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Only Eriol .:your site for the best eriol on the web:.
Ohayo Minna-san! Welcome to my site Only Eriol it is under minimal construction at the moment but I've finished alott of it. I'm trying to get a new layout for this site but it will probably be awhile. A new multimedia page is up and a new background music too, please email me with your thoughts on them both ! I just started to make a staff of people to work on this web page so if you think that you would like to work with us please go to the join our staff page. And don't for get if you like this web site to bookmark us Hope you enjoy your visit. And a major thanks to Hiiragizawa's Corner (I love that site) for the wonderful back ground and to The One Who Dreams Alone for the cute little email picky. Ja Ne, -NinaDBZ ^_^

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