Back to the Past
Back to the Past

Chapter 2

Okay folks, here’s chapter 2! I know that this story isn’t all that great, but I’m working on it. I’ll try my best not to disappoint everyone! ?


Trunks still couldn’t get over the fact that he had just met Gohan’s daughter. ‘That little rascal. What a dog.’ Trunks snickered. ‘Hmm…she must’ve had a beautiful mother. She obviously doesn’t get her looks from her father.’ He looked at Pan again. ‘Definitely not Gohan.’

Pan descended to the ground at top speed. Trunks figured he had nothing to loose, so he followed her. Pan quickly cut through endless trails of green. After a clearing came, she ran at lighting speed. Although it wasn’t fast for Trunks, he figured that he could use a jog. Pan stopped abruptly. She moved a bush out of the way and revealed a cave. Being sure that no one had followed her, she entered the cave. In the back, there was a capsule house designed by none other than Bulma. They entered the house quickly. Pan put on the tens of thousands of different security alarms.

‘Poor kid. She was that scared? I mean, of course I was scared, but I had my mother’s support.’ He thought rather sadly. He didn’t have a father, but it was better then not having someone there for you. Not to mention the whole Z gang had parished along with the peaceful days where you could sleep without worrying of not waking up again.

“All right, just make yourself at home and I’ll go and start the tea.” Pan stated flatly. “Thanks again.” Trunks said politely.

“For what?” Pan asked confused.

“Never mind.”

Pan just shrugged sheepishly and put on her famous Son smile. After 5 minutes, Pan returned and sat across from Trunks. “The water will be done in a while.” She stated.


“So, would you like some answers now or later?”

“I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep without getting some answers. What happened to everyone?”

“Well, here goes nothing. You’ll have to forgive me if I pause. It’s just been so long since I’ve spoken of those horrible hard years. Here goes nothing…# 17 has survived.” She took another deep breath. “He has survived and managed to bring hell back with him. Now it is a little easier to find him. Since he is human now, he has a ki. That way, I can trace him. 18 was my lucky year. Things had been going my way for a while. But all hell broke loose. First it was my father, then it was my friends, and now… my mother. She wasn’t supposed to die though, Trunks.” She cried. Pan cursed herself under her breath and wiped away the tear viciously. She cleared her throat and started again. “The blast was aimed for me, but my mother jumped in front of me. She took the blast full on. Her body was burned badly. I was surprised that she hadn’t died instantly. But it wasn’t as bad as #18’s death. She cursed her brother and tried to get him to stop. He called her soft and killed her slowly. First, he tied her down. He ripped off her arms and legs one by one. Then, he got Trunk’s sword and cut her belly open. He chopped off half of her body, and let her bleed to death. All of this in front of my very eyes. My mothers last words to me were to run and never come back. I did as I was told. For 3 long years, I sat in the dark corners of this cave. I didn’t even bother to set up a capsule house. I was so scared Trunks, so scared. There were times when I skipped meals because of my fear of being discovered. I was so terrified to even use the bathroom. My life was a mess. One night, I had a dream. My father and the others were urging me to kill #17 for them. I didn’t want their sacrifices to be in vain, so I trained till I dropped to the floor. That was all 2 years ago. It’s been 5 long years and I’m getting tired of trying. I’m only ¼ Saiya-jin, but I managed to reach SSJ. But it won’t be enough. I’m only 23 years old dammit. Kami forbid that I give up. But tell me the truth, how many 23 year-old girls have you met that had the burden of saving the world on their shoulders. Well, what’s left of the world anyway. Only few have survived. I’ve tried everything to train them to help me. We went into battle once, and it was fruitless. Half of them parished, the other passed out or just ran away. I figured that I’ve wasted enough time on them and began to train for myself. I’ve been by myself for 5 years. No one to talk to, no one to even love or encourage me. There was Trunks, but he’s gone now. I live purely by the phrase that your father has said to my grandfather many times. Only the strong survive, the weak perish. I just hope that I’m strong enough. I’m just glad that you’re here.” Pan finished.

Trunks was speechless. Never had he heard such a terrible story. ‘I thought I had it bad.’ Trunks thought. Pan just sat quiet and took another deep breath. “I’m so sorry Pan. I don’t know what else to say. Although we have some things in common, my story could never be as painful as the one you live everyday. Perhaps I could help you defeat this monster. We could do it together.” Just then the whistle blew, telling Pan that the water was ready.

“Excuse me.” She said politely.

Trunks knew already that he could defeat #17. No doubt about that. He felt #17’s ki, and it wasn’t even close to his. “Maybe I can help Pan to try and recover from those terrible turn of events.” He thought. Trunks yawned and decided to just close his eyes for just a little bit.

Pan came back to the room with 2 cups of tea only to see Trunks snoring quite loudly. ‘Just like grandpa...’ She laughed to herself. Her smile faded quickly, ‘and Trunks.’ She took in a deep breath. It took all of her self-control to not jump into this Trunks’ arms and doze off. She glanced at the digital clock on the coffee table.

‘Hmm… 2:30 huh? Well, I guess I better get some sleep too.’ She thought. She covered Trunks with blankets and went to her room.


Well, that was the end of Chapter 2. Please write what you think about my story. I would really appreciate it. I know this was a little boring, but it was just to fill you in on what Pan has gone through, and how much worst it was compared to Trunks. And you thought he had it bad? ?
