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Welcome to Kamehameha. Here you will find all kinds of stuff on Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT. If you don't know what they are, you will know by the time you leave. Just surf around, and feel free to take any of the pictures or movies that you want without asking. Just don't link them off your site. Have a nice day!

One of them update thingys (September 29, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
There's only 4 minor info sections left before I start the multimedia sections. Just hold in there. If we're lucky, the info sections will be done by the end of the new dbz episodes on Toonami. speaking of which, I have a number on how many new episodes there are. And that number is 43. Well, peace out. ; )

An opinion from the webmaster (September 13, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
I must get this off my chest, my opinions on the horrid attack on America. Too make it short, I feel shocked, pissed, and dissapointed all at the same time. I think that we should occupy all mid east nations that have executed some sort of action against us within the last 20 years. The gained land should be divided amongst allies, and the oil should be sold for cheap prices. All leaders of groups that have done something bad to the U.S. should be captured, tortured, and killed after a long period of time. Maybe they could be ass-raped, given tetnis by means of rusty razor blade, stoned, dipped in acid, forced to smoke 8 packs a day, or dismantled piece by piece over the period of several years. I'm terribly sorry if I have offended you, but I'm an American dammit! If your from the Mid-East, and you have never done anything to show that you hate America, it's not fair to include you in the punishment, and it's not fair to aim my hate at you. Please don't take it seriously. Shit happens. A small group of people will always be around to fuck things up for the rest of us. Also, I am not referring to any religeous group of any sort.

On the brighter side, I got the games section done, and now I am working on movie summaries. Only a few more info sections left, and I'll be on the multimedia sections. They should go by faster since most of them are just coding and uploading instead of researching and typing.


School Sucks!!!! (August 24, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
Yeah, that's right. The world has come to an end. Oh well. All I can say is that Mr. Duneman or whatever his name is is an asshole. Also, I got a new principal. I'm going to miss the old one, he was cool. Enough bitchin though, I might as well tell you some plans. The Plans are to get the games section done in about a week. Whether or not that actually happens, I don't know. Peace out!


Movin on up (August 14, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
I am going to destroy this fucking mouse. It doesn't work worth a shit. Anyway, I finished the Fusion section, added a couple card tips, and in case you haven't noticed, I have got the episode summaries up. And one final thing, I HAVE A LAYOUT FOR SALE, CLICK HERE TO SEE IT If you like it, contact me at We can work out a price (expect me to ask $10 US Currency), and then I'll code the layout into a template for you.


Stuff to say (August 9, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
My computer was being an ass today, so I was a little delayed on things. There's something wrong with the internet on my copy of windows 2000, but luckily I also have windows 98 on this computer and I was able to get things set up on it. Anyway, I have pretty much finished coding the episodes summaries, so expect to see them really soon. And one final thing, I HAVE A LAYOUT FOR SALE, CLICK HERE TO SEE IT If you like it, contact me at We can work out a price (expect me to ask $15 US Currency), and then I'll code the layout into a template for you.


Stuff to say (August 9, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
My computer was being an ass today, so I was a little delayed on things. There's something wrong with the internet on my copy of windows 2000, but luckily I also have windows 98 on this computer and I was able to get things set up on it. Anyway, I have pretty much finished coding the episodes summaries, so expect to see them really soon. And one final thing, I HAVE A LAYOUT FOR SALE, CLICK HERE TO SEE IT If you like it, contact me at We can work out a price (expect me to ask $15 US Currency), and then I'll code the layout into a template for you.


Episode Summaries Typed (August 7, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
Yep that's right. I've finished typing the remaining 150 episode summaries. All in one day. I guess I have finished warming up.


Just an update (August 6, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
I am now past half done with the DBZ episode summaries. For those of you that don't know much, there are nearly 300 DBZ episodes. It just depends if you count the ones that Funimation didn't publish. Anyway, I'm also making a layout for a site called Anime Star. And the happiest news is that I am done with my summer job and I now have a really loud car stereo. Maybe I'll put some pictures of it on the about the webmaster section. This concludes my update, have a fun life until I post again.


I'm not dead, I swear. (July 4, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
It's been 20 days and 20 nights since I have posted an update or done anything with the site. I still have a couple weeks of work before I can do some signifigant work on this site, but at least the server will get paid and I'll have a loud car stereo. I think I will type some bios, fill out another job application and get some shut-eye now. Good Day! ; )


Happy 4th of July (July 4, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
Here's something new for Kamehameha. We're celebrating the 4th of July. For those of you that don't know, I'm an American, and my nation's birthday is today. Well then, why is this new? The old webmaster was from the UK. Not that I would die for America or anything, but I guess I like the way it's treated me. I'll be celebrating America's Heritage by blowing up a small part of it later on tonight. In other news, my two jobs are going well. I'll be able to pay the server bills with no problem and probably be able to get a good car stereo. Last, if you know where I could put my full episodes or where I could find some dragonball (original db, not dbz or dbgt) episode summaries that I could use as a good source of info for my own summaries, please tell me. You'll get credit for it somehow.

Click here to celebrate the 4th of July with me.


Just stuff to say (June 22, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
As I near the end of the info section, I am wondering how to cope with the huge amounts of bandwith that the multimedia section is going to take. My first choice is to find a place that I can put the full episodes. I only have 8 gigs of bandwith usage per a month, so things are tight. I alone could take one gig of data in one month from somebody, and I have a 28k modem. If you know where I could put my full episodes, please tell me. Now onto other news. I am working around the clock to get as much done before I start my summer job. When I do my summer job, I don't work on my websites very much. Why? Because the job consists of walking 5-7 miles a day in rough terrain (corn field) or even mud. But what the hell. Last year I bought the parts for this computer with the money I made. And it's a damn good computer. This year I hope to pay some of the server bills and get a car stereo. And the last thing I am going to mention is my progress. I've been doing two things simultaniously. I've been brewing up a killer cel gallery. So far I've got around 650 cels to show off. That was the fun task. I have also been typing the episode summaries as fast as I can. I got all of the DBGT eps summarized, and now I am on episode 86 of DBZ. I have not started to summarize DB episodes yet. After this, I plan to fill in some of the spots that I left blank in a couple other sections, and then finish off the rest of the info categories on the left. I'll just keep on goin down the line. If you're not asleep by now, congrats.


Even more new stuff (June 20, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
I've been doing so much lately. I didn't know I was capable of this anymore. Anyway, I fixed Serpent Net's topsite. CGI can be such a bitch at times. And I also made the encyclopedia section. It has a few terms in it that every true otaku should know. Happy 80,000 hits to Kamehameha and Happy 160,000 hits to Serpent Net. Woo-Hoo. Lastly, I found one of the coolest sites around. It is called Newgrounds. It has a shitload of games. Oh yeah, don't forget to visit TrunX Dragonball Z in appreciation for making Kamehameha site of the month.

Check out the new Encyclopedia
Check out Serpent Net Anti-Top 50
Check out Newgrounds


Lots of new stuff (June 19, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
Well, I got the dragonball section done, I made 11 new buttons and banners, all 7 affiliate spots are full, and I have finished construction of Kamehameha's post office. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I was voted site of the month at a DBZ site called TrunX Dragonball Z


Card Section Complete! (June 15, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
Yep, you heard me right. The card section is complete. I am still looking for some good tips, send them in if you have one.


New Layout Again (June 11, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
I know, I know, I'm a wierdo. I just didn't like the old layout for some reason. I'll be working on the card game section again now.


New Layout (June 4, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
If you've recently just visited, you'll notice the new layout. I hope you like it. I had so much free time while the computer was getting card scans for the card section that I built this entirely new layout.


The old webmaster of Kamehameha has a new site! (June 4, 2001)
kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
I've been working on the card game section. It's going to be done as good as all of the other sections that I have made. Work should pick up a little, as I am getting out of school tomorrow. Besides working on Kamehameha, I have added the fanart section to 2dh, and added a couple of members to Serpent Net. Lastly, I would like to welcome my newest affiliate, and old webmaster of Kamehameha, Generation Anime!!!


Battle Guides Done!(May 25, 2001)
Kakarot - yahoo! instant messanger
I just completed the battle guides, for now. If you have any info on battles from the Garlic Jr. Saga or DBGT, contact me right away and get some credit.

Vegeta 3K
Generation Anime
No spots open!!!
Fight for a spot!!!

Anime 100

* josin's anime page
* logic filter
* serpent net
* the oz project
* 2dh