Basic Instinct
Basic Instinct

Chapter 4: Gohan's Dream

By: Kei

DING DON THE WICKED WRITER’S BLOCK FAIRY IS DEAD! LET THEM KNOW THE WRITER’S BLOCK FAIRY IS DEAD!!! FINALLY I got Chapter 4 up. Sorry it took so long for me to post this chapter but I was suffering from some serious writer’s block. Well I would like to thank everyone for the reviews and to keep ‘em coming. Well without further adieu on with the story.

Chapter Four- Gohan’s Dream

It was a bright morning as the sun’s rays seeped into the bedroom window where ChiChi slept. Trying to escape the bright light ChiChi rolled over expecting something hard and warm to snuggle up to and found…nothing? Opening her eyes ChiChi was shocked to find that Goku was gone. Letting out a deep growl she crawled out of bed getting dressed and headed down stairs. “I can’t believe that- that good-for-nothing Saiyan. How can he just do that?” ChiChi asked herself as she walked by the family room.

“Do what?” a deep voice asked. ChiChi stopped and looked into the room to find Goku sitting on the couch watching TV. “What’d I do?” Goku asked turning his head to look at ChiChi curiously.

“Goku?” ChiChi asked nonchalantly as she sat down next to Goku.


“What ya doing?” ChiChi asked blushing and sounding like a little girl. Goku was shocked and looked at ChiChi frowning not fully understanding why she was acting like that. Seeing how confused Goku was ChiChi laughed to herself and decided to continue her act, just to confuse him more. “What ya doing, Goku?” ChiChi asked again. “Heh. Goku always look so cute when he doesn’t know what’s going on.” ChiChi thought to herself as Goku slowly edged away from her. As ChiChi continued her little torture it dawned on Goku that ChiChi was just playing with him.

“I’m watching the news.” Goku stated in a tone that was more suited for a father speaking to his child. ChiChi opened her eyes in shock at Goku’s response. Laughing, Goku gently nudged ChiChi’s chin with his fist.

“Why are YOU watching the news?” ChiChi asked seeing no point in trying to keep up her childish game.

“Hey, I’ve watched the news before.” Goku stated in his defense. “Besides I was mostly watching for the weather.”

“Why?” ChiChi asked growing very suspicious. Goku just shrugged his shoulders and continued watching TV. Letting out a sigh ChiChi got up and headed towards the kitchen. “I wonder if Bulma was right about Goku and Vegeta wishing the moon back?” ChiChi thought to herself as she bent down to look for something to eat in the refrigerator. “I wonder if it’s a good thing or a bad thing? Last time Goku wasn’t THAT much stronger then me. Would he? Could he lose control like last time?” ChiChi was so deep into thought that she didn’t even sense Goku walking up behind her and grab her from her behind.

Letting out a scream ChiChi jumped, whirled around and punched Goku square in the jaw. ChiChi gasped when she saw Goku reel back and start rubbing his jaw. “Aaaaahhhhhhhh! Goku are you alright?” ChiChi asks running up to Goku and slapping an ice pack on his hurt jaw.

“Yeah. I’m fine, Chi. It’s just that you kind of caught me off guard with that left.” Goku said laughing sheepishly. “Why’d you do it anyway?” Goku asked sitting down in chair.

“Oh! Well…you just startled me is all.” ChiChi answered nervously.

“Sorry about that, ChiChi.” Goku said removing the ice pack.

“Goku why were you watching the weather channel?” ChiChi asked sitting on Goku’s lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Just wanted to know what the weather will be like today.” Goku said pulling ChiChi closer and nuzzling her neck. “It’ll be really nice for you and Bulma’s shopping spree.” As soon as Goku said that ChiChi remembered her plans with Bulma and jumped from Goku’s lap heading towards her room to change leaving a very shocked and disappointed behind.

“Me and my big mouth.” Goku pouted putting his hands behind his head.

Meanwhile in a valley far, far, far away…well not THAT far away, two tiny figures are seen fighting. Not too far away from the figures sat two different figures, a teenager and a Nameck. “YOU DID WHAT WITH YOUR WHAT?” Piccolo shouted jumping up from his meditation position. Gohan had been telling Piccolo about his dream from last night and obviously wasn’t expecting this type of reaction.

“Ssssssssshhhhh would you quiet down, Piccolo.” Gohan whispered looking over at Goten and Trunks hoping that they hadn’t heard Piccolo’s shouting. Luckily they hadn’t. ‘Thank Dende they get their love of fighting from Dad and Vegeta.’ Gohan thought turning his attention back to Piccolo. “Look Piccolo.”

“NO! YOU look Gohan.” Piccolo said walking towards Gohan and sitting back down. “I think you have a serious problem.”

“Why?” Gohan asked. Gohan was completely lost and didn’t understand.

“I mean you’re sick. How can you have a- a dream, if that’s what you want to call it, about doing something so disgusting to Videl.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on Piccolo it’s not DISGUSTING!” Gohan stated founding himself becoming angry with his long time mentor.

“Yes, it is.” Piccolo stated crossing his arms.

“No, it’s not. First of all how do you think Goten, Trunks and I got here?” Piccolo didn’t know how to respond but just sat there looking at Gohan. “Everyone has sex Piccolo.”

“Not everyone, kid. For one thing Nameckians don’t have ‘sex’, as you call it. It’s disgusting and I think you’re wrong for thinking of such thoughts.” Gohan felt his whole world crash around her.

“It’s not disgusting and I’M NOT sick because of it. All I did was come here and ask for your advice and you wind up biting MY HEAD OFF!”

“Well then if YOU know so much about it then why are you telling me this?” Piccolo asked still shocked.

“I told you because…well it sort of scared me.” Gohan whispered that Piccolo could barely hear him.

“Scared YOU? Hell I didn’t even have the dream and I’m scared SHITLESS!”

“OH YOU’RE A LOT OF HELP PICCOLO! YOU’RE ACTING LIKE SOME IMMATURE KID!” Gohan yelled without realizing that Goten and Trunks had stopped fighting and were now listening intently to Gohan’s ranting.

“Why are you yelling at Mr. Piccolo, Gohan?” Goten asked very confused. Trunks was standing next to Goten with the biggest grin on his face because it was everyday that you saw Gohan lose his temper.

“Well then why don’t you go talk to Goku or Vegeta about it?”

“Fine then.” Gohan says letting out a heavy sigh. “Goten, Trunks I want you two to stay here and keep up with your training. I’ll be back okay?” Gohan said taking off into the air.

“You’re going to go see Daddy!” Goten shouted excitedly flying in front of Gohan. “I WANTTA GO! I WANTTA GO!”

“NO!” Gohan shouted causing Goten to stare at him with big puppy dog eyes (awe-he’s so cut ^-^). “I mean I gotta go talk to Dad about something important…and besides…after that I’m going to go visit Videl” Gohan said hoping that Goten would decide to stay behind.

“Oh…well I guess it’s alright.” Goten said lowering himself to the ground.

“I’m sorry, Goten. Hey I’ll tell Dad you said hi. He’ll probably come see you after I leave.” Hearing this Goten’s eyes lit up and gave the Son grin. Without another word Gohan took off to find his father. After sometime Gohan eventually found his father sparring with Goku in a canyon…well, rather what USED to be a canyon. There was nothing but craters everywhere and the occasional bright flash of energy as the two powerhouse Saiyans collided. “Gosh no wonder Mom and Bulma don’t want them training anywhere near home.” Gohan thought as he looked at the landscape. Then without warning Gohan felt something hard slam into him and everything went black.

“Gohan? Gohan?” Gohan heard a familiar voice calling to him as he slowly came to. “C’mon Gohan wake up.” Slowly Gohan opened his eyes and saw the face of Goku kneeling over him looking down at him concern while Vegeta was standing behind looking down at him with contempt. “Hey are you alright?” Goku asked as Gohan sat up. Gohan’s nodded his head yes, even though it felt like as if someone had dropped a ton of bricks on his head and he Fat Majin Buu kept jumping up and down on his body.

“Ow. What hit me?” Gohan asked as he gradually stood up with Goku’s help.

“I did.” Goku responded sheepishly. Gohan looked at his father with eyes full of shock and pain. “It wasn’t intentional.” Goku said quickly letting Gohan lean on him for support. “Vegeta and I were so into our sparring that we didn’t sense your chi. So Vegeta got in a good blow knocking me down and unfortunately causing me to collide into you. Sorry about that.” Goku apologized looking down on Gohan.

“Hmph. It’s not your fault he’s so weak that he can’t take on a full blow. You should always be prepared especially when you know that fighting is going on.” Vegeta said glaring at Gohan. “Even after that ‘special training’ you’re still weak.”

“Go easy on him, Vegeta.” Goku said floating into the air taking Gohan with him.

“Why should I?” Vegeta asked following. “He should have been paying attention to his surroundings. Why were you over here anyway?” Vegeta asked as he turned his sight to Gohan as Goku helped him sit down the edge of what were the remains of a canyon.

“I-I came here to talk to you Dad.” Gohan said looking up at Goku.

“About what?” both Goku and Vegeta asked in unison.

“Well…it’s something personal and I don’t want to talk about it with Vegeta around.” Gohan said glaring at the Saiyan Prince.

“Hmph. Too bad, brat, you interrupted our sparing session and I’m not leaving until I’m good and ready.” Vegeta said sitting down next to Gohan. “Besides what could you have to talk to about that is so personal?”

“Hmmm. Could happen to have anything to do with…oh I don’t know…Videl?” Goku asked sitting on the other side of Gohan. Gohan looked to Goku and then Vegeta and back again in shock. “Heh. You were saying her name while you were knocked out.” Goku said smirking at a blushing Gohan.

“Well…yeah.” Gohan said shifting nervously. “You see I had this really weird dream last night about Videl.” Gohan started.

“Let me guess…you dreamed about having sex with her.” Goku said looking over at the now quiet battlefield.

“Yeah. How did you know?” Gohan asked intrigued by his father’s newly found wisdom.

“Because it’s mating season.” Goku said giving Gohan a warm smile.

“Mating season? What are you talking about?” Gohan asked.

“He means that you’ve matured enough to claim that worthless, weaklings daughter as your mate.” Vegeta said.

“NO I’M NOT!” Gohan shouted defiantly as he jumped up surprising both Goku and Vegeta.

“Gohan just calm down and sit.” Goku said sternly giving Gohan a look that made the young half-breed obey without question. “Gohan why are you here?”

“Well I came here to talk to you about my dream. Mr. Piccolo wasn’t any help at all and he told me to come and talk to you about it.”

“Well then why don’t you tell me about your dream.” Gohan looked from Goku then to Vegeta and back at Goku feeling very uncomfortable. “Gohan I can’t tell help you unless you tell me about your dream, okay?” Goku placed a very reassuring hand on Gohan’s shoulder that made Gohan feel very much relaxed. Gohan had really missed Goku without him around there were a lot of things that he wanted to talk about but couldn’t. Sure he had his Mom, Piccolo and the others but they weren’t Goku, his father. So letting out a sigh Gohan began his story.

“Well it started out with me practicing some of my Great Saiyaman poses.”

“Oh kami don’t tell me you do all that stupid posing in your dreams too?” Vegeta asked.

“Vegeta shut up.” Goku said narrowing his eyes at the smaller Saiyan. Vegeta just rolled his eyes and Goku nodded his head.

“Well as I was practicing I noticed that there was a full moon and then Videl appeared.” From there Gohan retold his whole dream not leaving out a single detail as both Goku and Vegeta listened. By the time he was finished Gohan felt relieved as some huge burden was lifted. But that feeling soon passed when he looked over at Goku and Vegeta. “Umm…so what did it mean?” Gohan asked nervously. Goku and Vegeta threw each other a glance and fell over laughing. Gohan felt his face turn red and grew angry that Vegeta and HIS FATHER were laughing at him. “Here I come here looking for help and instead they laugh at me. I can’t believe them!” Gohan thought as he started to fume and the two older Saiyans continued to laugh. “What’s so funny? Their acting just like Goten and Trunks when they laugh at their stupid, little jokes that only they get.”

Eventually both Saiyans calmed down. “Oh man Gohan.” Goku said wiping away a tear. “Don’t tell me you told all that to Piccolo.” Gohan then realized why they were laughing and shyly nodded his head.

“I would’ve loved to have seen the expression on that Nameck’s face when you told him the dream.” Vegeta said chuckling. “He’s probably traumatized for life now.”

“Well I didn’t think that he would’ve overreacted the way he did.” Gohan said looking at his feet blushing.

“Well that’s alright Gohan.” Goku said patting Gohan’s back. “Anyway getting back to your dream. What Vegeta said is true you are ready for mating season.” Gohan just looked at his father in shock not believing what he was saying.

“But the only thing that bothers me is why so early?” Vegeta asked himself out loud as both Gohan and Goku turned their attention to him.

“What do you mean, Vegeta?” Goku asked.

“Well Saiyans aren’t ready to mate until their 18 years-old. Gohan’s only 16 and he’s already having these dreams.”

“Well that would be where the Earthling side of Gohan kicks in.” Goku said watching a bird fly overhead.

“What do you mean, Kakarrot?” Vegeta asked surprised that the younger Saiyan knew something he didn’t.

“Well Earthlings reach puberty around 11 or 13 years of age depending on gender. That’s around the time that their hormones kick in and they all start to have wet dreams and get curious.” Goku said looking at Gohan and Vegeta who both had a shocked look on their faces. Seeing their faces Goku let out a feral growl. “Look I spent a lot of time with Master Roshi and learned a lot.”

“Why?” Vegeta asked still shocked by Goku’s newly found intelligence.

“Well I was never into females like Krillin and Yamcha were so I guess it worried him.” Goku said lying back and looking at the sky. “According to Master Roshi it wasn’t normal for a boy at my age not to show any interest in girls at all. But that definitely wasn’t a problem once I did become 18 now that I think about it.”

“Well anyway what should I do? What’s the importance of the full moon?” Gohan asked looking down at Goku and then to Vegeta.

“Simple. The mating season takes place during the full moon.” Vegeta stated in a matter-of-fact tone. “On Vegetasei the full moon only appears once every four years (I’m not sure if that’s true or not). And the desire to mate is strongest when the moon is full.”

“Yeah, but the moon has been gone for…years.” Gohan said still a bit confused.

“Not anymore.” Goku responded lazily. “Vegeta and I wished the moon back using the dragonballs from Nameck.”

“You did? Why?” Gohan asked shocked and feeling very worried. “What if our tails grow back? I know that Vegeta would be in control but Dad…you and I could do some serious damage.”

“Well for one thing we’re too old to have our tails grow back.” Goku said sitting up. “That’s just some sort of defense when we have no other options. Also it grows out of fear and desperation.”

“Well then I think that you should really be worried then.” Vegeta said smugly as Goku looked at him curiously. “You’re terrified to death of your mate.”

“I AM NOT! Well I mean…it’s a different kind of fear. I just don’t like sleeping on the couch…by myself.” Goku said looking away.

“Yeah, right.” Vegeta said crossing his arms. “Besides Kakarrot is right our tails won’t grow back. Besides from what Kakarrot’s told me it’s much more fun to mate during the full moon.” Vegeta said looking away and licking his lips.

“Why is that?” Gohan asked when he saw both Goku and Vegeta smirk.

“Well it’s just a pure adrenaline rush. Your senses are heightened and…heh, well it’s just fun.” Goku said looking very much like a Saiyan. “It’s just like a game of tag where, in our case, you get to tease the other person.”

“So…it’s like a challenge.” Gohan said to himself recalling his dream. “Dad’s absolutely right. It was like a game of tag where I chased and teased Videl.” “I starting to understand now, but what about Videl? I don’t think she feels so strongly about me.”

“Yes she does.” Goku and Vegeta stated standing up.

“How do you know?” Gohan asked.

“Believe us. She likes you Gohan and I seriously doubt if she puts up too much of a fight.” Goku said smirking at Gohan. “In your dream she put up a little fight, right?” Gohan nodded in agreement. “But she eventually gave and enjoyed it, right?” Gohan gave the same response. “Your Mom tried to put up a fight too but she soon saw everything my way.” Goku said stretching.

“Really?” Gohan said as Goku and Vegeta both floated into the air to continue their fight.

“You’re here aren’t ya? Are we finished, Gohan?” Goku shouted down. Gohan didn’t respond but was deep in thought. Shrugging their shoulders Goku and Vegeta continued their fight.

“HEY DAD!” Gohan shouted causing both Goku and Vegeta to stop. “I’m off to find Videl. Thanks Dad, Vegeta. Oh and by the way Dad, I know that Goten would just love to see.” Both Goku and Vegeta nodded their heads as Gohan took off towards Satan City.

“So Vegeta want to go see the kids?” Goku asked already heading in the direction of Goten, Trunks and Piccolo’s chi’s. Vegeta shrugged his shoulders and blasted off towards them followed closely by Goku.

In the next chapter Gohan tells Videl how he feels about her. How will she react? Also Bulma and ChiChi finish their talk from yesterday about the full moon, their Saiyan husbands, and how to best be prepared.

Sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out but I was suffering from some serious writer’s block and also my computer suffered from a slight virus. WHEN I FIND OUT WHO SENT ME THAT VIRUS I’LL- I’LL oh who am I kidding. I probably said something to them to make them mad. Whoever it was I’M SORRY! I’M SOOOOO SORRRY! Please forgive. Well as usual I want your reviews and I want you to be BRUTALLY HONEST! I know this chapter sucked I’m hoping that the next one will be better. Well thanks again for reading my fic I really appreciate it. ^_~* Bye.