Discoveries Of Love


 Chapter 3

By Strawberries

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. Akira Toriyama made all Characters in this story. (c) Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation. Used without permission, please don't sue me; all you'll get is... nothing! :P

*.....* = thoughts
"....." = speaking

For once, I don't have anything to say!

"Hey, man.", Trunks greeted cheerfully as he walked up beside a frowning Goten. Goten mumbled his returned greeting.

"What's wrong?", Trunks-Ouji asked. The other Saiya-jin shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Your sister... is impossible! She set my house into a trap and guess who got caught? ME!", Goten growled out in frustration. He was on his way to train for the tournament; and to let out his aggressions of a certain Princess.

"I know what you mean. She kills guys for fun. I'd hate to be whoever she ends up marrying.", Trunks chuckled heartily. Goten couldn't help but laugh, too.

"So, Goten, you just disappear and reappear around here. Where do you live?"

"By a mountain on the other side of the planet.", Goten replied, not really caring about revealing any of his whereabouts or information. Not that his description of where he lived was that exact, anyway.

Trunks nodded. "Do your parents live around you?"

Goten shook his head. "Iie, they're dead. Died a few years ago in a purge."

"Gomen nasai.", Trunks consoled. Goten smiled and contined on his way to the training arena with Trunks.

"So, I hear you'll be crowned King at the tournament/celebration in a few months?"

"Hai. I don't think I'm ready to be King, but I'm 21 so there's no escaping it."

Goten burst out laughing. Trunks stared at him in confusion. "Nani?"

Goten laughed even harder. He said inbetween laughs, "Escaping. You make it sound like you're going to hell!"

"In a way, I guess I am.", Trunks smirked.

They reached the training arena and entered. They walked to the center of the room and the other warriors present separated to the side walls to watch the impending spar.

"Well, Goten, let's see how you fend against a Super Saiya-jin!", Trunks yelled arrogantly. He then yelled out and transformed into SSJ. Goten looked shocked for a minute, but the shock on his face quickly changed to a cocky smirk.

"Yes, Trunks, let's see how you do against a Super Saiya-jin!"

Goten yelled out, as well, as he transformed into SSJ mode. It was Trunks's turn to look shocked. *Well, what an unexpected turn of events. I'll have to remember to ask him what angered him to become one.*

Warriors around the room whispered to each other. Others simply stared in awe. The doors burst open and Vegeta, Bulma, Bra, and Pan came running in. Everyone dropped down to one knee in respect for the whole royal family. Goten turned around and dropped to one knee, also. He had never seen the King or Queen, but he figured this must be them since everyone else is down.

"Boy!", Vegeta yelled as he spotted his golden-haired son in the middle of the room. Trunks turned around slowly.

"Um.. yes, father?", he bowed and then walked over to join his family, dropping out of Super Saiya-jin.

"Your father felt a power surge come from you and someone else. By the way, who is this young man who is a Super Saiya-jin, also?", Bulma asked, speaking up for her mate. She eyed Goten suspisciously. He noticed his mistake and quickly changed back to normal.

"Well, mother, this is-"

"Save it, brat!", Vegeta yelled and stomped out of the room. Bulma patted her son's shoulder and left. Bra and Pan left, as well.

Goten walked up to Trunks cautiously. He whispered in his ear, "I take it that was the King and Queen?"

Trunks nodded. Goten chuckled nervously.

"Don't worry. My dad's always like that."

They exchanged smirks and both powered back up to SSJ. They charged at each other to begin their spar.


"Bra, I want you to meet someone. He'll be entering the non-mated section of the tournament.", Queen Bulma told her daughter. Bra grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest.

Just then, Trunks entered the Throne Room with Goten trailing behind. He had planned on introducing him to the King and Queen. The little incident in the training arena earlier had left them in suspiscion. And for good reason, too. The only Super Saiya-jins, or so they thought, were in the royal family. And they were just Vegeta and Trunks. Trunks-ouji stopped when he noticed someone he hadn't met before in there. He looked to his father questioningly. Welp, no answers there. He looked to his mother. None there either.

Trunks motioned for Goten to sit down so they could stick their noses in whatever business was going on.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," Bulma glared at her son and the boy she had seen earlier next to him, "Bra, this is Shonlie."

Bra glanced at Goten out of the corner of her eye, then to Trunks. Then she looked at Pan, her mother, and her father. She grinned with a mischevious glint in her eyes.

"It's so very nice to meet you, Shonlie.", she smiled seductively and sauntered her way over to him.

"It's m-my pleasure, P-princess.", Shonlie stuttered in complete adoration.

Bra glanced at her father and Trunks who looked like they were about to blow a gasket. They were always so protective of Bra. She then glanced at Pan and her mother who were rolling their eyes. *Yep, they know for sure I have no interest in this baka.* Then, lastly, she gazed at Goten. His face was as red as a tomato. His jealousy was as clear as a crystal glass.

The tension was almost unbearable. She released her arm, which Shonlie had linked through his, and stepped away from him. Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten sighed in extreme relief. They then gave Shonlie a look that clearly stated "If-you-come-near-her-I'll-kill-you." And with them, it could definately happen. Pan and Bulma gave him a sympathetic look.

Bra had a guard escort Shonlie out of the Throne Room, then she took a seat next to her brother.

"So, what's the next business?", she asked as if nothing had happened. Everyone sweatdropped.

Trunks figured this was as good a time as any. "Father, mother, this is Goten. He is the Super Saiya-jin you saw with me in the training arena earlier.

"Why should we care?", Vegeta asked rudely. You would have thought he'd care about there being another Super Saiya-jin. But, his actions proved otherwise. Bulma smacked him across the arm.

"Vegeta! Be nice!", she yelled at him. Then she turned to Goten, "It's very nice to meet you, Goten."

He smiled kindly, "Likewise, your majesty."

"Ugh. SNORE ALERT! Geez, I'm about to fall asleep here! Let's go, Pan.", Bra said while standing from her seat.

"You're so rude, Bra.", Trunks snarled at his sister. She made sure her father wasn't looking and gave Trunks the finger.

She and Pan left the room.

"I apologize, Goten.", Bulma spoke for her daughter. He shook his head dismissively.

"Well, now, how old are you?", the Queen asked.

"I'm 19, majesty."

Bulma nodded thoughtfully. Trunks cleared his throat, "If you'll excuse us, mother, father."

"Of course, Trunks-chan.", she replied, deliberately adding in the "chan" to embarrass him. Trunks blushed and arose from his seat. Goten followed suit. They bowed and exited the room.

Bulma stood from her throne and straddled Vegeta, leaning into his chest. "I think Goten likes Bra. Did you see the way he got jealous when she pretended she liked Shonlie?"

"Woman, who wouldn't like MY daughter.", he smiled conceitedly. She rolled her eyes and kissed him passionately. He pulled back and pecked little kisses along her neck.

"Not here.", she whispered into the crook of his neck. He hauled her up over his shoulder and marched through a set of secret passages to their chambers. (Gomen, I know this is B/G and T/P, but I just couldn't help a LITTLE B/V! ~_^)


"Bra, did you see how jealous Goten got earlier in the Throne Room?!", Pan laughed excitedly. She felt Goten was just the arrogant match Bra needed.

"Yep.", she replied. The cockiness in her father had definately been transferred into her genes, as well.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?", Pan more stated than asked.


Pan sighed and shook her head. She perked up, "Well, speak of the devil." She shifted on the bench they were seated on, outside of the palace.

Bra looked up just in time to see Goten and Trunks making their way over to the girls.

"Hi, Pan.", Trunks greeted, once again blushing. Pan rubbed her forehead in confusion.

"Hello, your highness.", she replied.

Trunks shook his head sternly. "You can just call me Trunks, you know."

She nodded. "Arigatou, Trunks."

"Hey, Princess.", Goten waved to Bra, with complete mockery in the word "Princess." She glared back at him.

"Hey, Goten.", she said with equal mockery. Goten growled deep in his throat. Pan and Trunks laughed nervously as they watched the fight about to take place.

"Say, Pan, have you ever seen such a baka? I mean, what's with the hair.", she snickered, pointing to Goten's head. Pan gulped and looked to Trunks for some help. He was in the same predicament.

"Trunks, what's with your sister's body? I thought Princess's were supposed to be SKINNY?", Goten questioned.

Bra's aura exploded around her. "How DARE you!? I'm NOT FAT!"

Goten's aura popped up around him in rage, also. "My hair is NOT bad! And I'm NOT A BAKA!"

Trunks and Pan took this chance to escape. They both tiptoed over behind a bush and ducked down.

"They're practically made for each other!", Pan whispered, playing matchmaker.

*Just like you and me.*, Trunks thought to himself.

Bra and Goten flew off in opposite directions. Pan and Trunks sighed and made their way into the palace.

NEXT CHAPTER OF DISCOVERIES OF LOVE: Pan finds out about Trunks's feelings towards her. Bra contemplates how she feels about Goten.

Still nothing to say! ^_~