Back to the Past

Chapter 6

All right everyone…I’m finally ready to end this little series. Now, for the moment you are all waiting for…


Pan’s eyes resembled total shock.

“I don’t believe it…” She said aloud. “But how?” The proud letters of CC sat boldly on the white dome. Pan pinched herself just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

‘Nope, not a dream.’ She thought. To make sure that this was for real, Pan flew up and looked at her surroundings.

“Oh my god…” She said. There stood many houses and homes, buildings, skyscrapers and what not. Pan thought that she wouldn’t be able to take anymore if she didn’t land soon. She quickly landed and thought she’d just have a look around CC to see if there was anything that could explain this phenomenon.


When Pan entered, all she could here was silence and in the background, the sounds of a television.

“Well, I’ve been here too many times to forget my way around here.” She chuckled to herself. She quickly made her way up the stairs and past all of the many corridors. She entered a room where the television grew louder. She stepped inside to see Trunks just sitting there watching wrestling.

“Well, look who decided to wake up.” He said cheerily while smiling.

Pan’s face lit up and Trunks was glad. He couldn’t take another night of watching her cry to sleep. Pan wasted no time running to Trunks giving him a long warm embrace. She couldn’t help but just stand in silence while enjoying the moment. After a while, she decided to brake the silence.

“Where have you been baka! I thought that you left me!!! You had me worried sick. I swear that I was on the verge of killing whatever was left in sight just to find you!!!…” Pan continued her wrath.

“Pan, I thought that it would be a better surprise if I just did this. And besides, you do like surprises, don’t you?” He asked playfully.



“Shut up and kiss me.” Pan finished. She threw her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. The kiss was long, passionate, and full of heart and soul. At that very moment, they felt their souls collide into one.



“Don’t you ever do that again. If you do that again, I’ll be forced to kick your ass again.”

“What do you mean again?” He asked with a playful tone.

“Oh please, I kick your ass every time we train. But it’s okay if you don’t want to admit that I’m better then you.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Is that a challenge?”

“You bet your sweet ass it is!”

Pan just smiled and ran out to her capsule house to grab her training attire.


“See, I told you I could kick your ass.” Pan said as she crashed to the floor by Trunks.

“Hmph…I let you win.” He said breathlessly. Trunks decided that he’d better get her home now if he wanted to keep everything according to plan.

“C’mon, let’s go home.” He said.

“Yeah, I need to get unpacked.”

Trunks just smiled and lifted Pan up.

“You know Trunks, I may be tired, but I still can fly.”

“Pan, do me a favor and shut up. I know what I’m doing.” Trunks said lovingly.

“Okay…sheesh.” Pan said resting her head on the curve of his shoulder. Just then, the sky filled with exploding reds, blues, and greens.

“What’s going on!?” Pan said going into total panic.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a fireworks display.”

“Gee, I wonder why?” Pan said slyly.

“Hmm…me too.”

Pan just smiled and continued to watch.

“Pan…will you marry me?” Trunks asked in a serious even tone. Pan couldn’t believe her ears. Just then, an explosion of reds, blues, greens, silvers filled the sky. She couldn’t help but turn her head to the side to see the brilliant explosion. It spelled out…”Pan Marry ME!” Pan couldn’t believe her eyes. She got out of Trunks’ arms and levitated next to him. She looked at him in total silence with tears in her eyes.

“So Pan, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” He asked in his serious soft tone. “Yes.” Pan sobbed. Before she could say anything, Trunks slipped on a beautiful diamond ring.

Trunks smiled when he saw her face light up as more tears flowed down her cheeks. “The Gohan in my time line gave it to me. He said that he wanted it to be used for his wife originally, but thought it would be better if I had it for my wife. He said that I was the closest thing he ever had to a brother, even a son. And so I give it to you, at least this way you have something of Gohan’s. He may have not been your father, but believe me, he was close enough.” Trunks finished. He looked at Pan and saw tears flowing down her cheeks even faster.

Pan couldn’t take it any longer. She flew herself into his arms and vowed never to let go of him. “Trunks, I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Good, come on. Let’s go to our home now.” He said lovingly. Pan just nodded and allowed Trunks to carry her home again.



“I never want to leave you ever again. I want to be with you everywhere you go.” Pan said making sure he understood that she was serious.

“Good, because we have all of eternity together.”



Well, there’s the ending of my series. What do ya think? I hope that you enjoyed it. I know that it wasn’t all that great, but cut me some slack. It was my first fic I’ve ever written. I hope that the ending was written okay, cause I really had no clue how to end it. Please write a review for my story so I know how to make the next fic an even better one than this. Thanx!!!
