Basic Instinct
Basic Instinct

Chapter 1: Prolouge

By: Kei

It was a beautiful summer day; the world was at peace (for a change) as went on about their dail lives. Well almsot everyone. At the Son house ChiChi was doing laundry humming to herself as she occassionally glanced over at her husband, Goku, nervously. Goku was just sitting underneath the shade of a tree quietly meditating. It wasn't the fact that he was meditating or that he was suddenly back that made ChiChi nervous. It was his whole demeanor. He didn't eat as much, which really freaked out ChiChi and Gohan. Also for some stange reason he seemed to be following her or so it felt to her. At times he would be either sitting somewhere nearby or was close to home sparring with Gohan, Goten and even Piccolo. But then there were times when she tought she was alone and yet felt as if she was being...watched.