Basic Instinct

Chapter 15: Bulma the Dominatrix

Author : Kei + Yuri

Disclaimer: We do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fic.  Believe us if we did paying for college would never be an issue with our parents.  Not to mention having a beat up old Probe.  The lousy piece of…ah anyway we hope you enjoy this chapter.  I put a lot of work into this fic.  No thanks to Yuri. *Kei glares at Yuri is sitting in Kei’s beanbag chair and watching HER Cardcaptor Sakura DVDs*.  On with the fic.


Bulma slowly made her way through the woods.  Stopping Bulma tried to make a landing but wound up landing roughly on her rear.  “Ouch!  How do they do this?” Bulma asked herself out loud while rubbing her sore rear.  “Now where is Vegeta?” Standing up Bulma began looking around trying to sense his chi.  At least that is what she thought that ChiChi and Videl called it.  Hey if the boys and Videl could do it so could she.  Closing her eyes Bulma began to focus on Vegeta; the way he smirked, his hair, his body.  His hot, heated and muscular body.  Opening her eyes quickly Bulma shook her head trying to shake the ideas out of her head.  “Whoa!  That was…bad.” Bulma said trying to convince herself of exactly that.  ‘Alright just don’t think about Vegeta’s body, or the way he makes me feel when he…” Bulma began to shiver with anticipation.


‘Heh.  Well it seems that someone’s Saiyan hormones are getting the best of them.’ Vegeta thought chuckling to himself.  Vegeta’s tail lashed to and fro as he watched Bulma try and gain control of herself.  Vegeta couldn’t help but lick his lips at his naked mate.  The way her brown tail whipped back and forth giving away her anxiety and her desire to find her elusive mate.  Vegeta felt his member swell from just watching her breast bounce when she breathed.  ‘Well let’s see how she wants to play this game.’ Vegeta thought as he jumped down from the tree.


Hearing a strange sound Bulma turned around crouching into a defensive stance.  Vegeta couldn’t help but chuckle at her.  His pathetic, weakling of a mate had now become a Saiyan.  She had the same instincts as he and the same fighting sixth sense.  “Who’s there?” Bulma growled out.  Bulma was shocked by the sound that escaped her throat.  She was actually growling.


“You need to learn to relax.” Vegeta stated stepping out into the moonlight.  Bulma dropped her stance and could only tilt her head to the side.  “So how does it feel?  Being a Saiyan that is?” Vegeta asked smirking.


“It’s actually pretty neat, honestly.” Bulma said licking her lips as she took a step towards Vegeta.  Bulma continued stalking towards Vegeta.  She could feel her Saiyan instincts kick in.  Her muscles remained tensed, just in case Vegeta decided to attack.  Her ears weren’t focused on just one sound alone, she heard everything that was going on around her.  She heard the flapping of a bird’s wings as awoke from its slumber and she heard the sound of water, most likely a creek that lead to a lake.  Bulma was in awe at her newfound abilities but her Saiyan instincts refused to give it away.  Soon Bulma was only mere inches away from Vegeta.  


“What’s wrong?” Vegeta asked smirking.  Bulma jumped back away from him.  Bulma couldn’t explain it, but her instincts told her to run.  Free him and run!  Bulma growled out trying to silence her own thoughts.  “Not easy staying in control, is it?” Vegeta asked crossing his arms.


“I don’t know what you mean.” Bulma said mimicking Vegeta’s stance.


“Come here then.” Vegeta whispered as he uncrossed his arms.  Again Bulma jumped back.  Vegeta couldn’t help but notice the childish grin on her face.  Deep down Bulma was excited about this game.  She runs, Vegeta chases.  It was perfect.  “Jumpy aren’t we?” Vegeta asked raising an eyebrow.


‘NO!’ Bulma screamed to herself.  ‘I made the collar so that I would be in control.  Damn Goku and his wish.  Damn Saiyan hormones.  I’m losing my nerve.  That’s it!  I gotta take him now.’ Bulma thought to herself as she felt a burning hunger start in her stomach and make its way down to her wet womanhood.  Yes, she was wet and he was the only one that could satisfy it.  Without a warning or second thought Bulma lunged herself at Vegeta’s surprise.  Opening his eyes Vegeta was shocked to find a growling Bulma on top of him.  Looking into her eyes Vegeta saw nothing but a lustful desire.  Vegeta felt his member stiffen and swell with blood as he felt Bulma’s wetness on his hard stomach.


Locking eyes with Bulma threw herself on top of Vegeta forcing him into a deep and passionate kiss.  Moving her hands down his shoulders, across his collarbone and finally settling on his manly nipples; Bulma rubbed Vegeta until his nipples were small hard buds.  Bulma began licking Vegeta’s lips begging to be let in.  Vegeta couldn’t help but moan as he parted his lips allowing Bulma complete access to his mouth.  Their tongues began to duel for dominance as they explored every corner of each other’s mouth.  Pulling away Vegeta began to whimper as Bulma suddenly attacked his neck with kisses and playful nips.  Bulma purred in contentment as Vegeta lulled his head back, closing his eyes and moaned his pleasure.


Moving further down Bulma trailed hot kisses down Vegeta’s neck, chest and down to his firm stomach.  Feeling Bulma’s hair along with the kisses only intensified the entire experience.  Vegeta’s breathing became more ragged the further she went.  Vegeta’s spine tingled with excitement as Bulma kissed to the waistline of his pants.  Outlining the muscles of Vegeta’s stomach Bulma sat up tossing her long blue hair behind her.  Vegeta stopped his breathing altogether as he opened his eyes in surprise to see Bulma lightly tapping a fingernail against her teeth.


“What to do next.” Bulma said thoughtfully as she began to slowly suck on her index finger.  As if an idea has suddenly struck her Bulma gave Vegeta a smug grin and impish grin as she slowly pulled her finger from her mouth.  Raising an eyebrow Vegeta watched as Bulma allowed the wet finger to trail down her chin, her collarbone and stop in between her huge firm breasts.  Making small circles Bulma trailed her finger to the underside of her left breast.  Giggling to herself Bulma trailed her finger up her breast to her nipple.  Biting her bottom lip Bulma began to circle her nipple as it slowly became a bud.


Vegeta let out a low growl.  He was obviously becoming bored.  It was unlike him to just sit there and do nothing.  Sensing his impatience Bulma took hold of Vegeta’s wrists and pinned them to his side.  Narrowing his eyes Vegeta was shocked to see Bulma frowning at him.  Cocking her head to the side Bulma smiled sweetly as her tail snaked its way around her waist to Vegeta’s wrists.  Wrapping around his wrists Bulma freed her hands and placed them on Vegeta’s waist.  Lifting her hips Bulma looked down at Vegeta’s hardened member straining to break free. 


Licking her lips Bulma quickly removed Vegeta’s pants was happily surprised to see that he no underwear underneath.  Quickly freeing his legs from the pants Bulma took Vegeta’s member into her small hands.  Bulma felt herself become wetter as she smelled Vegeta’s arousal and felt his member twitch underneath her grasp.  Keeping her eyes on the throbbing member Bulma slowly moved her hands up and down squeezing and loosening her grip as she continued her slow torture.  Vegeta had lulled his head back and was desperately trying to remain in control.  But he felt his control slip when Bulma quickened her pace. 


Moaning along with Vegeta Bulma was surprised by her own control.  Her body was screaming to her.  Begging to be taken and to be tasted.  Bulma licked her lips wanting nothing more than to taste Vegeta.  Slowing down her pace Bulma allowed her thumb to gently rub the head of Vegeta’s member smearing the pre-cum around.  No longer being able to control herself Bulma slid Vegeta’s member into her mouth.  Vegeta gasped as he felt Bulma’s warm, wet mouth moving up and down bringing his release closer.


Bulma took him in even deeper as she heard her mate moan.  Quickening her pace Bulma felt Vegeta begin to thrust his hips into her trying to help bring his release.  Screaming her name Bulma swallowed Vegeta’s seed whole.  Bulma still slowly sucked on Vegeta’s member as he slowed down his thrusts.  Bulma pulled herself up once Vegeta had stopped thrusting.  Looking down at him Bulma could see that Vegeta still hadn’t caught his breath.  “Did you enjoy that, Veggie-chan?” Bulma cooed.  Vegeta slowly opened his eyes and saw Bulma smirking down at him.


“Woman.” Vegeta growled out as he struggled to free himself from her tail’s vice-grip.


“Not yet.” Bulma purred.  Taking hold of Vegeta’s wrists Bulma freed her tail.  Vegeta watched growling his annoyance as Bulma’s tail wagged back and forth in front of his face, hypnotizing him as a snake charmer’s flute would a snake.  Suddenly Bulma’s tail froze.  Looking at her Vegeta could tell that she had an idea; a delicious idea.  Releasing her hold on Vegeta Bulma stood up and backed away from Vegeta laughing.  Narrowing his eyes the next thing Vegeta knew was that he was pinned against a tree by some sort of restraints.


“What the hell are you doing?” Vegeta growled out.  Bulma only shrugged her shoulders as she kneeled down in front of Vegeta.



So what did you guys think?  Was it good? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!  Don’t worry this isn’t the end.  Bulma’s fun has only just begun.  I recall Kei mentioning doing something like this and thought I’d do the same.  *Yuri dodges as a tomato is thrown at her*.  Hey now that’s uncalled for. =D A’right, a’right, a’right.  I won’t keep y’all from the lemon any longer.



Vegeta watched with a mixed expression of confusion and curiosity.  Quickly Bulma grabbed her tail and began sucking greedily at it.  Vegeta’s mouth fell open as he felt himself grow hard again.  Vegeta watched in complete lust as Bulma caused her body to shiver from the building orgasm.  Vegeta closed his eyes and groaned.  When he opened his eyes Vegeta was shocked to see Bulma sitting in front of him with her legs wide open.  Vegeta sat in complete awe as Bulma took her wet tail out of her mouth and watched as Bulma’s own tail played with her womanhood.


Bulma shivered as her tail gently brushed against it and took in a ragged breath as the furry appendage slide into her.  Vegeta’s eyes became huge as he watched the tail slide in and out of her.  Unconsciously Vegeta’s hips began to match Bulma’s pace.  The sight before him was too much for a man, let alone a Saiyan, to bear.  Lifting her heavy eyelids Bulma watched as Vegeta desperately struggled to get free of the restraints that she had put on him.  “Do you want to be free, Vegeta?” Bulma whispered seductively as she began to fondle her breasts.  Pausing in his struggle Vegeta nodded his head.  Bulma found herself becoming even more heated when she saw the lustful look in his eyes.  “What will you do if I free you?” Bulma asked as her tail slid out of her completely and she got on all fours.


“Oh believe me.  You won’t be disappointed.” Vegeta growled out licking his lips.  Lying on the ground Bulma rested her chin on her forearms, as if regarding Vegeta’s offer.  Just as quickly as they were put on they were taken off.  Not even waiting Vegeta lunged himself at Bulma pinning her underneath him.  Growling to each other Vegeta bent down and caught Bulma’s lips in a kiss.  The kiss was full of so much passion and lust that when they separated both were out of breath.


Quickly composing himself Vegeta flipped Bulma over and lifted her hips into the air.  Grabbing hold of Bulma’s hips Vegeta rammed himself inside of Bulma.  As soon as he entered her, both screamed out their pleasure.  Bulma was so tight and wet that Vegeta was surprised that his release hadn’t come just then.  Bulma, also, felt that way.  Vegeta soon began a fast and hard pace within Bulma as he firmly held her hips in place.  Feeling her slick walls around him Vegeta let his control slip a little as he dug his nails into Bulma’s hips causing her to scream out.  Her screams were like music to his ears.  With every thrust Vegeta came harder and faster.  Harder, faster and deeper.  Bulma soon felt her release coming and Vegeta was slowly following not too far behind. 


With one last shuddering thrust Bulma’s walls tightened catching Vegeta off guard.  Together Bulma and Vegeta came screaming their release and pleasure to the stars and the moon above.  After the initial orgasm Bulma and Vegeta collapsed breathing heavily.  “That was fun.” Bulma gasped out.  Hearing this Vegeta couldn’t help but laugh and soon both lovers were laughing.  Calming down Vegeta rolled off of Bulma and puller her on top of him.  “Good night, my Saiyan Prince.” Bulma yawned out as sleep overcame her.


“Good night, my Saiyan Princess.” Vegeta whispered as he yawned and fell asleep as well.



So what did you guys think?  ^-^ (Yuri only hears crickets) O.O Kei? KEI!!

Kei: What?

Yuri: I think something wrong?

Kei: Why?

Yuri: Because listen. (Kei hears crickets as well)

Kei: Don’t worry that just the initial lemon shock.  Give ‘em a couple of seconds to recover and you’ll get your reviews. ::Kei starts to yawn::

Yuri: Oh.  Going to bed?

Kei: Yep.

Yuri: Well since Kei is turning in for the night.  Not that I blame her it’s 3 in the morning.  I can’t believe it took me so long to write this chapter.  I DID IT FOR MY FANS!  Alright fan.  This chapter was dedicated to Sweet Sharie.  The only other girl besides Kajidragon to drive my cousin crazy. ^-^ What did you think of my V/B lemon, huh?  Can you believe that this is my very first lemon?  Listen ppls I’ll level with you.  Kei really helped me out a lot with this chapter.  In fact, I stole most of the ideas from a future G/CC lemon that Kei wrote earlier today.  I’m admitting it so don’t hate. XD.  Anyway still review and let us know what you guys think.  Ja’ne.  Oh right before I forget this Kei’s Christmas greeting to everyone.  Peace, love, joy, inspiration and Happy Holidays to all.