Title: Companions
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: R
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Spock/McCoy, intimated Q/Picard
Length: 517 words

Summary: Sometimes even God makes mistakes.
Disclaimers: I do not own the characters or the concepts of Star Trek in any of its forms.
Note: A fill for this prompt here on st_xi_kink. (Because I’m blocked on a fic, read the prompt and fill, and got struck by a totally alternate scene.)


The first time Her/His Gift to Women got fucked up the ass, God didn't think much about it. The likelihood that the Gift's Scientist would inhale that particular flower's pollen a second time was practically zero, as the flower only grew on that one planet.

So God made sure to keep a recording of the event for later leisure (because as much as the action was against the original design of the Gift, it had still been one of the more spectacular uses of the Gift), and diverted His/Her divine attention once more to Her/His newest/oldest creation; a Q that finally had the potential to stir the Q out of their static complacency and stagnation.

The second time His/Her Gift got fucked over by a man, God didn't think it counted for much – after all, it wasn't really getting 'fucked' by a man, if the Healer never had the time to pull out his fingers before the Gift came, was it? And so what if the Gift had used his mouth to get the Healer off? It was just reciprocation for a job well-done, something the Gift had given the Scientist as well.

It wasn't until the third time, with the Gift sandwiched between the Healer and the Scientist in a pile of rugs on some speck of a planet, moaning and rocking between them while the other two kissed paths up and down the perfect skin, teasing with both mouths and hands that God wondered if maybe She/He’d been wrong with the original design of the Gift.

Worried at the possibility, God decided to investigate. So picking up His/Her seeing dish of clear water, She/He let that timeline unfolded before His/Her eyes. As time passed, the Gift became more and more entangled with the Healer and Scientist, ending up in bed with one or both of them most nights of the week. God also watched as the hurt and stress pushed on the relationship between the three as the Gift's original purpose couldn’t be ignored.

Looked on with tears of sympathy as with each affair the Gift had, the more escalated the fights between them became.

Watched the strong blinding light of friendship and love become tarnished and grayed, forcing them apart for a long time and nearly destroying the Scientist in the process.

Distressed by the near loss of something so precious, God used the opportunity given by the near-passing of the Scientist to set things right, giving the Scientist's new body a subtle change that would dissolve the bonds of compulsion on the Gift.

It worked to a degree, bringing the three back together, but before it could fully take, Destiny stepped in where Death would not and permanently parted them.

Learning from Her/His mistake, and inspired by the natural attraction between the Gift, the Healer, and the Scientist, God set about making a Teacher for the new Q, a spark that would cause the Q to change for the better.

And if God made the Teacher also into a Companion in the image of the Gift, well... That was God's right, wasn't it?


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