Discoveries Of Love


 Chapter 5

By Strawberries

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. Akira Toriyama made all Characters in this story. (c) Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation. Used without permission, please don't sue me; all you'll get is... nothing! :P

*.....* = thoughts
"....." = speaking

Note* Goten and Pan are in no way related in this story.

"Prince Trunks, recieving call.", the intercom stated in it's toneless voice.

Trunks walked over to the intercom and waited patiently. Soon, his mother's face appeared on the screen.

"Hi, Trunks-chan.", she smiled brilliantly.

"Konnichiwa, mother. Is there something you need?", he asked while pulling his armor over his blue spandex training suit.

She got a thoughtful look on her face. "Could you come to our quarters?", she asked, referring to her and Vegeta's, "Your father and I would like to talk to you about something."

He suddenly got worried. His father? Talk? Something was up. "Is something wrong?"

She chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, no, dear. Just come on up." She closed the communication. Trunks finished pulling on his boots and headed out the door. He jogged down the hall to check on Goten and found him sleeping peacefully. He was curious as to why Goten wasn't already up, but shrugged it off.

*I wonder what they need to talk to me about.*, he thought absently.


Pan knocked once and entered Bra's chambers. She quirked an eyebrow when she found Bra sleeping soundly.

She cleared her throat, "Bra."

"What, Pan?", Bra mumbled, eyes still closed.

"It's almost 7:00 AM. You should be up already!", she scolded.

"I'm tired; go away." Bra threw a feather-filled pillow and Pan and missed her target by a mile. Pan sighed and left the room to get something to eat.

Meanwhile, Bra stumbled out of bed and got in the shower. Goten, in his own separate quarters, was doing the same.


Pan was walking in the direction of the training arena when she saw 'him'. Not wanting to be seen, she slipped into the shadows.

Trunks walked on towards his parents' chambers, oblivious to his beloved who was currently spying on him.

Pan noted his destination and her curiosity got the best of her. She felt guilty for wanting to eavesdrop, but she seemingly couldn't help it. She supressed her ki as low as it would go. That wasn't that much lower since she had already had it down. She tiptoed off in the direction Trunks had gone.

He stopped in front of the tall, red-tinted metal door. He pushed the "Allow Access" button and waited patiently. Shortly after, the metal door slid open to allow him to enter.

Pan ran up beside the door once it had closed. She pressed her ear to the wall and listened quietly. She could barely make out voices and strained herself even harder to hear what was being said.

"What is it?", Trunks asked once he entered the room. Bulma looked somewhat sad, but also excited. Vegeta looked his normal, bad-attitude self.

"Boy, you're going to be mated to Sansoir, the elite. She will be joining us for breakfast to meet you.", Vegeta stated bluntly. Bulma shot him an icy stare.

Trunks was in the middle of being outrageously upset and not believing what he was hearing. He turned to Bulma.

"Mother?", he asked with disbelief and hurt evident in his voice. "How could you pick my mate for me? I don't even know this Sansoir person!" His ki had flared and the last sentence was shouted.

"Now, Trunks, calm down. She's a very nice girl and she'll suit you well.", Bulma soothed, feeling sorry for him. She knew that her son was in love with Pan, but Pan didn't seem to be returning the feeling.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO SUITS ME!", he screamed. He cleared his throat before whispering icily, "I will never marry someone I don't care about." With having said that, he stormed out of the room leaving two bewildered parents.

Pan felt extremely sick, although she didn't know why. It couldn't possibly be because Trunks was to be wed. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice the door sliding open and was too late to hide.

"Pan?", Trunks asked.

"H-Hi, Trunks.", she stuttered. She smiled brightly, trying to assure him. Assure him of what, she didn't know.

"What are you doing here? Were you eavesdropping?", he asked angrily.

Pan dropped her head in shame and nodded. "Gomen nasai, Trunks-san. Gomen." She choked back a sob. She didn't understand why she was so upset that he was mad at her. These feelings were hitting her all at once like a brick wall.

Trunks' heart dropped. He couldn't possibly stay mad at his beloved even if it was a one-sided love. He walked up to her and gripped her shoulder comfortingly. She looked up and the corners of her mouth twitched up slightly.

"Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to breakfast?" He offered her his hand, acting the part of a gentleman.

"I'd love to, good sir.", she replied and picked up her imaginary dress fit for a lady. She giggled and Trunks smiled, admiring her beautiful laugh.

As they were walking, Pan wanted to ask him about how he felt about being engaged, although she already had a pretty good idea that he hated it. She decided to try her luck.

"Trunks?", she asked timidly.

He immediately gave her his undivided attention. "Hai?"

"Well, I was just wondering, are you going to marry Sansoir?"

He scowled deeply. "Hell no! I don't even know her!", he yelled. She let out a breath of relief she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She unconsciously linked her arm through his as they continued on their way to the Royal Dining room. Pan practically was royalty. She ate with the royal family, was best friends with the Princess, and did everything else with them, as well.

As they passed the hall leading to Bra's quarters, they noticed Bra standing over something black and smoking. They walked over to investigate.

Bra barely noticed how Trunks' and Pan's arms were intertwined before returning her attention to what looked-to-be the remains of a male Saiya-jin.

"Bra!", Trunks yelled semi-angry.

She turned to face him, "What?! He should have known better to touch my ass."

Trunks rolled his eyes. "That was one of your guards, was it not?"

She sneered and crossed her arms below her bosom. "Who cares? Plenty of men would die to be one of my guards.", she replied conceitedly.

"Oook. Bra, would you like to walk with us to breakfast?", Pan asked, trying to break the rising tension. Bra shrugged and followed in step with Trunks and Pan.

"Hey, I'm going to go back to my quarters to see if Goten is up yet.", Trunks said and changed directions.

Bra made a protesting sound. "Why must you insist he eat with us?! He's not even an elite like Pan!"

Pan and Trunks exchanged grins.

"Bra, you know that you think he's cute.", said Pan. Bra looked shocked, angry, and embarrassed all at once.

"I do NOT!", she retorted. Trunks cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Stay here; I'll go get him.", Trunks told them as he rounded the corner to his quarters.

A few minutes later, Trunks came back with a sleepy Goten in tow. He rubbed his eyes and yawned and Bra unconsciously thought how cute he was. No emotions showed on her face, however.

Bra crossed her arms and waited expectantly. Goten smirked and crossed his arms as well, silently refusing to bow before her. Anger flashed through Bra's eyes and she glared at Trunks.

"Why doesn't your baka of a friend bow before a Princess?", she demanded. Inwardly, this intrigued her to no end. He was a puzzle she planned to figure out; planned to solve.

"Bra, if Pan doesn't have to bow before me, then Goten doesn't have to bow before you."

Pan looked hurt by that comment and turned around and left, planning to go back to her quarters.

"No, Pan! Wait!", Trunks yelled while pushing Goten and Bra out of the way to run after her. *Good going, Trunks. Now she'll never like you.*, he thought angrily.

"Baka!", Bra shouted and stomped off towards breakfast. Goten was about to go back into his room, but his growling stomach stopped him abruptly. He caught up with Bra and she gave him a questioning look.

"Um.. Trunks said I can eat with you guys.", he said unsure. Just because Trunks said that doesn't mean his bitch sister would let him. But to his surprise, Bra just nodded and motioned for him to follow. *Maybe she isn't so bad afterall.*


Trunks had finally caught up to Pan. Man, she was fast! He put his hands on his knees to try and catch his breath. She turned around and glared at him annoyed.

"What do you want, Trunks?", then she stopped, "Oh, wait. I'm sorry, I just forgot.", she said sarcastically and bowed deeply before him. Trunks was extremely hurt and reached out to touch her arm. She pulled away and sneered at him. He had never seen her so upset with him before.

"Pan, gomen nasai! I really am! I don't want you to bow before me.", he pleaded with her.

"And why not?", she asked although she already knew the answer. She just wanted to hear him say it again for some unknown reason.

"Because.. even if I am engaged, my heart belongs to you." (Aww! I know it's mushy, but I just can't resist!)

She smiled and linked her arm through his. His heart lit up with hope. Just maybe they had a chance afterall.

"To breakfast?", she asked. He nodded.

By that time, they heard two people yelling.

"Welp, here come Goten and Bra.", Trunks said exasperated. They turned around to watch and sure enough, it was the two.

They stopped once they reached their two friends and grinned smugly when they saw the affectionate hold Pan and Trunks were in.

Wordlessly, they all rounded the corner and entered the Dining Room. The first thing Vegeta and Bulma noticed was how Pan and Trunks' arms were linked. They noticed this and put their arms to their sides. A strange woman Trunks had never seen before noticed the little show of affection, also and frowned sadly.

The foursome walked to the table and took their normal seats. Pan, Bra, Goten, and then Trunks. Although this time, sitting inbetween Trunks and Bulma was the strange girl. She wasn't very pretty, but he could sense she had a high power level. *Oh, please don't let her be Sansoir.* (I'm sick of fics making Vegeta or Trunks get engaged to this beautiful, out-to-get Pan/Bulma female Saiya-jin. I'm going to do mine different.)

"Trunks, I'd like you to meet Sansoir.", Bulma tried to act cheery, but she couldn't help the sadness in her heart at the way Trunks looked longingly at Pan and it looked as if Pan was starting to return the look.

"She's your fiancee, boy, not Pan.", Vegeta said irritated.

A mixture of emotions flooded the room. Amusement from Bra and Goten, embarrassment from Trunks and Pan, and anger and sadness from Sansoir and Bulma.

"Gomen, father.", Trunks apologized quietly. He didn't once turn his gaze to Pan or Sansoir the entire breakfast. He vaguely heard any of the conversations going on.

After they were finished, Bra, Goten, Trunks, and Pan stood and began to leave the room.

As Pan was standing up, she thought, *Poor Trunks.*

Trunks turned to her, "Did you say something, Pan?"

She looked at him strangely. "No."

Trunks found it weird. He knew that he heard her, loud and clear, but no one else the room seemed to have. He shrugged it off and left with the rest of his friends. Sansoir bowed and left, as well, albeit in a different direction.

Bulma looked at Vegeta half-excited, half-worried.

"Veggie, if he heard her thoughts, which I think he did since he said he heard her but no one else did, that means they're bonding!"

"Yes, woman. If that's the case, then we'll HAVE to break the engagement between Trunks and Sansoir."

NEXT CHAPTER OF DISCOVERIES OF LOVE: Sansoir tries to win Trunks' heart. Bra and Goten open up to each other.

Sorry about the wait. I had writer's block. Hopefully, it's gone. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. ;]