Discoveries Of Love


 Chapter 2

By Strawberries

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. Akira Toriyama made all Characters in this story. (c) Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation. Used without permission, please don't sue me; all you'll get is... nothing! :P

*.....* = thoughts
"....." = speaking

Hellooo.. hope you like this chapter; thanks for the nice reviews. ^_~ Also, I've mentioned the characters ages and stuff in the fic, but here they are again, just in case in of you are confused.

Bra- Age: 18, Half Saiya-jin/Half Chikyuu-jin
Trunks- Age: 21, Half Saiya-jin/Half Chikyuu-jin
Pan- Age: 18, Full Saiya-jin
Goten- Age: 19, Full Saiya-jin
Vegeta- Age: 42, Full Saiya-jin
Bulma- Age: 41, Full Chikyuu-jin

"Vegeta-chan, do you think Bra will end up marrying the winner of the tournament?", Bulma asked her husband.

"Woman, the winner better not be a baka, or my princess won't marry him even if she wants to!", came his stern and forceful reply. Bulma sweatdropped.



Goten was sparring with his invisible partner. Many warriors who came in after the Princess and the other girl left had asked to spar with him. They sensed his great power level; he turned them all down.

The doors opened for someone to enter. He glanced over during a series of punches uninterested. His interest piqued as he saw everyone bow as he passed them. *More royalty, eh? Looks too young to be the King. Must be the Prince.*, he thought to himself.

Trunks looked around, sensing all of the power levels present. They were all too low for him to even waste a punch on. Except one; he stared over at Goten who had continued his self-sparring by now.

"Hey!", Trunks cupped his mouth and shouted up at Goten. He stopped his kick mid-air and floated to the ground. He bowed before Trunks and awaited what he had to say.

"You want to spar? The others in this room have too low of power levels. I want a challenge. So, how about it?", Trunks asked eagerly. Goten rubbed his chin. He usually didn't like sparring with others, but he didn't know what kind of punishment would come if he turned down the Prince. He thought back to when he met the Princess.

He chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. "Sure, your highness."

Trunks stared at him weirdly but crouched down, ready to fight.

Goten followed suit and flew at him.

*****A few hours later*****

Both Trunks and Goten were sprawled out on the floor panting for air.

"Man, if my father or sister saw me like this.. laying on the floor after a fight.. they'd have my head.", Trunks said inbetween gasps for air.

"Why? Um, your majesty." Goten didn't feel comfortable at all addressing royalty. He had never had to his entire life.

Trunks shook his head. "My father and sister believe it's being weak. Perhaps, it is. My sister...", he trailed off, unsure of what he could say to this newfound sparring partner of his.

"I met your sister, the Princess, earlier today. I refused to leave; she swore revenge.", he smirked.

"Sounds like Bra.". Trunks replied, also smirking.

*So, Bra is her name. Lovely.*, Goten thought, secretly admiring her.

"Hey, um..", Trunks trailed off apologetically.


"Right. Hey, Goten, are you going to enter the tournament?"

"What tournament?", he asked very interested.

"Well," Trunks started, "It will be held in two months. There will be a Royal/Saiya-jin who are already mated section, which I'm going to compete in, and then a section for those who are not. The winner of the section for those who are not mated will be wedded to my sister. Well, if she agrees. Which I doubt she will; I think she'd rather die then be mated."

Both laughed lightly.

"So, you are mated, your highness?"

"No need for the Royal addressing. And no, I'm not mated, yet.", he replied with a hint of sadness in his voice. Goten sighed in relief for not having to be so formal.

"Have anyone in mind?"

Trunks blushed, "Hai. Bra's best friend. I think everyone on the planet knows I like her except herself!"

Goten smiled knowingly. "Ah, I saw her with the Princess today. She's a looker.", he nudged Trunks playfully in the side.

The Saiya-jin no Ouji (I'm used to using that for Vegeta, not Trunks! Heheh ^_^) growled threateningly with a look that clearly said "Stay-away-from-her-or-die." Goten visibly cringed.

"Hey, man, don't worry. She's all yours." He shook his hands in front of him in a defensive matter.

Trunks nodded and stood, as did Goten.

"I think I'll go sign up for this tournament. I doubt I'll have any competition.", Goten said with complete arrogance.

"Me neither. The only one with a challenge-worthy power level for me, besides you, is my father, sister, and Bra's friend, Pan."

Goten nodded, "So, will Pan be fighting?"

Trunks shook his head and it looked as if he almost blushed again. *Man, he's obsessed with that girl!*, Goten smiled inwardly.

"Females can not fight in the tournament.", Trunks replied as he waved goodbye and took to the air.

"Kuso! I forgot to ask where to sign up for the tournament!", Goten muttered to himself and began walking around in hopes of finding where he could.


Bra and Pan walked into the Saiya-jin Filekeeper's office. He stood and bowed gracefully.

"Good day, your majesty and Miss Pan.", he greeted. Pan was born into the Elite rank, so some males of lower rank called her Miss Pan because of her rank and beauty. Not that she was undeserving; she had definately earned the right to be in that rank by strength. Bra and Pan were almost even in strength and Bra was the strongest female on the planet.

"Yeah, yeah, hi.", Bra returned the greeting impatiently. Pan smiled at the Filekeeper.

"I would like for you to tell me where a male Saiya-jin by the name of Goten's residence is located.", Bra ordered.

He nodded and turned away to look through his files. He stopped and turned back around.

"Your highness, would you happen to know what rank he is?"

"No, but I would have to guess that he is of low rank.", she replied while tucking her hair behind her ears.

The Filekeeper searched through his hundreds of files before pulling one out. He studied it for a moment, then grinned.

"Highness, he lives in...", he was cut off as Bra violently grabbed the paper out his hands and left the room with Pan. He sighed, then returned to his work.

Bra and Pan walked out into an open area outside of the palace and took to the air.

"So, the little ass lives on a mountain faraway. He's 19; his parents are dead. He has no siblings. (Yes, no Gohan. Gomen) Non-mated. Interesting.", Bra muttered more to herself than Pan while flying.

"Only a year older than us.", Pan replied.

"So what?"

Pan shrugged and they flew the rest of the way in silence.

As they neared the mountain, they saw a small cottage-like house in the clearing. They gracefully touched down outside the front door and looked around. Bra smirked evilly and broke down the door. If she wasn't one of the strongest on the planet, the door would have been impossible to knock down. They ventured inside in search of certain things Bra had said she would need for this little escapade.

Bra walked casually into the kitchen, no fear whatsoever of being caught. Pan looked through what seemed to be a storage room and house cleaning utensils room. She walked over to a corner and picked up a medium-sized bucket. She also grabbed a rope, nail, and hammer and walked out in search of Bra.

Meanwhile, Bra had gathered some cawhee, the Saiya-jin equivalent of caramel, and a 25 pound steak from the refrigerator. Pan walked up beside her, gazing at the objects she held. She knew then what the Princess had in store for poor Goten.

Pan took the cawhee from Bra and began pouring it into the bucket. Bra set the steak down, grabbed the rope from Pan, and levitated up to the ceiling of the house. Pan paused in her pouring to toss the nail and hammer up to Bra. She caught it with ease and hammered the nail into the ceiling with one hit. She dropped the hammer to the ground and tied the rope around the end of the nail. She floated over to the front door and dropped down.

"Kuso! Now I have to take my precious time to fix the door."

She picked up the knocked-down door and placed it steady in the doorway. She jogged into the storage room and picked up three nails and jogged back into the front room. She bent down and picked up the hammer.

She began hammering the nails into the door. (I don't know how to fix a door! So sue me) She finished and stared at her perfection.

"Hey, where'd you learn how to fix doors?", Pan asked while handing over the bucket of cawhee.

"Mom.", was the simple reply she recieved. She walked over to where she'd set the steak down and heaved the heavy meat off of the ground.

When their masterpiece was finally finished, the house was set up perfectly. Perfect for them, unfortunate for Goten, that is.

Pan's sixth sense perked up. "Hey, I feel a ki coming near. I think it's Goten!"

They both scurried out the back door and tiptoed around to the front where they could watch the action. They hid in some bushes and awaited Goten's arrival.

Sure enough, he touched down a few minutes later and walked up to his front door.

*I'm glad I finally signed up for the tournament. It took me forever to find the baka who was taking entries!*

He punched in his code and twisted open the knob. As soon as he'd opened the door, he felt a cool, sticky liquid pour down on him. He looked down at himself, examining what the hell happened. By doing so, he was too late to see the 25 pound steak come flying towards him. By the time he looked up, he was smacked straight in the face and knocked on his butt. If he had been prepared, the hit wouldn't have fazed him one bit. However, he wasn't.

He heard muffled giggling in the distance. He glanced out of the corner of his eye to see a blue-haired diva and a raven-haired companion take off into the sky. He unconsciously rubbed his sore nose and stood.

"Well, she certainly kept her word about getting revenge.", Goten mumbled to himself and proceeded to get cleaned up.

NEXT CHAPTER OF DISCOVERIES OF LOVE: Secrets are spilled about Goten. Bra and Goten argue some more.

Not much to say.. next chapter out soon. Ja ne!