Bloody Rivals
Bloody Rivals

Chapter 6

Pan brushed away the sleep from her eyes. If there was one thing she hated, it was being woken up by the sun.

“THE SUN!” Pan yelled sitting up. She looked over at her clock and noticed that it 7:00 am.

“DAMNIT!” The princess yelled un-lady like. She sat up in bed and stormed over to the bathroom. “I should have been up hours ago.” She said angrily as she applied some toothpaste to her toothbrush. She angrily brushed her hair and tied it up. Gathering her training attire, she quickly changed in order to get the best of the day.

She stepped outside and was quickly in the air within seconds. She flew over to the large gravity chamber that was given to her in honor of her 16th birthday.

She scowled once she noticed that someone was using HER gravity room. The only other people that she allowed in there was her family. All of her family wasn’t even up, and Goten sure as hell wasn’t stupid enough to be training when he wasn’t supposed to be there.

Pan landed quickly and shut down her gravity room quickly. She stormed into the room and saw a smug figure in the middle of the room with their arms crossed and a wild smirk playing on their faces.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing in my gravity room!” Pan yelled.

“What’s it look like, I’m training.” Trunks spat back.

“Training!” Pan yelled back.

“Well, I figured that since you weren’t going to wake up…” He shrugged.

“You…it was you!” Pan said waving a finger at him.

“What was me?” He asked innocently.

“Yes, you turned off my alarm.” She said vehemently.

“Oh dear me…did I do that?” He asked smugly.

“Asshole!” Pan yelled.

“Well, since you’re here, you might as well train with me. When was the last time you had a good sparring partner?” He replied.

“For your information, I have lots of sparring partners.” Pan said.

“Well, it looks like your father and grandfather are busy…and your uncle isn’t exactly here…so let’s see…who’s left? Oh what do you know, that’s it.” Trunks said.

“Fine then, you asked for it.” Pan said as she lowered herself into a sparring stance.

‘That’s what I thought.’ Trunks smiled getting into his stance as well.


“Well I’ll be damned, they’re actually sparring together.” Videl said as her and Bulma watched from the window.

“I know.” Bulma replied.

“Say Queen Bulma,” Videl started.

“Please Videl, just Bulma.” Bulma said.

“Okay Bulma, but how did you get Vegeta to agree to this?” Videl questioned.

“Well, it wasn’t an easy task, but I told him that he couldn’t hold destiny back. And that no matter how hard he tried, he wasn’t going to stop Trunks from meeting Pan.” Bulma shrugged.

“He didn’t go for that, did he?” Videl said smugly.

“Nope, I told him that if he didn’t…no midnight Olympics for him.” Bulma laughed.

“Good one. I’ll remember that.” Videl laughed as both women continued to watch the sparring match.


It was almost time for lunch, and the two spunky hybrids were still at it.

“Come on Pan, I know that you’re tired.” Trunks said slightly out of breath.

“No, I’m fine!” Pan said as she continued to keep herself steady. Trunks didn’t want to push Pan too far, so he began to let up a little. But she only scolded him and told him to not hold back. He did as he was told, but now he knew that that was a bad idea.

“I’m fine.” Pan said before blacking out. Trunks rushed over and grabbed her before she fell. Trunks caught her, but began to feel dizzy.

Without any more words being said, Trunks passed out with Pan in his arms.


Gohan began to get worried when his daughter and Trunks did not show up for lunch. What even got him more worried was the fact that when Videl and Bulma came back, they said that the two didn’t even take a break. Gohan would have stopped himself from going, but his fatherly instincts kicked in.

He rushed out and found Trunks and Pan on the floor of the gravity room…passed out. Gohan shook his head lightly and walked in. He knew that Pan was stubborn when it came to training, but he at least hoped that Trunks would tell Pan that maybe she needed to lighten up a little.

Gohan called for Vegeta, and with some help from Bulma, Vegeta carried his son to his room. And Gohan took Pan to hers.


Pan woke up with the dizzy spell. She didn’t feel like getting up, but her stomach began to rumble and shake the entire bed.

“Great…I need food.” Pan said getting up. She looked over at her clock again and noticed that it was 3 in the morning.

Pan sighed once more, but got out of bed anyway. She walked down the endless corridors that she seemed to memorize like the back of her hand.

She went to the kitchen and noticed that the lights were on. ‘Mom and dad wouldn’t be up this late.’ She said walking in.

She looked over at the culprit who was looking through the refrigerator for food.

“Who’s there?” Trunks asked turning around.

“Me, now save me some food too.” Pan said sitting down waiting for her turn next.

“Hey…how are you feeling?” Trunks asked as he finished taking the things he needed to make his beloved sandwich.

“I could feel better…but I’ll live.” Pan said taking some of the things she wanted out of the fridge. She went over to the stove and began to cook.

“What are you making?” Trunks asked as his mouth began to water as she chopped some onions up.

“Huh? Oh, I don’t know. I think I might make some sushi.” Pan said.

“Then what are you boiling the water for?” Trunks asked curiously.

“Well, I guess I’ll cook myself some ramen too.” Pan said looking over at Trunks make his sandwich. She began to feel sorry for him.

“How about this.” Pan said taking a seat in front of him. “You make the sandwich so we have something to eat while we’re waiting for the food to cook…and I’ll give you half of what I’m eating.” Pan reasoned.

“Deal.” Trunks said as he continued to make the rest of the sandwich. Pan smiled and went back to her cooking.

“You ever eat this stuff before?” Pan asked.

“The only earth food that I’ve actually eaten was a sandwich and whatever I ate previous to this meal here.” Trunks said.

“Well then, I think that you might actually enjoy this.” Pan said as she finished cutting one roll of sushi. Getting her chopsticks…she fed Trunks the small seaweed roll.

Pan looked at Trunks excitedly, waiting for his response on her cooking. Trunks looked Pan in her eyes deeply.

He grabbed her wrist after he ate the sushi roll, and finished swallowing it. He stood up in front of Pan, and looked down at her.

“That was good.” He murmured as he leaned in to kiss her. Pan closed her eyes and let whatever was to happen…happen.

She felt his soft lips brush her own…then were completely devoured by the passion that the two have held in since the night of the club.

Pan knew that this was wrong. “Trunks.” Pan whimpered as she attempted to push him off. But her arms disobeyed what they told her to do. They began to wrap their arms around his neck.

“Yes Pan.” Trunks responded between kisses.

“I don’t think this is right.” She said between kisses as well.

“Then why aren’t we stopping?” He asked wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Because we both don’t want to.” Pan said as she gave into her temptation. She began to pull on his shirt…but stopped right in her tracks and pulled away.

“What?” Trunks asked.

“We can’t do that here.” Pan said.

“Then where do you want to go?” Trunks asked impatiently.

“How about we go to my secret lair?” Pan offered.

“You have a secret lair?” Trunks asked in disbelief.

“Yes, but you have to be quiet. Let’s go…follow me.” Pan said turning off her cooking. “Hey, you’re not hungry anymore, are you?” Pan asked.

“Maybe just a little.” Trunks said.

“Yeah me too. Let’s bring this along too.” Pan said capsulizing the entire stove.

“Uh Pan, I think they might notice something’s missing.” Trunks said.

“I’m not that stupid.” Pan said slightly annoyed as she replaced it with a spare stove. “Now, let’s go.” Pan said leading the way out one of the many windows instead of the door.


Gohan watched as the two flew off.

“It’s okay Gohan. I think that she’s found the right person…trust me.” Videl said coming up behind him.

“I know.” Gohan sighed. “But I at least wanted some of what she cooked.” He pouted. Videl only laughed at her husband’s childish behavior and kissed him.

“I love you.” Videl said.

“I know.” Gohan laughed. Videl laughed lightly and hit her husband. “Don’t worry, I love you too.” He said.

“That’s better.” Videl said as the two held each other on the balcony.


Well, that’s the end of this part. Tell me what you think. Ja ne!

-Christina :)