing! :P

*.....* = thoughts
"....." = speaking

not going anywhere? - That's weird! We had the same idea! Well, mine was a little different at the end but still. :P

(I will refer to Pan as Malo the entire fight)

Trunks glared at Malo with fierce battle in his eyes. Malo glared right back. Trunks straightened his back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You cannot possibly defeat me, low-class baka.", he declared with an arrogant smirk. He knew very well that this Malo was a first-class, although he fought like an elite.

"We'll see, Prince. We'll see.", Malo replied, nodding her head.

Trunks wasted no time with small talk and charged at Malo. Malo crouched down, awaiting the attack. As many times as she'd sparred with Trunks, he was still very unpredictable. And for that, he was a great warrior. The creative, genious genes of his mother mixed in with the strong, fiersome genes of his father made a seemingly unstoppable warrior.

Trunks punched out with his right fist. He was anticipating Malo to duck, so he also kicked out with his left leg. His anticipations were correct as Malo was sent flying across the ground. Malo quickly retalliated and punched Trunks square across the jaw.


"Bra, Pan hasn't been here all day! Where is she?", Bulma asked worriedly. Pan was like a second daughter to her and she was Trunks' mate, afterall.

"I don't know. I'll go check on her.", Bra replied. She got up from her seat and walked down the stairs. She crept around a corner, where she couldn't be seen, and continued to watch the fight between Trunks and Malo.

"C'mon, Pan! Kick Trunks' butt!", she whispered to herself.


Trunks was getting his ass kicked. That was to say the least. Malo was hammering him to the ground time and time again. He absently wiped a streak a blood from his cheek. He glanced up by the thrones.

*Pan STILL isn't here! Doesn't she care that I'm ascending the throne today?!*

Fury and outrage entered Trunks' body. He suddenly felt full of energy and full of anger. He glared at Malo. How dare that first-class wannabe make a fool of him? He screamed and powered up, not even considering going Super Saiya-jin. He was too outraged to think about that.

He flew at unthinkable speed towards Malo. His opponent looked a little taken aback at the speed being used to attack him, but he stood his ground. He tried to block the attacks Trunks was throwing, but he just wasn't fast enough. Trunks elbowed Malo straight into the ground and prepared a final attack. He had no intentions on killing Malo at first, but now he had no rational thought. Before Malo hit the ground, he threw his blast.


Malo was too dazed to see it coming. As he hit the ground, his bandanna fell off his head to reveal beautiful, black hair. It fell gracefully around her shoulders. Realization dawned on Trunks as he saw the bandanna fall off. He glanced quickly to the thrones once more. No Pan. He looked back down and gasped. He shot down, prepared to bat off the blast, but it was too late.

The blast hit Pan dead on. She lay unmoving on the ground. Trunks raced to her side, pain and heartbreak overwhelming him. He shook her violently.

"PAN!", he yelled. Bulma and Vegeta were just beginning to comprehend.

"No! Not Pan!", Bulma screamed and raced down the steps, followed by Vegeta. Bra wasn't too far behind as she flew to her friend's side. Pan wasn't breathing.

"Oh, Kami. No. No, please. No!", Trunks cried out desperately. Most of his life, he'd been trying to win her love. Now that he had, he might have killed her. Bra shoved her brother aside and shook Pan just as harshly.

"Pan! Wake up!", she yelled in her friend's unhearing ears.

The crowd was deathly silent. Many knew Pan and she was loved by all. "It's all my fault.", Trunks whispered to himself. A single, clear tear ran down his cheek.

"You're damn right it is, boy!", Vegeta pointed a finger at Trunks. He noticed his son was breathing heavily and his teeth were clenched. Vegeta glanced at Bra and she nodded. She lifted Pan's body off of the ground and floated up high into the air. Vegeta pushed his mate behind him.

"Vegeta, what's wrong with Trunks?!", Bulma yelled as her son started to scream and flash gold.

The King didn't answer. He quickly lifted Bulma into his arms and shot into the air next to his daughter. The crowd shielded their eyes from the magnificent light illuminating from their Prince. Vegeta held Bulma close to his chest and Bra shielded Pan's body from the debri (I can't spell debri, so sue me) swishing around the arena.

Trunks shot into SSJ mode. He screamed as his hair grew longer and flared out at the sides. He screamed one last time.

"PAN!!!!!" His golden hair grew down to his knees and the eyebrows above his cold, teal eyes disappeared.

Vegeta nearly dropped Bulma at the sight. He, himself, had attained SSJ level 2, but never had he seen SSJ level 3. He slowly drifted to the ground. Bra shakily followed suit. By this time, Goten was by them, as well. Bra cautiously walked up to her brother with Pan still in her arms. She slowly handed Pan to her mate. Trunks held her in his arms and kissed her temple. There still might be a chance. He blasted off towards the palace.

"Trunks!!", Bra called after him. Vegeta silenced her.

"Trust him. He knows what he's doing."

Bulma and Bra looked at him somewhat shocked. They never thought they'd hear him talk fondly about Trunks.

Once the crowd was out of their shock, they began cheering wildly for the newly obtained Super Saiya-jin stage of their Prince.


Goten turned to Bra. "Do you think she'll make it?"

Bra turned her head to the ground sadly.


Trunks dashed into the medical ward, dropping out of SSJ state as he did. He shoved a doctor out of the way and quickly attached wires to Pan. He gently lifted her and set her inside of a regeneration tank. He typed in a few commands and was satisfied as water began to fill the tank.

*Now, I know where she was all day.*, he mused silently. He sat down next to the tank to wait for his beloved to be healed. She just couldn't die!


"WE WILL NOW CONTINUE THE TOURNAMENT.", Queen Bulma announced. There were cheers of approval as the tournament was underway again.

Goten won all of his fights without even breaking a sweat. The first few battles, he won with only one hit to his opponent. All in all, it was a boring tournament to watch. It was now the final battle between Goten and Shonlie; Bra's former suitor.

Goten and Shonlie glared at each other from their places across from each other in the arena. Goten mouthed "fuck-you" and smirked. Shonlie scowled and mouthed back "my-ass-fucker". Goten threw his head back and laughed.

"Do you think you're any match for me, Mr. I-was-rejected-by-the-Princess?", Goten asked. Shonlie frowned and glanced at Bra sadly. The Princess was staring at Goten. Shonlie noticed this and hate for Goten filled his eyes.

"You'll die, third-class!"

Shonlie shot forward at Goten in a rage of fury.

NEXT CHAPTER OF DISCOVERIES OF LOVE: Who will win between Goten and Shonlie? Will Bra take the winner as her mate?

Ouch. Tough cliffhanger. Oh well.. R/R :P