Chichi's Many Intrests
Chichi's Many Intrests

By: Lady Bulma

Discliamer: I do not own any part of Dragon Ball/Z/GT.

Author's notes: Thanks X and L for all of your help.

I myself am a simple woman. I like cooking, sewing and taking care of my family. But the one thing that keeps me sane is writing. If I did have the ability to write, I wouldn't have an escape goat. I wouldn't have my fantasy world. I would have nothing but stress. Nothing would keep me happy. I would have probably died a long time ago of a heart attack. This isn't a joke. I am very serious about all of this.

But the hard thing is keeping my family from knowing. It is a little embarrasing, but I write all romance novels. I write them because they are my dreams. I have longed for such a romance with Goku, but I know that won't happen so that is why I write about it. To take me to another world where I can have a loving romance. It took me a long time to get where I am today. I can remember the day I started writing like it was yesterday. Goku had been dead for about seven years then after the Cell games...

"Mom, Videl is coming over!" Gohan yelled to me. I smiled a bit envious of him. At least his love was with him. I put down the peice of embroidery that I was working on and started on dinner. Videl didn't eat much and it was always nice to have someone do the dishes, and Videl always offered. Gohan and Videl walked in holding hands while staring at each other all lovey eyed. Goten, who was following them, looked both bored and confused. He didn't understand, but I did. I wore a sweet smile covering up my envy and jealousy. Goku never held my hands like that when we were alive. Nor did he ever look at me that way. It made me even more depressed, not angry though. I could never be angry with Goku. No, I love him too much, but I am always second to him. Fighting is number one to him. It consumes him and drives him on. It is what he lives for and what he dies for. I sighed and put out all the food on the table. Everyone took a seat and started eating and chatting away, but me. I was lost in my thoughts.

"Kasan?" I look up as I hear my youngest calling me.

"What is it Goten?"

"Kasan, are you okay?"

"I am fine, why do you ask?"

"Your really quiet and you have hardly eaten anything."

"I am just thinking." Now Gohan looks at me worried.

"Kasan?" He askes. "Are you thinkingabout Otousan again?"

"Don't worry about me. I am fine, really. Now everyone wipe those worried frowns away!" Everyone put on a fake smile to please me. I knew they were all fake. It is so obvious. The rest of dinner was very quiet. Too quiet. Gohan will probably want to talk again tonight. He is so predictable.

I pick up my diary wanting to write something. I had just gotten done talking to Gohan. He asked me all about what I was thinking and such and I just told him that I needed to be alone. I start writing down the days events and as I do that a vision strikes me. I quickly begin writing it all down. I don't stop when I feel my eyes get heavy, I keep going. I have to get all my thoughts out. I keep working through dawn. It is strange. As tired as I am the will in me to keep working is stronger. As the day passes on I completely forget about everything and everyone else. That was until Gohan came in. "Kasan? What are you doing? Did you even sleep last night? Are you sick?"

"Huh what?!" I quickly look up from my writing.

"What are you doing." Gohan moves to my side to see what I have been writing. I quickly slam the note book closed. I don't want him to know what I have been writing about.

"Nothing." I laugh nervously. "Actually Gohan, I am not feeling well right now so I think I am going to get some sleep."

"Okay. I will go make you some dinner." Dinner? Is it really that late? I nod and lay back on the bed. I could use a break.

Ever since that day, I have been writing. I have several books published. Some are better than others, but they are all moderatly good. Goku himself has been back for almost a year now. And I know Gohan suspects something, but no one else has noticed. Gohan is a smart boy, and I am very proud of him for that. But I don't want him knowing about this. Right now though we are sitting in the living room talking. Videl is going to be coming over soon and Gohan looks very excited. The front door opens and Videl comes running in. She really has become part of the family now. "Sorry I am late everyone. I just had to stop off at the book store. Tokumei Kibon's newest book has just come out!" She held it up for everyone to see. Goku looks up at the sound of that name.

"Now why does that name sound so familiar?"

"Only because she is one of the greatest romance writers of all time!"

"Oh." Goku shrugged. Thank kami his memory is some what bad. If it was good he would have remembered that that was the name I used in the twenty third Tenkaichi Budoukai. The one where we got married. I really don't want him knowing that I write romance novels. If he knew the entire universe would soon find out. He would go bragging to everyone!

"Hey Chichi, I picked up a copy for you too. I know you will love it."

"Thanks." I already have a copy, but this one will be special. I take the book from her hand and look down at the pages. I am just flipping through reading the different title pages, but not really the story.

"It is strange. Tokumei Kibon is like a god to some people, yet she hasn't done any autorgraph signings. I would pay big money for an autograph from her."


"Yeah! Haven't you been reading her books Chichi?"

"Not really. I haven't had time."

"Yeah, becuase you have been writing," Gohan put in. "I know what you have been up to. But how come I never see any of your books in stores?"

"I don't write really. Just little things."

"Then where are you every Thursday morning?"


"You lie! I have talked with that publisher. Yeah, you were talking to her. Ya see I know what is going on."

"So, we talk every now and then. She is a friend of mine."

"Sure she is." Gohan rolled his eyes and stopped. The rest of the afternoon was very quiet. Everyone was thinking. Eventually the guys went outside and sparred while Videl and I made dinner. Videl chatted about Tokumei Kibon and I just listened. There were a lot of rumors going around about me. Only a few of them were true.

Goku and I were laying in bed later that night. Normally Goku would tell me everything he was thinking about and everything he was doing. But tonight he was just lying on his back looking up at the ceiling. "What is wrong Goku?"

"Hey Chichi. Isn't the name Tokumei Kibon the one you used in the Budoukai?" Oh shit.

"Yep. Must be a coincidence."

"Are you writing stories? I want to read them!" He smiled at me. I sighed and handed him one of my books.

"Go ahead. Gohan would have told you sooner or later."

"Why didn't you want any of us to know?"

"Ask me again after you read the story."

"Okay." He turned on the light next to the bed. I just picked up a notepad and started writing the next chapter of my newest story. Goku read silently. He fell asleep after about the tenth chapter. I smiled and took the book out of his hands and turned off the light for him to get some sleep. Even though I may never have a really sweet romance, I do have Goku.

The next day he didn't read any of the book. He just sparred with our children and taught Goten how to make a camp fire the old fashion way. After that he went to bed. I was already sitting there working on another chapter. He looked around for the book not finding it. "Um...Chichi, do you know where I put that book last night?"

"Here you go." I picked the book off her bed stand and handed it to him.

"Oh thanks! Now I gotta see what happens to Gerald and Mary." He took a seat next to me and opened it up. I blushed knowing where he was getting. As he continued to read his face got redder and redder. I was blushing a little bit too, but not like this. He was red. Crayon red. He stopped just a little bit after that part and put the book down. He cleared his throat not ever looking at me. "Well...that was....interesting." I started laughing. He looked so embarrased right there. "Okay, I think I am going to get some sleep."

"Are you too embarrased to even look me in the eye," I teased. He looked up into my eyes for only a second before looking back down.

"Can I ask you something Chichi?"

"Of course."

"What made you write that?" Damn, he is good at reading me.


"Is it because you want me to do that kind of thing with you more often?" Now it was my turn to be really embarrased. I nodded slightly. He moved his lips to my ear and kissed it gently. "So lets do it," he purred. He grabbed me and carried me out the window.

"Where are we going?"

"Sh. It is a surprise." He smiled down at me. I nodded and let him take me to wherever. He landed just outside of a cave and lead me in. In the middle of the floor in the back there was several animal skins. He smiled and took a seat on them. The moonlight was shinning in through a whole in the roof. He took my hands and pulled me down next to him. "I have been planning this for a while Luv." He smirks at me as I lightly blush. He began kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and started kissing him back. He moved me onto my back and started taking off my clothes, yet trying to keep on kissing me. I sighed and pushed him underneath me while stradling my legs over him so that I was sitting on his waist. He looked at me a little confused, but that soon turned into a sly smile as I ripped off his shirt and got rid of his pants. I started moving my lower body on him slowly. He moaned and put his hands on my hips. I giggled and moved my body lower and started rubbing again. He began to growl with pleasure. He rolled over so that I was under him. He started playfully nipping my breasts. I moaned as I moved my hands through his wild hair. He then entered me and began a quick rythm. I breathed his name in pleasure and wrapped my legs around him to help him move faster and harder. He grunted and complied. When he was done he lay down next to me trying to catch his breath. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes to get some sleep.

We were sitting around the living room again not really doing anything as Videl came running in. "Hey everyone! Sorry that I am late. I just had to go pick up Chichi's newest book. But Chichi, how come you are still using your pen name?"

"I kind of like it. It is weird, but I respond to both of them."

"You should have told us that you were her earlier. Oh yeah, my friends want your autograph." I laugh lightly and take the pen from her hands and start signing books. Hey, I may have Goku, but I still like to write.

The End

Author's note: Okay, that is just about the only lemon you are going to get from me. I hope you all liked it. Thanks. Please review. =^_^=