
Chapter 1

Okay, I seem to be experiencing a short writers block right now. I thought I’d take a break from “Years” and write this story. It’s a one parter. I got my idea from a story written by Ashley Taylor *Great author* called “Love or Confusion.” The idea is hers (I know I didn’t ask to use it but the idea popped into my head after reading her story. Gomen Nasai *Bows endlessly*) Please write a review and tell me what you think.

A/N: Gohan died in this story.


Pan ran home in a flurry. With tears streaming down her face, Pan barged in through the doors of her house. With deep breaths, Pan’s walking pace slowed as she came upon her parents’ room.

Pan wiped away the tears on her face and replaced it with a scowl. She took a deep breath and blew the door away by powering up alone.

Pan braced her self as the smoke cleared. She knew what to expect, but she still didn’t like it. She watched as Trunks threw on his clothes in a mad flurry, and as Videl cowered underneath the massively thick blankets.

“Don’t move.” Pan said in a dangerously low tone. “I know you don’t have as much energy as before, and I won’t hesitate to take advantage of that.”

Trunks stood up tall and Videl pulled the covers away enough to see her face.

“What is the meaning of this?” Pan spoke closing her eyes. Her eyes bolted open when she received no answer. “Answer me DAMNIT!” She yelled as she raised her voice. She went SSJ involuntarily. (This isn’t the first time she’s turned SSJ)

“I’m sorry.” Trunks murmured.

“Yeah, I’m sorry honey.” Videl said.

“No, don’t say you’re sorry. Sorry won’t fix things.” Pan adverted her icy glaze to Videl. “And don’t call me ‘honey’ either.” Pan said. “Boy ‘VIDEL-SAN,’ my daddy must be rolling around in his grave right now.” Pan said in a sardonic manner.

“Pan-chan…” Videl started sympathetically.

“NO! You will refer to me as Pan and nothing else. How could you? 1 month after daddy dies, and your already sleeping around! And with my fiancé none the less!” Pan screeched.

“Pan, listen to me.” Trunks stated.

“No! Why should I? Everything you ever told me was a lie. You didn’t love me. You only pretended to so you could get to my mother! I mean nothing to you.” She spat.

“Pan, I’m sorry.” Trunks said running a hand through his hair in frustration.

“I told you not to say sorry.” Pan said slowly.

“Then what do you want us to say?” Videl asked calmly.

Pan straightened her posture and fixed her icy glare on t he two.

“I want you to say good-bye.” She said flatly.

“Pan-chan, don’t say that.” Videl said standing up with the covers wrapped around her.

“No.” Pan said stepping back. “From this moment on, you are Videl-san. The wife of a loving husband…and a whore. And you are Trunks-san. The betrayer of all heart. The arrogant nobody. I am not mentioned in you lives because I refuse to be the daughter of a whore, and fiancée of a nobody. I will be remembered as the daughter of Son Gohan…the smartest man alive that married a mistake…the only person that I actually cared about.” Pan said turning and walking away.

“Pan, WAIT!” Videl and Trunks wailed helplessly. They ran out of the house after the retreating figure. But it was too late. She was in the time machine looking down upon the two. (This is similar to Future Trunks’ time machine.) Whereas Future Trunks waved good-bye to his friends and mother, Pan waved her middle finger in the air.

“Fuck you both…I love you daddy…we’ll be together again soon.” Pan said glaring at the two half naked beings while clutching her locket around her neck that her father had given to her. Inside was a picture of Pan on one side, and Gohan on the other.

Pan set the time machine to self-destruct.

“This is all I need.” Pan thought closing her eyes before the bright light engulfed her and the time machine.


Well, there you have it. I know that Pan was a major meany in here, but oh well. Just tell me what you think…flames and all. Ja ne!

-Christina :)