Bloody Rivals

Chapter 1

Okay, I finally decided to write an AU fic. In this story, Trunks is 27 and Pan is 25. I know that is not the right ages…but this is my story and I can change it in any way that I want! HAHAHA!!! Umm…okay, never mind. But please do write a review on telling me if this series is actually worth continuing. Thanx!


A 13 year-old little Vegeta listened intently to his father and Bardock’s conversation.

“So, you think that Kakarotto will do a good job of guarding your son?” Bardock asked intently while looking at King Vegeta.

Prince Vegeta was enraged when he heard the word “guarding.” He quickly decided to make quite an entrance.

*Slam* “Father, what is the meaning of this?!” Prince Vegeta yelled out enraged while barging through the door like no one’s business.

“Brat, you will show respect for me!” The King yelled out equally pissed.

“Forgive me father.” Prince Vegeta said getting down on his knee and bowing his head.

“Hmph.” King Vegeta replied arrogantly. “Brat, I am giving you a body guard. With the treaties between Freeza going on, you could be in danger. And I feel that you are not capable of handling some of the things that the large mobs of people can DO to you.” He responded. “So I have assigned someone who is strong, reliable…and your age.”

Prince Vegeta’s head bolted upward and he looked at his father with disbelief. “Who is it father?” Prince Vegeta asked feigning curiosity.

“It’s Bardock’s son…Kakarotto.” King Vegeta shrugged.

Prince Vegeta stood up. “Oh really? May I meet him?” He said with the most respect that he could muster.

“I suppose a little rendezvous could be scheduled.” The King shrugged.

“Perhaps I may meet him now…just as a simple hello.” Prince Vegeta said ignorantly.

“Well then, I’ve never heard you so excited about anything before.” King Vegeta smirked.

Prince Vegeta snarled inside. He hated to hear his father jeer at every single bits of comments he made. “Yes well…if he’s going to be my *shudder* body guard…I might as well get to know him.” Prince Vegeta mustered.

“Very well then. You may go. He is out in the courtyard training with Nappa.” The king replied.

“Thank you father. It’s good to see you again Bardock.” Prince Vegeta said before leaving the room and finding the other saiya-jin.


Vegeta found the one they called Kakarotto just lounging around outside.

“Why aren’t you training?” Vegeta asked harshly.

“I broke a couple of Nappa’s ribs, so he told me to take the rest of the day off.” The young boy shrugged.

‘I never hurt Nappa that bad.’ Vegeta thought angrily. He decided he would take his anger out on the boy. “Brat, where are your manners? Have you no idea who you are talking to?” Vegeta vented.

“Forgive me my prince. I just thought…” Kakarotto said getting down on his knee and bowing his head.

“You weren’t thinking, which is why I should kill you. But I will obey my father’s orders and stick to whatever it is I’m supposed to do with you.” Vegeta thought. He smirked more to himself. “Now, you will follow me. If you are going to protect me, you should know about where everything is located.” He said.

“Okay.” Kakarotto said standing up.

“First, let’s take a look at the spaceships and emergency space pods. Those get interesting.” Vegeta said darkly.


“So you see son of Bardock, these are the ships.” Vegeta said pointing to the large ships. “And this is the emergency space pods. Take a look for yourself.” Vegeta said moving to the side. Kakarotto allowed his head to fit in the pod and look around.

“Very cool.” Kakarotto said.

“Yes…very.” Vegeta laughed evilly. Kakarotto looked at him questioningly, but only got a slap in the face as he was hurled into the ship. Before he could say anymore…he hit his head against the control panel.

Vegeta smiled darkly as he noticed that Kakarotto managed to get the ship started and going.

“See you later idiot.” Vegeta said with no guilty feelings as he walked away from the area that the pod was about to leave.

“Your highness…what happened?” One of the guards said about ready to enter the area that Vegeta just left.

“I was just disposing of one of the old ships that no one has even bothered to take care of. Who is in charge of it!” Vegeta demanded.

“I am sire.” The guard said shakily.

“What would have happened if I was in that pod when it was taking off. It could have killed me. I should kill you for your futile attempt to protect your Prince.” Vegeta said.

“Please sire…I beg of you. Forgive me.” The guard begged.

“I will pardon you this once…but don’t EVER let me catch you doing that again…is that understood?” Vegeta scoffed.

“It is sire.” The man bowed.

“Then carry on your duties.” Vegeta said walking by.

“Right sire.” The man said taking his position once again.

:::::::::::: 45 Years Later:::::::::

Pan walked around the Palace grounds aimlessly. After everyone found out that Gohan had saved the world from Cell, the entire world insisted that Gohan be king of Earth. Not only did they think that it would help their governing system, but it would also show the rest of the galaxy that they were not to be taken lightly.

Gohan didn’t let his new power get to his head though. Although he was only 9 when he was crowned Prince of Earth Gohan, Goku, and Chi Chi kept the world together. They ran the Earth wisely and made wise decisions that soon made Earth prestigious in every way.

:::::::::::: Back on Vegeta-Sei:::::::

“BRAT!!! GET IN HERE!” King Vegeta yelled relentlessly.

“Yes father.” A tall lavender haired man answered stepping into his parents’ sleeping chambers.

He looked at his father with a sign of pure irritation. “What?” He asked with more attitude.

“You know what? I don’t make you bid me as much respect as I did my father…but you will show me respect none the less.” Vegeta warned.

“”Yes father.” Trunks sighed. He looked over at his mother that was sitting at her vanity. She was looking at him through the mirror.

“Trunks, I thought I taught you better then that. Don’t be so disrespectful to your father and I. You are lucky that we don’t enforce the fact that you should act proper all the time. There are some unfortunate royal Princes’ and Princess’ that don’t get the luxury you get.” Bulma said.

“Yeah, but they don’t know about this.” Trunks said.

“And that is the way it is going to stay.” Vegeta’s voice boomed.

“Fine.” Trunks muttered.

“What did your mother just tell you brat?” Vegeta said while the vain in his forehead continued to pulse rapidly.

“Fine…father.” Trunks said taking a seat in one of the many comfortable chairs that lounged around the room. “Now, what is it you called me for?” Trunks asked while picking up one of the many foreign fruits that sat in a basket. “Wow, these are good. Where are they from? I know they’re not from around here.” Trunks said amazed at the burst of flavor that came with the first bite.

“It’s from Earth boy. I found out that my old rival resides there.” Vegeta said clenching his fist at the memory of being compared to Kakarotto from his own father. “And this is where you come in.” Vegeta said.

“What the hell does this have to do with me?” Trunks asked.

“A lot.” Vegeta said simply. “The youngest male member of their family is the brother of the king. King Gohan has decided that he will not fight you. He has decided to allow you to fight with his younger brother.” Vegeta said.

“So, why are we fighting?” Trunks asked.

“Because, this is the family that disgraced us.” Vegeta said.

“Oh, this must be Kakarotto’s family. Am I right?” Trunks laughed lightly.

“Shut up brat! Yes this is them.” Vegeta muttered.

“Then why do I have to fight?” Trunks asked. “Is it because you still want to prove your self better than them?” Trunks laughed.

“Yes that is it.” Bulma said from the side.

“Why?” Trunks sighed.

“Because I said so.” Vegeta said.

“Fine…so I fight a guy huh? How old is he?” Trunks asked.

“Well actually, the little wussy bailed out. He fled from the planet as soon as he heard news of the fight. But the King’s daughter has decided to take over from there. So you will be fighting her instead.” Vegeta said.

“Her? You’ve gotta be kidding me? A girl? I don’t accept challenges from a girl. How old is she?” Trunks asked.

“She’s 25.” Vegeta said.

“Oh well, she’s only 2 years younger than me…but I don’t think I’ll mind killing something.” Trunks shrugged.

“Very good then. Your battle day is approaching. You better go and begin your training.” Vegeta said.

“Alright then. Hey, why don’t you get Bra to fight this girl?” Trunks asked before leaving.

“This girl that you are going to fight, she is the future Queen of the Planet Earth. And since you are future ruler of Vegeta-sei, you will fight for it too. But I’ve seen past that the entire time. Right now they have forces that are thinking of ways to conquer us. They want to see what they’re up against…and that is why I agreed to this…so that we may see what we’re up against…and if we’re good enough, we’ll take over Planet Earth!” Vegeta roared.

“Umm…okay. I’m going to go train now…umm..bye.” Trunks said dashing out of his mad father’s sight.

::::::::::::Planet Earth:::::::

“Alright Pan, I really don’t want you to fight this battle.” Gohan said pacing around the room.

“Why not?” Pan asked.

“Because it is dangerous.” Videl filled in for her husband.

“Nah, it should be a piece of cake. Come on, I can already turn SSJ2…what’s there to worry about?” Pan laughed.

“Plenty.” Gohan said leaving the room to think.

Pan looked over at her mother. “Mom, what’s wrong?” Pan questioned.

“We’re fighting saiya-jins.” Videl sighed.

“What?! I can’t fight my own blood.” Pan yelled out in disbelief.

“I know, but you have to understand that they are our rivals Pan. It all started way back when your grandfather was a little boy…” Videl started.

“Mom, there’s no need to go through this again. I still remember the story…trust me.” Pan said.

“Well then, it’s good that we got that settled.” Videl said. “It will do you some good to get off your butt and begin to train for your oncoming battle.” Videl said.

“But mom, I can already reach SSJ2!” Pan whined.

“Let me tell you something Pan, what has your father told you time and again.” Videl said.

“That saiya-jins are unpredictable.” She sighed.

“Very good. Now go and get ready. The King, Queen, Prince, and Princess are on their way to stay at our planet for a while…and for the battle.” Videl said leaving the room.

“When are they coming?” Pan asked.

“In about 4 hours.” Videl said.

“Then why do I have to get ready now?” Pan whined.

“Because you have to make a good impression on them. They have a daughter too ya know.” Videl said.

“Is it that…or do you wanna prove that I’m better than their daughter?” Pan inquired.

“That too. Now get ready. I’ll send up Laura to help you.” Videl said.

“I can dress myself.” Pan said.

“But I’ve seen the way you’ve dressed, and I can’t have a little tomboy running around while the King and Queen think less of the Earth.” Videl reasoned.

“Yeah, yeah. You just wanna show me off like a stupid trophy.” Pan laughed.

Videl just grimaced. “Pan, I want you to be on your best manners as well.” Videl boomed before leaving the room.”


Behold, this is my new story. Please write a review! Ja ne!

-Christina :)