Discoveries Of Love


 Chapter 6

By Strawberries

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. Akira Toriyama made all Characters in this story. (c) Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation. Used without permission, please don't sue me; all you'll get is... nothing! :P

*.....* = thoughts
"....." = speaking

Not much to say. Enjoy! ~_~

Trunks was relaxing in the corner of the training arena when a figure walked up and sat down next to him.

"Konnichiwa, Trunks!", Pan smiled. She brushed a few stray strands of hair out of her face.

He smiled back. "You look.. lovely, Pan.", he said somewhat embarrassed.

*He's so handsome. He's so kind to me even when I can be so cruel. I think I.. love.. him.*

Pan was about to respond when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sansoir enter the room. Pan cleared her throat and nodded in Sansoir's direction. Trunks sighed painfully and waited for her to approach.

Sansoir stopped in front of them and bowed deeply.

"How are you, Sansoir?", Trunks asked, trying to keep this disgust out of his voice.

"I'm very good, sire. Thank you." Sansoir was undressing Trunks with her eyes and this irritated Pan to no end. Pan growled quietly and clenched her fists. Trunks noticed this and smiled.

"Your majesty, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of sparring with me?", Sansoir asked. Pan's anger skyrocketed and it took all of her willpower to keep from blasting Sansoir into oblivion, which she could very easily do.

Trunks nodded. "I will."

Pan turned her head sharply to look at Trunks in disbelief. He didn't cast her a glance and instead stood up to join Sansoir in the center of the arena. Pan held back her tears and ran out of the room unnoticed. As she ran out of the door, she ran straight into Bra and Goten. They saw she was on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong, Pan?", Bra asked, surprisingly gentle. Pan shook her head and ran off down the hall.

Goten looked at the room she had came from and saw that it was the training arena.

"Bra, she came from the training arena and I sense Trunks and Sansoir's kis in there.", he stated. Bra scowled and slammed open the doors.

She looked up and spotted Trunks and Sansoir sparring. She shot a medium powered blast and hit Trunks square in the back. He yelped in surprise and plummeted to the ground in a painful heap. He struggled to stand and glared at Bra.

"What the..", Trunks began as he was cut off.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO PAN?!", Bra screamed.

Trunks looked over to Goten for an explanation, but found that his friend was standing there and glaring at him, also.

Sansoir walked over to the dueling siblings. "Um, excuse me, your majesties.", she interrupted.

"SHUT UP, YOU UGLY BIMBO!", Bra yelled and blasted Sansoir into a nearby wall, rendering her unconscious. Goten burst out laughing, but quickly calmed himself as Trunks and Bra scowled at him.

"Bra, I did not do anything to Pan.", Trunks said matter-of-factly.

"Then why did she run out of here crying?"

"How should I know?! All I did was agree to Sansoir's request to spar with me.", Trunks replied. Bra nodded and took a deep breath. Then out of nowhere, she delivered a swift punch across his nose. He stumbled back and wiped his forearm across his nose. He looked at his arm and found blood on it.

"Bra, I didn't know that would upset Pan. If I had known..", Trunks said, but once again was cut off by Bra.

"That's your problem, Trunks. You just don't think.", she smiled sadly and left the room. Goten went to follow her, but was stopped by Trunks.

"Why do you take Bra's side?! Do you like her or something?!", Trunks accused.

Goten nodded. "Yep. Sorry, bud, but I don't think she'd go for me if I took your side instead of hers.", he smirked and patted Trunks' shoulder and left. Trunks sighed and turned to look at Sansoir. She was still out cold. He figured someone would tend to her, so he left to find Pan.


"Oh my Kami.. what is that sadness I feel?!", Pan moaned as she rubbed her head. Not only did she feel her own sorrow, but she felt someone else's, as well. Pan heard Trunks' voice in her head. She almost fell over in shock.

~Where.. Pan.. must.. find..~

~T-Trunks?~, she thought back.

~PAN?! How can I hear your thoughts?!~, she heard Trunks' mental reply.

~Meet me in the Throne Room.~

*****In the Throne Room*****

Pan knocked twice and then entered. She bowed before the thrones. She usually did not, but considering Bra and/or Trunks wasn't with her, she found it polite and respectful.

"Can we do something for you, Pan?", Bulma asked kindly. Vegeta grunted and crossed his arms.

"If it's okay, I'd like to wait for Trunks to come in. He should be here any moment."

As if on cue, Trunks pushed open the doors and walked in. He stopped next to Pan and mentally asked her to explain to his parents.

"Your majesties..", Pan started when Bulma cut her off.

"Oh, dear, you know that you need not address us so formally."

Pan smiled and continued. "Trunks and I have.. how should I put it.. well, we can talk to each other through our minds. And earlier, I could have sworn I felt his sadness. Have you any idea of what this could mean?"

Trunks shifted nervously. Vegeta gazed upon the two of them and stood up abruptly. Bulma raised an eyebrow and he sat back down.

"Brat," he addressed Pan, "Have you heard of bonding?"

Pan nodded, wondering where he was going with this conversation.

"You and my brat are bonding.", he stated bluntly. He never was one for beating around the bush. Trunks and Pan gasped and stared at each other.

"Father, I-I can't be bonding to Pan. I'm engaged to Sansoir, remember?", he stammered. He saw Pan glare at him out of the corner of his eyes. He gulped and chucked nervously.

"Boy, if you are bonded to the girl then the engagement must be broken, obviously.", said Vegeta. Bulma rubbed her mate's hand and communicated telepathically.

~Vegeta, isn't this wonderful? Trunks can be with the one he loves!~

Bulma heard a mental "hmph" and she giggled, causing Trunks and Pan to look at her strangely.

A guard entered the room and bowed. "Sire, the elite, Sansoir, wishes to enter. Shall I allow?"

Vegeta nodded and waved his hand in dismissal. *This should be interesting.*

Trunks gripped Pan's hand and turned around to wait for Sansoir. *What am I going to tell her? She's a nice girl, but I love Pan and I'm bonding with her.*


Goten and Bra sat down on the red and pink grass outside of the palace. They had just engaged in a lengthy spar and were both worn out. Bra sighed and Goten felt a twinge of concern.

"Is something wrong, your majesty?", he asked worried. Bra shook her head.

"Oh, Goten. You can just call me Bra. I don't hate you AS MUCH now."

Goten sweatdropped and rubbed the back of his neck. "Heh heh, thanks. I think."

"Goten, what happened to your parents? I know they died on a purge, but how?", Bra yawned as she asked and laid back on the ground.

Goten was taken aback that she would want to talk to him, but he took the opportunity.

"Well, they went with three others, their crew members, to purge Januh-sei. They underestimated the natives. They supposedly had very high technology and used some sort of negative moon rays to weaken them. Then, they used ki guns and killed them.

Bra felt slightly sorry for him. He laid back on the ground and put his hands behind his head.

"So, you're competing in the competition in three weeks, right?", she asked.

"Yeah. It's not like I'll have any competition.", he stated arrogantly. Bra rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Maybe I'll even consider wedding you. Maybe.", Bra said with equal arrogance.

"Oh, I'd be so honored.", he replied sarcastically. Inside though, he was hoping with all of his heart that she wouldn't reject him.

"How come you have to be wed, but Trunks doesn't?"

She closed her eyes in thought. This was going to take a lot of pride-surrendering to say.

"Sometimes I'm.. cruel..," she struggled to go on, "And my parents think that if I were.. mated.. I would settle down." She looked over to see his reaction. What she saw startled her. He understood.

"Daddy probably won't agree to any suitors though. He's so protective."

He nodded. "Bra, don't take this the wrong way but, why ARE you so.. mean?"

She snarled and sat up. He sat up, as well and awaited her response, knowing this was hard for her.

"If you don't love anybody, you can't get hurt."

*I'd never hurt you.*, he thought.

"We should go; dinnertime soon.", she said. He nodded and followed her into the palace.

*****Meanwhile, in the Throne Room...*****

The doors slid open and Sansoir walked in with the grandmother of all bruises over her right eye. Bra had quite the right hook.

She saw Trunks and Pan holding hands and sighed miserably.

She suddenly forgot why she had came there, but to her rescue, the King spoke up.

"Sansoir, unfortunately I must cancel your engagement to my son. It seems he is bonding to someone else."

And Sansoir knew just who the "someone else" was. She smiled sadly at the pair before her. She bowed her head, took a deep breath, and lifted it back up.

"My Prince, I cannot lie and say I am happy about this, but I do hope you two will be happy. If you'll excuse me.", she bowed and left.

"Wow, that went well.", Bulma sighed in relief.

"Pan.", Trunks choked out, his face red and contorted in pain. "You're.. squeezing.. too hard."

Pan looked at him in confusement and then realized. She quickly released his hand and he cradled it to his chest.

"Weak.", Vegeta muttered under his breath and was rewarded with a playful smack by Bulma.


Gomen! I just had to get Sansoir out of the picture. I don't like her and I'm the one who created her! *laughs* Thanks for all the encouraging reviews. =]