Bloody Rivals
Bloody Rivals

Chapter 7

Pan looked around to make sure that none of the guards were following her. They were such pests at times. The fact that she had guards irritated her. She was stronger than all of them combined, and now they want to try and protect her?

‘Che, whatever.’ Pan thought. She continued to fly with Trunks close by.

“So, where is this ‘secret lair’? Or do you not have one?” The young man questioned smugly.

Pan just snorted at this. “Excuse me, but I don’t tell lies.” Pan said.

“You want to say that to my face?” He laughed.

“Okay, okay, so I tell lies…but who doesn’t? You can’t honestly tell me that you enjoy the things that your parents want you to do, can you?” Pan questioned looking at him.

“Good one. Yes I do tell lies. And I do not like going to those stupid balls where all the girls are snobby, but I’ll do what I need to do to keep my parents happy.” Trunks said.

“Even if it means being someone you’re not?” Pan asked.

“Yes.” He answered simply.

“You’re a great guy Trunks. I don’t know why I didn’t see it earlier. You don’t like what you have to do, but you do it anyway.” Pan said.

“Well, I have to give you credit too.” Trunks smiled.

“For what?” Pan smiled.

“Well, for what you did to the Planet Zarial. I know of what their son did to you.” Trunks said.

“Che, you mean that little pervert that tried to ‘score’ with me?” Pan said in disgust at the memory.

“Yes.” Trunks said.

“Well, that wasn’t really worth my time and energy, but it was funny. And besides, I had to prove to my father that I could take care of myself. After what he did, my dad was going to go and blow up the planet himself. But I decided to do it myself. It made him see that I am grown up. And I’m actually really glad that I did do that. He’s beginning to give me a little more freedom.” Pan smiled.

“Hehe…I haven’t earned that from my parents yet. You’re very lucky.” Trunks said.

“There are times when I don’t think that.” Pan said with a hint of sadness.

“Why?” Trunks asked. “You have just about everything, and you mean to tell me that you’re not happy?” Trunks asked.

“Are you?” She asked more seriously.

“No, I guess not.” Trunks sighed.

“I’ve been lonely all my life. I’ve never had friends. I remember my very first friend…she was only after my money. Just like all the boys I went out with. I tried to deny it…but in the end I lost a lot more than I bargained for.” Pan said.

“You mean…” Trunks started.

“No, God no. I mean I lost my dignity and pride. My father thought that I would know what I would expect. But I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask to be a Princess. All I’ve ever wanted to do was to find true happiness.” Pan finished.

“Well, I think that goes for the both of us.” Trunks said taking her hand in his.

“I think that maybe I’ve already found my happiness.” Pan smiled as Trunks leaned in again. They stopped flying completely, and began to kiss right there in the air.

“You know.” Pan said after the kiss. “This is a very romantic scene.” Pan said.

“Really?” Trunks questioned.

“Yes, I mean look at us. Two lonely figures, levitating in front of a full moon and stars…with not a cloud in sight.” Pan said leaning in for another kiss.

“Well, get used to it. I like to treat all my girls with nothing but the best.” Trunks said.

“All?” Pan asked.

“Well, maybe just two. This other girl and you.” Trunks said blushing slightly.

“You mean to tell me that you’ve only had one other girlfriend?” Pan said about to get ready to laugh.

“Yeah so what?” Trunks said feigning anger. “Hey, you said it yourself, love isn’t easy to find with a high status.” Trunks replied.

“Yeah, I guess I did say that.” Pan laughed. She started to fly again, and Trunks followed.

“Just wondering, Pan?” Trunks asked.

“Yeah?” Pan replied.

“Are you a virgin?” He asked slightly embarrassed.

“Of course I am. Are you?” Pan asked.

“Yeah.” Trunks said feeling better.

“Wow, that’s kind of hard to believe. I mean, I figured that a fine guy like you would’ve already lost it when he was like two or something.” Pan said. Trunks just laughed lightly at the ‘compliment’ Pan had just given him.

“Well, I’m surprised too.” He responded.

“Why? What’s so hard to believe?” Pan said. “Pan, you need to stop thinking so lowly of yourself. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met…inside and outside. My sister was even jealous of you.” Trunks said.

“Really?” Pan asked beginning to feel a little bit better.

“Yes, now, where is this place that you were talking about? You weren’t bluffing were you?” Trunks replied with a smirk.

“Oh no, not this discussion again.” Pan said rolling her eyes. “It’s just over there…come on.”

“Lead the way milady.” Trunks said.

“Okay.” Pan shrugged flying away full blast.


Pan landed and waited for Trunks to come down.

“Geez Pan, you’re pretty fast.” He said slightly out of breath.

“Why thank you pretty boy. I take pride in my speed. Since I can’t get my power level up for my lack of saiya-jin blood, I might as well take advantage of my speed and skill.” Pan said.

“What do you mean lack of saiya-jin blood?” Trunks asked.

“Don’t you know…I’m only a fourth saiya-jin.” Pan laughed.

“Really? Wow, you’re pretty strong for a saiya-jin girl with only a fourth in her. Bra’s half and she can’t even fly. I thought dad would be somewhat disappointed…but he was actually glad that Bra wasn’t gonna start fighting.” Trunks shrugged.

“Well, I don’t find it hard to believe. Although your father doesn’t show much love towards you and your family, I can see it in his eyes. And I’m practically a stranger…so you must see more.” Pan said.

“Yeah, I do.” Trunks smiled. “So, where is this secret lair of yours?” He said changing the subject.

“Over here, come on.” Pan said taking his hand. Trunks just followed her and she led him to a cave.

“This is your lair?” Trunks said in disbelief.

“Not out here…come on.” Pan said leading him inside. She went to the end of the cave where it looked like there was no more. She lifted up a rock that revealed a little place for her hand. She placed her hand on the imprint gently.

“My, my, my…aren’t we going high-tech?” Trunks said. “You really don’t want people to find your lair, do you?”

“Well, this is my secret place where I come to get away. My parents both understand…and they trust me. I just have to tell them that I’ll be at my lair and they understand.” Pan shrugged. The boulders that were actually steel began to move apart and allowed Pan to enter along with Trunks.

As soon as Trunks entered, he was hit with the scent of fresh water striking rocks. The mist engulfed his body, and the scent sent chills up and down his spine.

“This is my little place.” Pan said.

In the cave, Pan had a waterfall that was striking the rocks. There was a bridge that went over the waterfall, and the rocks down below. The lake that formed at the bottom of the waterfall had a small river connected to it that let the water out of the cave. There was grass grown by the shore of the lake, and there was a little gazebo and bar there as well. Trunks also noticed a small little, quaint house not too far away.

“This place is absolutely stunning.” Trunks murmured.

“I bet it is. I love it here. There are times when I think I spend more time here than I do at my own room.” Pan smiled.

“You must be really independent from your parents, huh? You’re such a strong girl, Pan. I don’t understand how you do it.” Trunks said sitting on the grass.

“I guess you could say that I wanted things this way.” Pan said taking a seat in front of him. “Since I didn’t have many friends, I kind of took it on myself to have fun. I never showed any of those boys of any of those girls this place. No one has ever been in here except for me. Not even my family. And they don’t pry me much about this place. But that’s enough about Earth. I want to know about Vegeta-sei…my original home.” Pan said leaning back. She supported her weight with her elbows and waited for Trunks to continue. Trunks took this invitation and got comfortable as well. He lain on his stomach right next to Pan and looked her deeply in the eyes.

“Well, since you’re so interested, I guess I might as well tell you.” Trunks said. “On Vegeta-sei, it looks like a war zone. We only have one large island that isn’t nearly as beautiful as this small area. But it is beautiful nonetheless. My mother wanted something that reminded her of Earth, so my dad dedicated that small island to her and only the royal family. Not even the royal bodyguards were allowed there. No one but the Briefs Vegeta’s were allowed there. And it felt great to just get away from it all. If something was bothering one of us, we just went there. And there was always a mutual understanding within the family. If the island was occupied by someone who was troubled, we just let them be.” Trunks shrugged. “But that little area is the most beautiful thing out of the entire planet. There are few trees and plants…but on that island, it’s just like your forests here. They’re lush, and fruitful, and just plain amazing. Maybe one day I’ll take you there.” Trunks finished.

“That sounds so beautiful.” Pan said lying down on her back completely. She lifted her hand to caress his cheek. “Trunks, I want to know about you and your troubles too. I’ve told you just about everything about me, and I want to know more about you.” Pan said with sincerity.

Trunks sighed deeply. “Okay, but if I pause for a while…it’s just because I have a real hard time trusting people. Remember how I told you about that first girlfriend I had on Vegeta-sei? Well, she was the one that broke it all. I was so stupid. I didn’t know how to deal with love. It was such a new concept to me, but I thought that I already knew what it was. She didn’t want me anymore though. So to get away from me, she began to spread rumors that I just used her and that she met nothing to me…and that I beat her. Everyone began to believe these lies. I told them all it wasn’t true. But no one believed me. Only my family did…but it didn’t seem like it was enough. That’s why I only have one girlfriend.” Trunks sighed. “It hurt me deeply, and it even affected who I am today. I can’t believe that I’m even telling you this. I didn’t even tell Bra this stuff…and we’re both REALLY close.”

“Well, you don’t have to share everything in one day. Let’s just go and have some fun swimming or something. But let’s not bring up too much of the past. If yours is anything like mine, then you won’t mind the break from all of this pain.” Pan said still stroking his cheek.

“Yeah, I guess I could use this.” Trunks said. He stood up and began to strip out of his clothes, save for his boxers.

“My, aren’t we resourceful.” Pan said smiling as she noticed that Trunks didn’t have anything else.

“Yeah well, it looks you’ll have to be resourceful too.” Trunks smiled.

“Not really.” Pan said as she began to peel her clothes off. Just as she reached her under garments, she looked up at Trunks. “You see…I go skinny dipping.” She said with a wink as she shed all that was left. She let her hair out of her ponytail, and tossed her hair out of her face.

“Now, I’m going for a swim.” Pan said as she treaded off into the water. Trunks just continued to gape at her perfect ness. The last time he “saw” her like that, she at least had on her undergarments, but now she was completely bare. Trunks had to admit; he was a bit shy. But he got over it and peeled off his boxers as well. He joined Pan in the water, and they began to splash around like little children again.


“That was fun.” Pan said wringing out the water in her hair.

“Yeah, that was.” Trunks said powering up, causing him to dry off.

“Now why didn’t I think of that?” Pan said as she powered up as well. When she powered down, she got dressed again. Trunks did too.

They walked over to the small little house and grabbed some food to eat on the lake’s shore. With a quick push of the capsule, the stove re-appeared and the food still intact. Pan began her cooking again.


Trunks and Pan both sat in total bliss. Both had learned a great deal about each other that night. Pan didn’t know what was better…the thought of having the sexiest man alive in her grasps…or not being lonely. Pan shrugged. She didn’t care about any of those two. For the first time in her life, she felt complete.

“Oh Trunks!” Pan said getting excited.

“What?” Trunks asked as he looked down at the girl who was resting her head on his chest.

“I forgot to mention the best part. Hold on.” Pan said as she raced over to a rock wall. She pushed away a little panel to reveal a little control panel. She typed in some things, and the roof began to separate…showing nothing but the stars.

“I had a sky roof put in here…well, I did it myself actually.” Pan smiled. The glass that covered the area didn’t seem to interfere with the great view. “And the cool thing is that people can’t tell the difference from the outside either.” Pan smiled as Trunks’ face showed pure awe.

“Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself.” Trunks said. He noticed that Pan was typing something in the computer thing again. Soon, slow music began to creep into his ears.

Tonight, we're all alone tonight

There's never been a moment

“May I have this dance?” Pan asked Trunks. Trunks shook his head.

“No, can I have this dance?” He asked.

Trunks held Pan close and began to sway with the music.

That trembled like tonight

I read your eyes tonight

I see a love I've always known from another time

That once again is mine, I need to know

Are you real?

Do you feel the way I feel?

Could you love, like I love you?

Say you can and say you do


Say you'll stay, say you're sure

Say my heart was made for yours

Let our love, lead the way

Say you'll stay

*** Tonight, I've waited for tonight

I've waited all my life to be here where we are

With you here in my arms

I can't believe, how you shine

Is this moment really mine?

Could you love, like I love you?

Say you can and say you do

*** (Chorus):

Say you'll stay, by my side

Say it's more than just tonight

Say our love, would never let you walk away (never walk away)

Say you'll stay, say you're sure

Say my heart was made for yours

Let our love, lead the way

Say you'll stay (say you'll stay)

*** Say you'll stay

Forever in my arms

And whenever tears are falling

Girl, I'll kiss them all away

So if you wanna be my lady, say you'll stay

“Thank you Trunks.” Pan smiled.

“For what?” He asked.

“For making me complete.” Pan said as a tear silently went down her cheek.

Say you'll stay, by my side

Say it's more than just tonight

Say our love, would never let you walk away (never walk away)

Say you'll stay, say you're sure

Say my heart was made for yours

Let our love, lead the way

Say you'll stay (say you'll stay)

Trunks pulled away from Pan and noticed that the tears cleared from her eyes, and she was smiling at him.

“Pan, I could be wrong…but I think I’m falling…no, I know I’m falling in love with you.” Trunks said. “I think I should be scared, but I’m not.” He said.

Pan just smiled and leaned in and kissed him. “Don’t worry Trunks. Nothing is going to happen that will jeopardize anything. I don’t care about how we’re rivals, I don’t care about that stupid fight, I just want everything to be perfect. All my life, I’ve waited to be happy. Crying to myself, and reassuring myself that some day, things would turn on the up side for me. And right now, the outside world is the least of my problems. I want you Trunks.” Pan said. She continued to stare into the deep blue pools imbedded in his face.

Trunks just nodded his head and leaned his head into her shoulder. “Don’t leave me. Don’t let my happiness be taken away because of something that our family’s had against each other.” He pleaded.

“No, nothing will happen.” Pan said. She made Trunks look her in the eyes. “Trunks, do you know about saiya-jin mating?” Pan asked.

“Of course I do.” Trunks said.

“Trunks, I want to be yours. And I want you to be mine.” Pan said.

“Good, because that is what I’ve been waiting for you to say.” He said as he leaned down and kissed her. But Pan roughened the kiss. She opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to plunge into her mouth as she swirled hers around in his mouth.

Pan didn’t issue to computer to put on any music, but it did anyway. Kai began to play in the background, singing “It Might Be You.”

Pan didn’t protest though. She didn’t protest as Trunks lowered her to the grass. She didn’t protest when Trunks began to shed her clothes as well as his own.

Trunks kissed Pan. He let his kisses trail down her soft body, wanting to kiss everything this goddess had to offer. He continued to lay butterfly kisses all along her collarbone. With a surge of courage, he moved down to her breasts. He was sure not leave them lonely at all. His mouth engulfed one while his large hands were teasing the other.

Pan moaned out as this new wave of pleasure hit her. She’s felt the pleasure of victory before, but nothing like this. She just let Trunks continue his assault on her.

Trunks began to become a little more daring. He moved lower and trailed down her stomach with sweet butterfly kisses.

Moving down, he went and found what he was looking for. He carefully spread her legs apart and began to lap at her womanhood. This earned a small moan from the goddess before him as she arched her back. Trunks continued to plunge his tongue deep into her, just as roughly as their kiss. She began to cum into his mouth, as he accepted her juices…letting them flow into his mouth. He moved back up to his princess, allowing her to taste herself through his lips. She kissed him and ran her hands through his soft purple tresses.

Trunks moved in between her legs, and she nodded her approval.

“Pan?” Trunks said before entering.

“Yes?” She managed to pant out.

“This is forever.” He said as he thrusted into her. She growled at the immense pain, but sucked in a deep breath. Trunks moved in and out of her, in order to help the pain subside faster. Pan seethed as the pain was becoming unbearable and the tears threatened to spill out of her eyes. But soon, the pain was no more. The hurting was not there. Pan felt the emptiness gone too. No more lonely nights. No more crying her self to sleep.

Trunks began to thrust into her. This caused Pan to moan out his name. He grinded his teeth as he slammed into her once more before cumming in her. Pan let out her screams of pure ecstasy as she emptied herself out, and allowed Trunks to fill her.

Soon, panting filled the empty cave. She looked over at Trunks who was breathing hard, but looking down into her eyes from his position above her.

“This is forever Pan.” Trunks said as he pulled out of her and kissed her deeply once more.

“You promise?” Pan asked as she snuggled next to Trunks.

“Yeah, I promise.” He said as him and his mate fell asleep together.


Let’s see…okay credits. I don’t own any of the songs that were used in this fic. As a matter of fact, Kai did it all. The first song that I got was called “Say You’ll Stay” and yes that is from Kai.

Now, please do write a review for my story. This was also my second attempt at writing a lemon, so if it sucked…please tell me.

And since I have like 2 weeks of Spring Break, I plan on trying to get out at least a part every other day. Is that good? I hope so. Oh, and I did try to make this one longer to make up for the other short one. Hehe…Ja ne!

-Christina :)