Back to the Past

Chapter 1

Okay people, this is my first time writing so cut me some slack. This may not be the greatest fic in the world, but I’m working on it! It may not sound like a romance at first, but I’m getting there!



Bulma’s chest heaved up and down. Her knees began to wobble, but she managed to make her way to her room. She sat on the bed and collapsed heavily.


Trunks dropped the vial that contained the green mysterious ooze. The glass shattered on the floor by his yellow boots. He ran to his mother’s room without another word said. His breathing quickened as he neared her room. He didn’t need to be told. He knew that she was dying.


Bulma sensed her son’s presence, but fought to keep breathing. Trunks grasped Bulma’s hand. It was freezing cold. He was such an idiot. Why had he not noticed this earlier? “Kaasan?” He asked afraid she might not answer.

“Trunks…I want you…you…to go back to the past…there…at least you’ll be happy…” She said forcing a smile on her face.

Trunks felt a hot tear trickle down his cheek. He just sat there helpless. He was so powerful, yet he couldn’t save the one person that had loved and cared for him unconditionally.

“Trunks…I….I….I…Love you…” Bulma wheezed. Her chest stopped heaving as her body fell lifeless.

“Kaasan? Kaasan?! Kaasan!!!” Trunks attempted to wake his mother, but nothing. Soon, all of the tears he held back gushed down his cheeks freely.

Trunks sat there all day shedding every single tear his body could muster. When the tears stopped flowing, he looked outside of the window still a bit dazed. The sun had been shining brightly and the birds chirped vigorously. He stood and picked his mother up. Wrapping her in a blanket, Trunks was sure to be very gentle. He lifted her and took off into the air where his father and the other Z senshi were buried.

Trunks dug a deep hole next to his father. He was certain that Bulma would have wanted it this way. “Good-bye Kaasan. Tell tousan I said hello.” Trunks said kissing his mother on the cheek.


Trunks stared at the perfect sunset that was taking place right now. The waves crashed at the rock walled bottom. Trunks waited until the sky had darkened to return home. He lifted himself to go home.

“I need some rest.” Trunks said tiredly.


Trunks tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. He just couldn’t sleep, no matter how hard he tried. He got up and decided to begin packing for his permanent visit to the past. The last thing he wanted was to disobey his mother. He had nothing here anyway. Chichi Son had passed away some months ago. The only thing that had held him back was his mother, and now she was gone.

~*~*~*~* The sun shone with white marshmellow clouds floating by.

“Good-bye World.” Trunks stated flatly. He entered the time machine that was to lead him to his destination, and new life. In a flash, all that he had loved vanished.


Pan had begun her training again. She figured that if she wanted to defeat that…that thing, she’d have to start training.

“Come on Pan! It’s been three years. Get over it.” She cursed herself aloud. But she just couldn’t forget something like this too easily. She closed her eyes.

!>!>!>!>!>! Pan had just been thrown the perfect 18th birthday party. Her entire family was there along with her friends.

Pan had just got home from school to see that her home wasn’t there. Her eyes danced around the room to look for the culprit. All she saw was her father. His mouth dripped with blood. Pan cried and ran over to his body. Hoping that he had survived, Pan checked for a pulse. Nothing. She cried until a figure loomed over her.

“Too bad kid! Looks like your father was no match for me.” A figure snickered. Pan didn’t bother to see who it was, but rather ran off with her father’s body. He didn’t bother chasing her, which surprised Pan greatly.


Pan’s eyes filled with tears. But there was a lot more to the story…


The entire Z Senshi lay dead on the bloodied ground. Everyone was dead, except for two figures that stood shaking. It was Videl and Pan. Pan just shook her head in disbelief. “No Trunks, no.” She cried to herself. ‘If only I told him I loved him sooner.’ Pan regretted.

The evil figure loomed above her and her mother.

“RUN PAN!” Videl screamed. They ran and ran. But not until Pan kissed Trunks good-bye.


Pan closed her eyes again.

“Why am I doing this to myself!” She screamed. She could only close her eyes and finish the terrible tale.


Videl had been cooking lunch when the mysterious figure loomed into her dining room. “Hello Videl.” It said bitterly.

“What in Kami’s name do you want #17?” Videl said taking a few steps dead.

“I just want you dead, that’s all.” He said as if it were nothing.

“Hey mom! Where’s the…” Pan started. She froze when she saw the figure.

“Hmm…” He said amused. He fired a powerful ki blast at Pan. She couldn’t move, however.

“NO!” Videl screamed. She stepped in front of Pan and took the blast full on.

“MOM!” Pan cried. “BAKAYARO!” She cursed. She powered up and sent the most powerful blast she could muster at the terrible creature. His arm was taken in from the bast and was blown off.

“YOU LITTLE BITCH!” He screamed in agony. He left before she could say anymore.

“Pan…run Pan…run…and never come back.” Videl talked barely above a whisper. “I love you.” Videl mouthed, finding her voice no longer there. Videl’s body stopped trembling and moving all together.

“I love you too kaasan.” Pan said quietly. She quickly turned and left. She knew that it wouldn’t be long before “HE” came back.

Pan flew off to the most deserted area possible.


This brought Pan back to her situation. For 3 years she lived in fear and loneliness. She finally built up the guts to train again.


In a flash, Trunks was in the past. But it was in ruins. “Perhaps I’ve done something wrong.” Trunks thought inquisitively. “Nope, everything is fine.” He thought confused.


Pan flew off to the unfamiliar ki. It wasn’t the “Things” ki, because it was way stronger then that. She landed only to see what looked like a giant time machine. The doors opened slowly.


Trunks knew that someone was there to greet him, but who? He didn’t recognize the ki one bit. He was surprised to see a girl with long jet-black hair and sky blue eyes staring at him angrily. Her angry face then softened and tears coursed down her cheeks. She ran to him and threw herself upon him.

“Trunks! I thought that you were dead?!?” She screamed. She looked him in the eyes and her smile disappeared. She took a couple of steps back and got into a sparing stance. “Who are you?” She said rather coldly.

“I’m Trunks., as you say. But who are you?”

“You can’t be Trunks. He died 3 years ago.”

“No, no, no, I’m Mirai Trunks.” He spoke lightly…

Pan stepped out of her sparring stance and began to smile.

“Ah yes, you came back to the future before, I presume.” She spoke softly. Trunks just nodded.

“Then I believe that you’ve met my father before. I’m Son Pan, Son Gohan’s daughter.” Trunks’ mouth dropped wide open.

“HEHE! Why don’t you come over to my house and get some rest. It must have been a long journey. I’ll explain everything to you then.”

Trunks encapsulized the time machine and followed Pan home.


Well, that’s the end of part one. Please tell me whacha think! Thanx!