BR: Ok, well that was certainly nice of Yami to get that done with so swiftly. And it was rather jumpy of her too. Just to recap, Nevyik is mine. She’s always been mine, and anyone who tries to steal her, or the modified Ferth race used in this story, will get me very angry with them. Now, on to the last half of the day!

War of the Hexes!
Chapter 7 – Enter Nevyik.
By: Black Rose and Yami no Kaiba

Running through the hallways with Blaize hidden up one enchanted sleeve, Severus skidded to a halt in front of the House Point Globes. His gaze went directly to the one beneath the coiled snake. ‘Minus 10’ it read. Apparently someone had earned a few points ‘cause if it was just his points, it would have been minus 15.

He took off again as he remembered that he was late to Potions, having spent the entire lunch break in the hospital wing getting his ribs mended.

Skidding into the classroom, and the empty seat near the door that had been left open, he pulled his equipment out of his sleeves and set everything up in record time before looking up to see who the new Professor was.

And his jaw dropped.

Standing in front of the classroom writing a basic potion recipe on the board was, well, an angel. From this view-point, all Severus could see was a pair of huge black feathered wings folded against a back and draped over with strands of floor-length silver hair. The hand that held the chalk was delicate and pale and long delicate pointed ears poked out from beneath the silvery cascade on either side of the head.

Then she turned around. And she was gorgeous. A full six feet tall if she was an inch, moon-white skin, small pointed nose, triangular face, cupid-bow red lips, glittering silver eyes, and wearing a simple black robe tied tightly around her tiny waist.

"Ten points from Slytherin for the tardy boy in the back," she sang, her voice a pleasant melody that lit the dark dungeons that had been Severus’ home since returning to Hogwarts.

"Today we will be brewing a simple fever potion as a way for me to ascertain your proficiency at Potions brewing and to help the Head Nurse fill in her stores for the coming winter and cold-season," the angel continued. "Begin."

Shaking himself out of the daze he’d fallen into, Severus glanced at the writing on the board. Nothing more challenging than a first year fever potion. His hands assembled the ingredients, diced and chopped, ground and peeled, while his mind was occupied with the new Professor.

Back when Voldemort was rising and creating evil creatures to help him rule the world, he had taken things from myths and legends and made them real. Vampires, werewolves, banshees, all evil creatures from myths and legends that would drive fear into the hearts of muggles. Then he had decided he wanted something that the muggles would greet with relief at first glance.

He had taken the image of angels and created the Ferth. But something had gone wrong in the creation. To start, he had used elves as a base, making them taller, giving them bird-bones, adding wings, and had come up with a suitable version of the muggle angel. But the Ferth had refused to obey him, had fought his control and won. They had gotten away with their inborn magic, their beauty, and their ability to breed true.

Like many of Voldemort’s creations, the Ferth could change muggles and wizards into their own kind. It was one reason their large feathers were sought after. Driving one of the steel-hard, needle-sharp feather shafts into your flesh would turn you into a Ferth by a very painful process.

As his hands stirred and mixed the potion, adding things without measuring, his mind continued to mull over the fact that a Ferth was teaching at Hogwarts. The last time a Ferth had been in Hogwarts was when Nevyik K’Lara had been a student, graduating the year before Severus had.

A sudden movement at his side nearly made him knock over his cauldron and the just finished fever potion. The person backed up a step as he snarled and waved the flames off under his cauldron. Then he turned around to face... the Professor.

"So, it’s Severus Snape, am I correct?" she asked, her voice softer so only he could hear, but no less melodious. Seeing his startled expression, a smile lit her face. "I guessed who you were since you are the only one here working without a partner and that, amazingly enough, you were finished first, without mishap, and then there’s the tip I gleaned from the rest of the staff that I would have you in my class this afternoon."

She leaned over to peer at the cooling pink potion, curiosity lighting her gleaming silver eyes as she looked back down at him. "Just one question, Mr. Snape... why don’t your potions turn as green as your spells?"

Severus’ eyes widened and his stomach dropped. Blaize. He’d forgotten about Blaize! Reaching into his sleeve, he pulled the ruffled looking kitten out.

"Merrow!" she cried at him, looking angry at having been stuck in his sleeve for hours. Not even playing with the vials and bits of string she’d found in the sleeve made up for being ignored.

Just then, Longbottom’s potion exploded, showering him and half the class with electric blue liquid. Everyone rushed toward the safety shower en-mass.

Potter and Malfoy got there first, at the same time. Both reaching for the cord and pulling. The cord snapped off in their hands. Obviously no one had needed a shower yet this year, because Severus had set the cord to go first thing when he’d gotten the verdict.

The Professor whirled around to stare in amazement at the blue-covered students just as Draco threw the first punch, catching Harry in the belly, causing the black-haired boy to double over, knocking his head into the blonde’s chest.

Both boys went crashing to the ground, followed by the sound of the Professor’s voice. "STOP," she cried, everyone going still at that piercing cry.

Pulling a wand from her belt, she waved it in a complicated pattern. "Eximo Venenum!" she cried, pointing at the knot of blue students. The electric blue stains lifted into the air and collected into a glob of blue liquid that bobbed over to the Failed Potion Bucket and gently dropped in.

Meanwhile, Severus gently stroked Blaize, cuddling and nuzzling the tiny emerald green kitten into a better mood, so when the potion dropped into the bucket, the kitten was purring at him.

After casting the spell again to clean up the mess on walls, floor, ceiling, and furniture, it was determined that all the potions were ruined. With a sigh, the Professor sent everyone back to their desks to clean up, except for Potter and Malfoy.

Looking down at them as she tucked her wand back into her belt, she folded her arms across her chest. "Fighting in class, that will be ten points each. Breaking school property, that will be another ten points apiece. Now get yourselves back to your desks and clean up before you leave."

She made sure that everyone was cleaning up quietly before returning to where Severus was now bottling his potion. "Five points to Slytherin for creating your potion correctly, Mr. Snape."

He smiled up at the Ferth woman. "Thank you Professor K’Lara. And in answer to your question... I don’t use magic to brew potions," he said with a gleam in his dark eyes.

She grinned. "Please, call me Professor Nevyik. I haven’t gone by K’Lara since I graduated, and my thanks. That clears up one mystery that had been plaguing me since I’d heard about breakfast. Now take that up to the Nurse and you are dismissed, young Snape." She closed one eye briefly in a wink, then went to supervise the rest of the class’s cleanup operations.

Stowing his gear in his sleeves, he set Blaize on his shoulder, grabbed the bottle of fever potion, and made his way to the Hospital wing.


Later that night, Severus lay on his stomach on his bed, flipping through one of his favorite books "One Hundred and One Wizarding Pranks – Volume 3". He had been lax during Potions and Dinner, not doing a single thing to loose points for Slytherin. He had to start doing more.

Flipping the page, he paused, then grinned. Here was a perfect prank to pull.

He slid out of bed, slipped between the hanging curtains, picked up the tiny green kitten playing with a ball of pink yarn, and made his way silently out of his dorm. He was going to have to work all night to set this one up since he’d have to set up a number of distractions for Filch and Mrs. Norris so they wouldn’t bother him or disturb his work once he was done.

"This is going to be a long night," he whispered to the kitten as he silently left the Slytherin dorms behind him and crept through the dungeons. "But it’ll be worth the look on Albus’ face when he comes in to breakfast."


BR: ooo, that was fun. Not as long as I’d want it, not enough pranking, but I ran out of ideas. So I’ll leave it to Yami no Kaiba to decide what he’s gonna do. Unless of course chapter 8 hasn’t been started when I get home tonight. Then, of course, I’d be obligated to go through with my sketchy plans. So what does everyone think of Nevyik? She’s really part of the Ferthra race from Ferth that I developed for a story I started. I’ve used her in D&D, online role-play, various short stories... Now she’s come to the world of Harry Potter. Hope you enjoy her!