Basic Instinct

Chapter 9: Father and Son Bonding Part II: Road Trip

By: Kei

( ) mean comments made during the fic



Goku let out a heavy sigh as he removed the pillow from his face and looked up at ChiChi who was still sitting on him.  Goku raised a tired eyebrow at his little mate as she giggled and rested her elbows on his chest.  “Well are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to wake up Goten to find out what happened?”  When Goku didn’t answer ChiChi slid off of him and started heading towards the door when something stopped her. 


“Don’t do that!” Goku whispered sounding very desperate as he picked ChiChi up preventing her from going anywhere.


“So will you tell me what happened then?” ChiChi asked giving him a knowing glance.  Goku shook his head in defeat as he placed ChiChi gently down on the bed and crawled up next to her and rested his head on her lap.  “So what happened?”


“Oh it was horrible ChiChi.” Goku said as he began his story.  “First there were the monkeys; and Goten wanted to touch everything, and the birds…. OH KAMI THE BIRDS!!”


“Go-Goku calm down…please.  You’re…squeezing me…to…death.” ChiChi gasped out.  Without realizing it Goku had wrapped his arms around ChiChi’s waist and was actually squeezing her.


“Sorry.” Goku replied sheepishly as he let ChiChi go and sat up.


“That’s okay, Goku.” ChiChi said as she gave him a reassuring hug to prove that she wasn’t hurt.  “Now Goku why don’t you just start at the beginning.”


“Okay.” Goku said shaking his head as he started to shiver. “Well…it all started out when Goten said that we had to go pick up Vegeta and Trunks.”


““Well then let’s go.” Goku said heading out the door.


“What a minute, Dad?” Goten called after his Dad who has already climbing into the car.  “What about Trunks and Vegeta?  Are we going to go pick them up?  Dad?” Goten as he saw Goku’s blank expression change from light and hearty to downright grim. “Dad?  Dad are you alright?” Goten asked as he jumped into the back seat.


“Vegeta and Trunks?” Goku whispered out loud to himself.  “Hey Goten how about just you and me go to the zoo?” Goku asked cheerfully as he turned around giving Goten the biggest grin ever.


“Yeah, but you and Vegeta promised that you would take us.” Goten said while trying to get his seatbelt on.  Letting out a defeated sigh Goku helped Goten into his seatbelt and the two took off to go pick up the Briefs.  In about an hour Goku was at Capsule Corp. as Vegeta and Trunks walked up to the car and got in while Bulma stood waving good-bye.


“What took you so long?” Vegeta growled out as he got into the car.


“It’s nice to see you too.” Goku growled back.  ‘I can’t believe this.  This isn’t exactly how I planned to spend my day.’  Goku thought as he let out a deeper growl until he received a quick slap in the back of the head. 


“Wake up you, baka.” Vegeta said as Goku turned his head to see Goku’s fist raised.


“What the HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” Goku yelled at Vegeta as he rubbed the sore spot on his head.


“The quicker you take us to the zoo then the quicker we can leave.” Vegeta said trying to keep his temper in check.


“Fine.  What zoo are we going to anyway?” Goku asked calming down which didn’t last long when he saw the confused look on Vegeta’s face.  “You have no idea what zoo we’re going to do you?”


“Do I have to plan out everything around here?” Vegeta asked crossing his arms.  ‘I don’t even know what the hell a zoo is.’ Vegeta thought as Goten and Trunks spoke up.  (Goku: You know?  I don’t think Vegeta knew what a zoo was until we actually got there.)


“We want to go to the zoo in South City.” Goten spoke up tapping Goku on his shoulder.  “That’s the biggest zoo around, Dad.  So can we go? Please, please, please?” Goten asked hugging Goku.


“Fine then let’s go to that zoo.” Vegeta said as the two half-breeds cheered.  “What?” Vegeta asked as he saw Goku give him a strange look. 


“Do you promise, Dad?” Trunks asked popping his head up next to Goten’s.  (ChiChi: You actually mean that you took the kids all the way to South City’s zoo?  Goku: Yeah)


“Yeah whatever.  Now let’s get going.”  Shaking his head Goku took off towards South City.  “What is it Kakarrot?” Vegeta asked after twenty minutes of driving.  Goku had been gripping the wheel tighter and was mumbling something to himself.


“Vegeta you do realize how far South City is from here, right?” Goku asked as he threw Vegeta a quick glance. 


“Of course it’s only about an hour away.” Vegeta said leaning back in his chair.  “Quick kicking my seat, boy.” Vegeta ordered as he quickly turned around.


“Yeah…flying Vegeta.” Goku said as he came to a stop at a light.  Hearing this Vegeta had a very confused look on his face.  “Well in a car South City is a good three to four hours depending on traffic.”


“WHAT!?” Vegeta shouted as a huge vein started to protrude from his neck.  “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY ANYTHING?”


“Well I tried but Trunks had already made you promise.” Goku said still driving.


“We’ll just go to a closer zoo then.” Vegeta said as he turned his attention outside of the window.


“NO.” Both Goten and Trunks shouted causing both their fathers to turn their heads and look at them.  Of course Goku had to turn his head back around to keep from getting in an accident.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘NO’?” Vegeta asked glaring back at the kids.


“You promised that we would go to the zoo in South City.” Trunks said winking at Vegeta.


“Yeah and you always told us that a Saiyan always keeps his word.” Goten stated in a matter-of-fact tone.  The two little Saiyans smiled and gave each other the peace sign when they heard both older Saiyans growl in defeat.  So the ride went on pretty uneventfully…for about another twenty minutes. 


“Hey, Goku?” Trunks called from the back seat.


“Yeah Trunks?”


“Are we almost there?”


“No, not yet.” Goku said as he continued to drive on.  What Goku missed was the knowing glance between Goten and Trunks.


“Hey, Dad?”


“Yeah Goten?”


“Are we almost there?”


“No, we’re not.” Goku said.


“Are we almost there?” Both Goten and Trunks asked in unison.




“Are we almost there?”




“Are we almost there?”




“Are we almost there?”




“Are we almost there?”




“Are we almost there?”




“Are we almost there?”


“NO!!.” Goku yelled feeling his own chi began to raise uncontrollably.  The whole time Vegeta sat back trying to control his laughter.


“Okay.” Goten and Trunks both said looking outside the window.


“Hey Dad/Goku?”  Goten and Trunks asked at once.  Goku could almost hear a little something inside of him crack at hearing their little voices.


‘Calm down, Goku.  Calm down.  They’re only kids.  Don’t kill them because then you’d have deal with ChiChi and Bulma.’ Goku thought as he shook off the tense feeling that had crept into his neck.  “Yeah.  What is it?” Goku asked praying his head that they wouldn’t ask that DAMN stupid question again.


“Are we almost there?”


“THAT’S IT!” Goku shouted as he quickly pulled over and turned around glaring at the two in Super Saiyan mode.  (ChiChi: No you didn’t transform.  Goku: Yeah, I did.  They were asking for it.  ChiChi: I don’t believe you.)  “IF YOU TWO ASK ME THAT FUCKING QUESTION AGAIN I PROMISE…I promise you won’t like what I’ll do to you two.  Understand?” Goku started to whisper threateningly.  Goten and Trunks could only nod their heads as they both held on to each other shaking.  “Good.  Now let’s get going.”  Goku said as reverted back to his normal mode and continued driving. 


Everything was going good especially since Vegeta had turned on the radio hoping that the music would keep Goku calm.  In fact, when Goku suddenly pulled over to the side of the road and transformed it scared the shit out of Vegeta.  Vegeta had never felt fear like this in his life but he quickly hid it when he heard the kids actually whimper.  An hour afterwards Goten and Trunks were really bored but were too afraid to ask Goku for anything.

“Um…Dad?” Goten squeaked out.


“What now Goten?” Goku asked looking at Goten through his rear view mirror.


“Can we talk now?”


“I didn’t say that you couldn’t talk.  I just said don’t ask me that question again.” Goku said sounding surprisingly calm.




“You guys can talk.” Goku said after letting out a sigh.


Can…we sing?” Trunks asked feeling a bit bolder.


“Sure.” Goku said shrugging his shoulders.


“Hey Goten I got a great song that we can sing.” Trunks said poking Goten in the arm.


“What is it?” Goten asked smiling happy that he was allowed to talk.


“A hundred bottles of beer on the wall.” Trunks started singing.


“A hundred bottles of beer.” Goten added.


“You take one down and pass it around.” Trunks singed getting louder.


“Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall.”


“Oh Kami no.” Vegeta whispered as he closed his eyes and glanced over at Goku.  Goku surprisingly was looking very calm and was mumbling something that Vegeta couldn’t catch.  The two little Saiyans continued singing the song happily, of course, stopping every once in a while to catch their breath.  But then sometimes they would forget what number they were on and start all over again.   Eventually after 3 ½ hours of singing about bottles of beer, which was what Goku and Vegeta really wanted at the time; something about a bus, and…and some crazy song about a little…little rabbit ‘FuFu’?  “Finally.” Vegeta said as he jumped out of the car and darted to the zoo entrance surprising everyone else.


“Let’s get this over with.” Goku said walking up beside him.  “Which way do you guys want to go?” Goku asked once he and the others were inside the zoo.  At the entrance the path broke off into three different paths; going to the right, left and straight ahead.


“I want to go this way.” Goten, Trunks and Vegeta all said pointing in three different directions.


“Oh Supreme Kai why are you doing this to me?  Is it because I almost blasted for you standing in my way when Vegeta challenged me?” Goku asked looking up at the sky.



Phew…that took a lot.  Hehehe poor Goku and Vegeta I just couldn’t resist.  I wrote this chapter in honor of my father and Uncle Clyde, who’s not really my uncle.  He’s my best friends father.  Who took us to the zoo one day and had the tolerance to put up with our antics at the zoo.  To tell ya the truth if they didn’t I wouldn’t be here writing this fic now.  Some of the things that are going to happen ARE TRUE!!  Well as usual read and review. Bye.