Disclaimer: This chapter, too, contains yaoi (male/male sexual type pairing) and twincest (twin sexual type pairing) While this was written by Yami no Kaiba, she would like you to know that she is only typing this stuff because Black Rose promised to buy her favorite drink.

If you do not like the idea of Fred and George ‘getting it on’, please turn back now!!!

War of the Hexes.
Chapter 11 – McGonagall’s Snit Fit.
By: Black Rose and Yami no Kaiba

After lunch, Severus decided to skip down to the Slytherin dorms and leave Blaize there so as not to piss of Minerva, and hopefully avoid the whole 'why isn't that stupid cat mittens?!' scene.

Making sure to use the invisibility spell so as not to get caught out by any fellow students, Severus made it to and from the dungeons in record time, slipping silently into an empty classroom to cancel the spell and then into the Transfigurations classroom, taking a seat near the door, furthest away from the front, pulling out his book and propping it up so his head was hidden.

McGonagall strode into the class room, her dark purple robes swirling around her in a fair imitation of something Severus would have done. Inwardly, he applauded; outwardly, he slouched lower behind his book.

"Today, we will go over the finer points of turning inanimate objects animate," she stated, pulling out her wand and pointing at a piece of chalk. "Innotesco!" she said with an intricate flick of her wrist, sending the chalk up into the air to hover against the chalkboard.

She dove into the lecture, pacing back and forth before the class, stressing almost every other word. The chalk raced across the black surface of the board in a flurry of dust as it barely managed to keep up. The board itself was enchanted to rotate for just such an occasion, moving slowly from right to left so that no erasing was needed.

With a sudden idea, he made sure not to implement it until Minerva's back was towards him. When she was turning to begin another pace across the room, he gestured at the chalk and whispered, "Innotesco!"

The chalk at the board paused, as if Minerva had taken a breath, then continued to write. Only now, it was scribing the ingredients for a Lyric Potion. The evil potion that had started the musical fad, forcing all words spoken into a cadence that made most people just burst right out into song.

At that point, all the students were blindly copying the notes off the board, ignoring the verbal lecture as they strove to copy the notes before they vanished.

Everyone, that is, except Hermione Granger. Her hand shot immediately into the air. It took Minerva two trips across the room before she noticed and the chalk was now explaining the delicate mixing process of the ingredients and the careful timing involved.

"What?" Minerva snapped as the chalk continued to scribble timing and measurements and temperatures behind her.

"Professor McGonagall, why are you giving notes on Potions?" Hermione asked quizzically.

Whirling around, Minerva eyed the chalkboard and the potion instructions still scrawling across the board. Then she turned slowly to face the tiny boy hiding behind his book.

"Mr. Snape," she bit out, her eyes flashing dangerously over a murmured 'finite incantatum'. "That will be seventy-five points from Slytherin for altering a teacher-cast spell. Another fifty points for interrupting an important lecture. Twenty-five points for ruining your classmates' notes. And did you ever turn that rotten little feline into a pair of mittens? No? I didn't think so. Twenty points off for not doing the assigned work. And another ten points off for turning my chalk green."

A murmur ran through the classroom, quills scratched against parchment, and the tally was found and passed from one student to another. "One hundred eighty points off Slytherin," was whispered from one student to the next.

Severus looked up at Minerva, his dark eyes unreadable and his blue/black hair swaying gently in a draft around his face. "Why not just make it an even two hundred, Minerva? You've always hated Slytherin House."

With that, Severus stood, gestured to his books without a wand insight, and left, his books trailing after him.

"That will be another twenty five points off for leaving class early, Mr. Snape!" Minerva shouted after him, then turned back to the classroom and the board to find out where her notes had left off.


At dinner that night, Severus was the only Slytherin fifth year to appear. The Gryffindor fifth years were also missing. However, no one was really paying much attention to that fact after the twins appeared.

Fred and George had wandered into the Great Hall about ten minutes into the meal, Fred's arm around George's shoulder and George's arm around Fred's waist. Not an all together uncommon occurrence.

However, they stopped about five times between the door and their spots at the Gryffindor table to snog.

Several of the Hufflepuffs were muttering about how it wasn't against the law or the school rules, it was just considered 'not right' in both Muggle and Wizarding worlds.

The Gryffindors heard that and talked it over while the twins were making their slow way to the table.

The staff was looking rather embarrassed, except for Dumbledore, who was looking tolerant.

Nevyik was watching with curious gray eyes. Pairings like this were normal with her species, expected with twins. As the saying with the Ferth went, 'They are alike in body and spirit. To love themselves, they must love each other.'

Chris, however, was looking bored. She didn't care what Gryffindors did as long as they didn't interrupt classes.

When the twins finally got to their seats, they were greeted by a round of applause from their fellow Gryffindors. The House had decided to accept and support the twins since it wasn't illegal by Wizarding or School law.

The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws had decided to go with whatever the Gryffindors would do and quietly joined the applause.

The Slytherins were plotting ways to humiliate the Gryffindors while nailing Severus to the top of the tallest tower.


After dinner was finished, Severus rushed to check on Blaize, give her some milk and some tuna, and settle her on his bed. He pulled the curtains shut around his bed, then spelled them so no one could get in or out, double spelling the curtains with a locking charm only 7th years learned.

Then he headed down for his detention.


BR: there. Sorry for how long that took, folks. I've been running around ragged with school and switching departments at work. I'm glad to finally finish this chapter and hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. For those who're not into the whole Fred and George thing, I apologize. However, I really find them cute and I think identical twins make cute couples. Plus, it's a homosexual pairing so there won't be any children out of it, nixing the whole 'tiny gene-pool, malformed kids' things right out of the discussion.

YnK: *Shrugs.* I don’t care, as long as I get my milk shake.

BR: Oh yeah... *runs out to the fast food drive thru and comes back, handing Yami a strawberry milk shake* there ya go!

YnK: *Takes a sip.* Yummy!

--To be Continued.

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