Bloody Rivals
Bloody Rivals

Chapter 8

Pan’s eye cracked open as the sun greeted her with a bright hello. She felt Trunks’ strong arms holding her, refusing to let go.

“Morning.” Trunks mumbled.

“Good morning.” Pan murmured. Trunks opened his eyes and yawned.

“How do you feel?” He asked sitting up with Pan in his arms.

“Well, in between my legs hurt like a bitch, but I think that it was definitely worth it.” She smiled kissing him.

“Well, I’m glad that you liked it just as much as I did.” He smiled.

Pan stood up and began to get out all the kinks out of her joints. She was startled when something grabbed her around her waist and began to pick her up.

“What are you doing?” Pan asked.

“Oh, nothing.” Trunks said innocently as he threw Pan in the water.

“Hey. It’s cold in here in the morning.” Pan vented as she came to the top shivering.

“Well then, let me help warm you up.” Trunks said mischievously. He flew down into the water, and the two continued to play like little children.


“That was fun.” Trunks said powering up to dry himself off. He looked over at Pan as she did the same. He smiled to himself.

“What?” Pan laughed as she caught him staring at her. “You wanna go at it again?” She laughed.

“No, I’m just wondering how I was so lucky and got you.” Trunks said shrugging into his pants. Pan came over and stopped him, as he was about to put his shirt on.

“No Trunks, we were both lucky enough to find each other. Look, let’s not think about our past and misfortunes right now. We can talk about our past later, but right now, let’s go and get something to eat.” Pan said as she led him to the little shack. Trunks succumbed to her and let her lead him to the food.


Here they were again. Sitting on the grass with her head on his stomach. They were both just looking as the clouds passed them up above.

“No Trunks, that one looks like a cat.” Pan protested.

“No it doesn’t. What kind of cat are you talking about?” Trunks questioned.

“Hehe…forget it.” Pan said stealing a glance at Trunks. “Trunks?” Pan asked.

“Yeah?” He asked still lost in contentment.

“When are we gonna tell everyone? You know that this is probably going to be the hardest thing that we have to do. I’m actually kinda scared.” Pan admitted.

“Pan, let’s promise that no matter what happens…we don’t forget the promise that we both made on the moment of our love.” Trunks said.

“Don’t worry Trunks…we’re mates now, and if I’m not right…saiya-jins mate for life.” Pan smiled.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Trunks said settling down. “We’ll go home after dinner.”

“Yeah, I want one last meal here too.” Pan smiled.

And so, both stayed and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together…hoping that it would never end.


After dinner, Trunks and Pan both prepared to go home.

“You got everything?” Pan asked. She only got an affirmative nod from Trunks. “You ready?” Pan smiled.

Trunks just looked up and smiled as well. “Of course I’m ready.”

“Good.” Pan said taking in a small breath.


The two landed on the backyard of the large castle. Trunks and Pan cautiously made their ways to the door…but where stopped by constant grunts and the sounds of blows being exchanged.

They looked at each other fearfully as they both recognized the kis. They quickly made their ways to the side, dropping everything they held. There, Gohan and Vegeta were exchanging blow for blows.

Pan let out a little scream and went on her father’s side to try and stop him…and Trunks did the same with Vegeta.

“What the hell are you doing?” Vegeta protested as Trunks held him back.

“Pan, what are you two doing?” Gohan asked while dropping out of SSJ form.

“No daddy, there will be no fighting. There will be peace…I don’t want there to be fighting between these two families. I want there to be a mutual understanding. Papa, I know about what happened in the past with Grandpa and King Vegeta, but that was then…this is now. He’s changed now. Look, he already has a wife, son, and a daughter that he would literally die for. Queen Bulma gave him a chance, why can’t we?” Pan pleaded.

Gohan got out of his daughters’ grasp and turned to look at her as she moved closer to Trunks.

“Papa, there has to be an understanding between the two families, because Trunks and I are…in love. You hear that Papa, we’re in love. I don’t care if you disapprove of this…we don’t care.” Pan said taking Trunks’ hand. “We’re in love…and not even you or King Vegeta can stop it.”

“That’s all very nice dear.” Gohan said almost laughing. “But King Vegeta and I were only sparring.” This time, Gohan did laugh. Pan looked over at Vegeta who was smirking wildly.

“Then…but what…what about the battle?” Pan asked confused. She looked over at Trunks who was equally confused.

“Well dear,” came Bulma’s sweet voice from the side, “we kinda staged the whole thing. You see there is no battle, only an excuse for you two to be on the same planet and see past all of your differences.” Bulma said.

“Mom?” Pan asked as if trying to be sure that Queen Bulma wasn’t lying. “She’s right dear. Now, when’s the wedding?” Videl asked clasping her hands together.

“Whoa, whoa there everyone. Before we talk about weddings, I think we need to get all the little details down.” Trunks said.

“That’s fine, we can discuss everything at dinner.” Videl said.

“Well actually, we already had dinner.” Pan said shyly.

“Well, you’re both Saiya-jin…I know you’re both still hungry.” Bulma wavered off.

“She knows us all too well.” Trunks said turning towards Pan. Pan just nodded her head.

“Okay then.” They both declared.

“Good then…go and get ready for dinner.” Bulma and Videl ordered. They then turned on their husbands.

“Hey buddy, we weren’t only talking to them. Both of you need showers.” Bulma declared.

“Women.” Gohan said looking over to Vegeta.

“Hmph.” Was all that came from the mighty Saiya-jin King.

And so, both men trudged into the house for a shower that was definitely well deserved.


Pan fidgeted at the dining room table in her long gown. It was beautiful, but she still hated wearing the dreadful thing. Trunks grabbed Pan’s hand and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“Calm down Pan. They already approved of us.” He said. Pan smiled.

“Aw…” came Bulma from the side, “look at the happy couple. Flirting with each other at the dinner table.” She winked. Pan only smiled but looked down at her plate.


After dinner, the bots began to clean up. The royal beings sitting at the table sat back in pure contentment.

“Now, on to business.” Videl said sitting up. They all followed suit.

“Okay, about this war.” Pan started.

“Don’t worry dear. Already taken care of. There have been peace documents already signed.” Videl said.

“And since we’re both mated for life…” Trunks said referring to himself and Pan.

“Well, that is taken care of as well. We’ve already bought a small planet so the two of you may reign as it’s king and queen.” Bulma said proudly.

“What about the people? I’m sure that Pan and I want both our people involved.” Trunks declared.

“That has been taken care of too. There are Vegeta-jins and Earth-jins that will reside on Earth. And all have been informed on their power since the Earth’s King is half.” Bulma said.

“So, I guess all of you have though up everything.” Pan said slyly. “But when did this all happen?”

“Well, it actually happened while you two were away.” Videl said.

“While we were away?! Mother, we were away for two days!” Pan yelled out.

“Yeah well, me and Bulma have been thinking this over for quite some time. And besides, you can’t tell me that you two aren’t glad that everything is settled without taking up a lot of time.” Videl said.

“I guess you’re right.” Pan said leaning back.

“Geez…is there something that you two haven’t planned out?” Trunks asked.

“Well actually, we didn’t plan out your wedding. But we have a good idea as to where we want to have it. We’ll have it on Planet whatever you wanna name your planet.” Videl waved off.

“Great. Now we just gotta think up a name.” She directed to Trunks.

“Okay…but maybe later. Why do we need to get married so soon though?” Trunks asked.

“Because boy…don’t waste your stupid time. Why wait when you two know that you’ll be together forever anyway.” Vegeta spat.

“He’s got a point.” Gohan shrugged.

“I guess there right.” Pan said.

“And besides, your planet needs a ruler now.” Gohan said.

“Ah, I see what you’re getting at.” Trunks said.

Bra who had been sitting quietly the entire time took this opportunity to speak up. “It would be a real honor for me to take on the responsibility of planning the wedding.” Bra said.

“Great.” Pan said. Just then. Goten walked into the dining room. ‘Uh-oh.’ Pan thought.

“Hey there Goten. Sit down with us. We’re just discussing the wedding.” Gohan said to his brother.

“Okay.” Goten said plopping down next to Bra. “Hey Pan, hey Trunks.” Goten said.

“What the hell?! You were in on this too?!” Pan practically yelled.

“Umm…yeah.” Goten shrugged.

“Well this isn’t fair.” Trunks said leaning back in his chair. “Everyone knew about this except for us. Why didn’t anyone tell us?” He asked.

“Well, it would have made it seem like an arranged marriage. We didn’t want to make it seem like that. It would have taken a lot longer for you two to get together. And besides, we didn’t want to intervene. It was fun watching you two sneak around like little children.” Bulma laughed.

“I bet it was.” Trunks said huffily.

“Aww…come on Trunksy-poo. Lighten up.” Pan said while caressing his cheek.

“Yeah, yeah.” Trunks wavered. “Now, when are we going to set a date?” Trunks asked.

“Well Trunks dear, don’t you think it would be nice if you proposed to Pan?” Bulma asked.

Trunks snickered a bit. “What? You thought I was going to do it in front of all of you? I don’t think so.” Trunks said. “And besides, we can all talk about this later. Right now, Pan and I have somewhere to be.” He winked to everyone. “But first I would like a shower.” He said standing. He stretched his muscles that were forced to stay dormant for the last half hour.

“All right Pan, I’ll meet you down here in another hour. I wanna rest up first and shower.” Trunks said as he bent down and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek. Pan blushed a bright red as everyone began to coo at the adorable sight before them.

And so, Trunks trotted up the stairs slowly at first, but lightning speed at the top. With a quick thrust of his window, he flew out while wearing one of his ki scramblers so no one knew he left the palace grounds.


Sorry this took so long everyone. I got stuck in another writer’s block. And those really suck. I was just wondering if anyone heard about the teacher’s strike that’s going on in Hawaii? Yeah well because of that, I might have to either make up school during the summer, or even have to repeat the 9th grade. Can you believe that?! Well, I’m officially pissed. Sorry…I’ll stop my venting. But please do review my story. I’m just a little peeved off, but I’ll get over it. Ja ne!