Basic Instinct

Chapter 10: Father and Son Bonding Part III- Monkeys, Birds and Candy

Author : Kei

Disclaimer: I, Kei, do not own any of the Dragonball Z characters…except for my action figures, WHICH NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY FROM ME.  I love my Super Saiyan Goku so much…I’ll kill anyone who takes him away from me.  Okay I’m through but I hope you all enjoy the fic. Bye.


“Listen I say that we go this way this is the way we are going.” Vegeta said heading straight ahead.


“But, but…Dad?  Do something.” Goten asked Goku tugging on his pants leg.  Goku looked down and saw the saddest eyes he had ever seen.


“Hold on, Vegeta.” Goku said putting a hand on Vegeta’s shoulder.  “Let’s…let’s let the boys decide where to go.” Goku said.  Just when Vegeta was about to protest Goku tightened his grip on Vegeta’s shoulder causing the Saiyan Prince to wince in pain.


“Fine then, brats.  Which way do we go?” Vegeta said looking at the two.


“Well…let’s go see the lion and tigers first.” Goten said looking over at Trunks. 


“Okay.  According to the map they’re that a way.” Trunks said pointing to the left.


“Let’s go.” Goten yelled as the two ran towards the left followed slowly by their fathers.  (ChiChi: That was sweet of you to let them decide, Goku.  Goku: Thanks, but now I think about it.  I should’ve followed Vegeta.)  Goku and Vegeta had to admit that they were having fun at the zoo.  They saw lots of many different animals along the way; such as peacocks, who were allowed to roam freely in the zoo.  Even Vegeta had to admit that seeing the animals were cool.


“Man…I haven’t had tiger in a long time.” Goku thought staring at a tiger greedily.


“Are they good?” Vegeta asked giving the huge Siberian tiger a quick glance. (ChiChi: I don’t believe you.  How could you want to eat a tiger?)


“Oh yeah.  Too bad they’re endangered ‘cause I would go out and catch one after this little field trip.”  (ChiChi: That’s better.)


So the father and son team continued their trip to the zoo until about lunchtime when they had stopped in the aquarium for lunch.  “So what do you guys want to eat?” Goku asked pulling out his wallet.


“Burgers!” Goten and Trunks said walking behind Goku.


“Fine.” Goku said as he and Vegeta headed towards the counter.


“Hello and how can I serve you today?” A redheaded girl asked smiling brightly.


“Yeah…let me get 24 burgers, 12 orders of fries and a large coke.” Goten said ignoring the surprised look on the girl’s face.  “Trunks, what do you want?” Goten asked.


“What a minute.  Is all of this for you?” The girl asked looking over the counter and down at Goten.  Goten only shook his head.  Still surprised the redheaded girl looked over at Goku who shook his head too.  “Okay and for…you?” she asked Trunks.


“Yeah, I want 26 burgers, 11 orders of fries and a large mountain dew.” Trunks said looking up at her.


“Okay.” (ChiChi: I don’t believe you let them order all of that food.  Goku: Why not?  They ate it all.)  “And for you two?” the girl asked looking up at Goku and Vegeta.


“Do you have any fish?” Goku asked leaning on the counter and looking up at the menu.


“I want fish too.” Vegeta said.


“I’m sorry sirs but we don’t sell fish here.” The girl said smiling weakly.


“What?  How can you not have any fish?” Goku and Vegeta asked in unison.  The girl couldn’t help but laugh to herself because they both looked so cute with the bewildered faces they were making.


“We just don’t.  I’m sorry.”


“Listen…Rei.” Vegeta said looking at Rei’s nametag.  “This is an aquarium, right?” Vegeta asked leaning on the counter next to Goku.


“Yeah.” She answered feeling a bit scared.


“And an aquarium is full of fish, right?” Vegeta asked again as Goku handed Trunks and Goten their food.




“THEN HOW THE HELL COULD YOU NOT HAVE ANY FISH?” Vegeta shouted scaring the hell out of poor Rei and earning a few stares from everyone else there.


“Calm down, Vegeta.” Goku said nudging Vegeta with his elbow.  “Look, I’m sorry.  He can be really short-tempered sometimes.” Goku said giving Rei an assuring smile.


“That’s okay.” Rei smiled back.  ‘They both may be cute but the taller is one much sweeter.  I wonder if he has a girlfriend?  Kami I hope that’s not his son.’ Rei thought as she started blushing.


“But…you mean to say that you don’t have any fish at all?” Goku asked looking absolutely adorable.  When Rei heard Goku ask the question she stopped blushing and frowned.  “Well…I mean this is the aquarium after all.  I mean you don’t have any fish that keel over back there or something?” Goku asked.


“Mommy.” A small child behind Goku started calling.  “Am I eating the dead animals in the zoo?”  Before the boy’s mother could answer he broke out crying, throwing his hot dog down and took off out of the restaurant.  Goku and Vegeta could only look at the retreating child, at each other and then back at a stunned Rei.


“Look.” Rei said feeling her patience wear thin.  “This IS an aquarium but we DO NOT.  I repeat DO NOT sell fish here.  Now what do you want that IS ON THE MENU?”  Rei yelled as a huge vein began to slowly throb above her eye. 


“Uh…we’ll just have pizza then.” Goku said barely above a whispered afraid of angering Rei even more.  “Uh…Vegeta?”


“We’ll just take 10 large pepperoni…please.” Vegeta answered quickly as he walked off to sit with Trunks and Goten.  “Damn and I thought that only Bulma and ChiChi were the only ones who could intimidate a Saiyan like that.” Vegeta said once Goku had brought the pizzas over. (ChiChi: HAHAHAHAHA!!! You two were scared of some little teenager?  Goku: It’s not funny, ChiChi.)  After the guys had finished eating it was now time to move on to the rest of the zoo.


“Monkeys are so cool.  Right Trunks?” Goten said smiling as they all stood watching Gibbons jump from tree to tree.


“Yeah.  I like their tails.  Imagine how cool it would be to have a tail?” Trunks said looking at a monkey that was hanging precariously by his tail.  Goku and Vegeta could only sigh as they both started remembering what it was like when they had their tails.


“Why’d you let Bulma cut Trunks tail?” Goku whispered to Vegeta.


“Why did you let ChiChi cut Goten’s tail?” Vegeta whispered backing snickering as a little monkey started beating on a bigger monkey.  (ChiChi: Well we know what he was thinking.  Goku: Yeah, but it’ll never happen.)


“I see.  You just couldn’t stop her.”  Goku said looking down at the boys who were talking to a little girl.


“Do you like monkeys?” Trunks asked the little girl.


“Yeah.  I think they’re cute.” The little girl said watching a monkey sleep peacefully in a tree.


“You know Kate monkeys are just a bunch of stupid primates.” (ChiChi: O.O)


“WHAT THE HELL?” Vegeta yelled causing complete silence.  “Where do you get off calling monkeys stupid?” Vegeta asked slowly stalking towards the man.


“I have every right to.  They’re nothing but a bunch of stupid primates who just eat, fight, and make loud noises.”  As if on cue some of the monkeys in the exhibit began to yell and fight amongst themselves.  “See what I mean?  Why don’t you do us all a favor and go away you spiky-headed monkey’.  Before the man could finish his sentence Vegeta had kicked the man into the air.


“Very nice lift.” Goku said shielding his eyes as he watched the man sail into the air.  “Come on kids let’s go.” Goku said leading Trunks and Goten away from a very stunned group of kids and parents.


“Hey Dad!  Dad! Dad!”


“WHAT TRUNKS?” Vegeta yelled at Trunks who still tugging on his pants’ leg.


“I want ice cream.” Trunks said pointing at a guy who was selling ice cream.


“I want cotton candy.” Goten said looking up at Goku.


“Okay.” Goku said as he and Vegeta got what the boys wanted.  “What are we going to see next?”


“The aviary is up next.” Vegeta said looking at a map and pointing in the direction of a giant glass house.  Without another word the group entered into the aviary. 


“Wow look up at all of the birds.” Goten said looking up at all the birds flying overhead and resting in trees.  “Hey look there’s a show over there.” Goten said running over towards the crowd followed behind by Trunks, Goku and eventually Vegeta.  “I can’t see.” Goten began to whine after straining to try and see over the crowd.


“Me neither.  Hey Goku can we get on your shoulders?” Trunks asked.


“And what is exactly wrong with my shoulders?” Vegeta asked as he watched Goten and Trunks both jump up and each sit on a shoulder.  Goku began to snicker to himself as he thought of a great short joke but decided to keep it to himself. 


“Alright, fine.” Trunks said as he slid off of Goku’s shoulders and onto Vegeta’s.  Needless to say the bird show wasn’t exactly all that great. 


“This is dumb.  I’ve seen a bird fly before.  Heck I can fly.” Goku said grumbling to himself.  “Let’s go.” Vegeta just hmphed and followed behind neither realizing that Trunks and Goten had dozed off.


“What the hell?” Vegeta whispered.  (ChiChi: You two seem to be doing a lot of whispering lately.  Goku just shrugs his shoulders.)


“What’s wrong Vegeta?” Goku asks turning around as he sees Trunks ice cream sitting on Vegeta’s hair.  Goku fell out laughing at the expression of shock on Vegeta’s face as Trunks was still sleeping soundly.  But what Goku didn’t realize was that Goten had dozed off as well.  “Aw…Vegeta it’s gonna take a while to get that out.” Goku said smiling smugly at Vegeta. 


“Well thank you for stating the obvious, Kakarrot.” Vegeta growled out as he lifted Trunks off of his shoulders.


“No problem.” Goku said laughing to himself.  Just then Goten woke with a start and punched Goku in the head with his cotton candy.  It didn’t hurt Goku but he was definitely shocked.  Quickly yanking Goten down Goku held him out at arm lengths staring at the remains of the cotton candy.


“HAHAHAHA!!!  Well I know that you’ll be spending the night washing your hair.” Vegeta said laughing waking up both Trunks and Goten.


“Uh-oh.” Goten whispered when he witnessed a huge chunk of pink cotton candy in Goku’s hair.  “Dad…I’m sorry.” Before Goku could respond a bunch of kids ran by and one threw a pack of birdseeds up in the air (A/N: I’m so mean.).   Goku and Vegeta could only stare at each other in shock.


“I think we should go…now.” Goku said tucking Goten under his arm and turning to leave the aviary.  Vegeta could only growl but as they were leaving a subtle flapping of wings was heard in the distance.  Goku and Vegeta slowly made their way towards the exit as the flapping suddenly became louder and louder…and louder.  Without warning they attacked like a bunch of winged demons spawned from deep within the depths of Hell.  Barely anything was heard except for the few muffled sounds and cries of the screeching demons!


“Don’t you think that you’re exaggerating that part a bit?” ChiChi asked as she sat staring at Goku with her arms crossed.


“No!  I tell you it was horrible.  The sounds of the beating wings and those hideous screeching of those…those.  DAMNIT I HATE THE ZOO!” Goku yelled as he flopped down the bed hugging his pillow tightly.


“That was it?”


“Well…Vegeta and I sort of killed the birds in the aviary.” Goku said rolling over and looking at ChiChi.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SORT OF?” ChiChi yelled at a very tired Goku.


“It is either them or US!  So…uh…Vegeta and I are now permanently banned from the zoo and we gotta replace the birds that were destroyed.” Goku said scratching the back of his head.  “But don’t worry ‘cause we can use the dragonballs to wish back all of the birds.”


“The dragonballs?  Here on Earth.” ChiChi asked a bit confused.


“Yeah?  What else could we use to wish back the stupid birds?” Goku asked as he got underneath the covers.


“No.  No reason.  But did the kids have fun at the zoo?” ChiChi asked cuddling close to Goku.  Goku only shrugged his shoulders as he pulled ChiChi closer to him.  “What do you mean you don’t know?” ChiChi asked but before she could get a response a knock at the door was heard.  “Come in.” ChiChi said as she felt Goku bury his face in her neck.


“Hi.” Goten said sheepishly as he entered into the room and walked up to the bed. 


“We were just talking about you, Goten.” ChiChi said as she elbowed Goku in the chest.  Goku just shook his head in agreement still keeping his face buried.  “Tell me, Goten, did you have fun?” ChiChi asked as she picked Goten up and placed him in the bed next to her.


“Yeah, I did.  I’m sorry that you and Vegeta can’t go back, Daddy.” Goten said apologetically.  “Daddy?”


“I’m glad that you had fun, Goten.” Goku said looking at Goten and smiling at him.  “I had fun too…until the aviary.” Goku said letting his voice grow mysteriously dark.


“I’m glad to hear that.  Good night.” Goten said as he jumped down from off the bed and headed towards the door.  Goku and ChiChi could only look on in shock as Goten closed the door behind him and went to bed…his own bed.


“I don’t believe it.” ChiChi said after Goten had left.  “I guess spending time with you was all that he really needed.  Meaning that we can…hehehe.” ChiChi chuckling sweetly, which was cut short when she heard the sound of Goku’s snoring.  “Goku?  Goku?  Goku wake up.” ChiChi said after shaking Goku trying to wake him up. The only response she got was Goku mumbling something in his sleep as he pulled ChiChi closer.  Letting out a sigh ChiChi allowed herself to get comfortable as she ran her fingers through his hair.  “What the?” ChiChi whispered as she pulled a bird’s feather out of Goku’s hair.



Well this is almost about it.  I didn’t expect the fic to become so long. But as all good things must come to an end.  So as usual give me your reviews.