YnK: *Winces as the sound of muffled cursing and shattering glass reaches her ears.* Umm… To avoid a needless character insert and consequent death of said needless character, I’ll be taking over this chapter and maybe the next. I want to get as much of this done as possible before vacation is over, so look us up daily before the second. Have a Happy New Year!

War of the Hexes
Chapter 4 – Color Trail.
By: Black Rose and Yami no Kaiba

As Severus walked towards McGonagall’s room it struck him that now was the perfect time to implement his first planned prank. Ducking down a side corridor, he made it quickly to the front hall and took out the crystal vile.

Uncorking the vile, Severus leaked a thin line across the width of the wall posts. Repeating the process at all the areas where one could enter the hall, Severus stepped back over the first line, corking and replacing the vile in his left sleeve and taking out his wand.

"Leviosa!" The spilled potion and walls in the hall turned emerald green. With a wicked grin, Severus replaced his wand. Smiling mischievously Severus hurried off to the locked Transfiguration classroom. With a quick, "Alohomora!" Severus took a seat in the back left corner.


McGonagall groaned as she peered into the box in her hands. With a quick sneeze she replaced the top, looking really down.

Of course, the one time she tells Hagrid any animal will do, he HAD to get the one kind she was slightly allergic to. She sighed miserably as she continued on her way to the classroom.

Nodding her head to the passing Creevy brother’s, Minerva sneezed again. Glancing back at the two, she stopped and stared.

Were those tails behind the two? More importantly, emerald green tails?!

As the two rounded the corner Minerva blinked. Was she getting paranoid about the lesson or what? But that color…

In all her years of teaching, Minerva McGonagall had only come across one child that left a distinctive color trail whenever doing spells of any kind. For crying out loud, even the child’s Patronus was green!

As Minerva continued, she looked in surprise at the open door of her classroom. What the ?

And as she entered the room, she knew.

"Five points from Slytherin for each brother, Severus."


Harry stared at the Creevy brothers that passed by on the way to the Hospital Wing. Were those green tails?

Shaking his head, Harry entered the Transfiguration classroom and sat down in his regular seat. Weird, none of the Slytherins were there yet except Snape. In fact, a few Gryffindors were missing also.

As Professor McGonagall took call, Harry watched as she frowned down at the parchment. She looked up and stared hard at Snape for a moment before asking the question on everyone's mind.

"Do any of you know where more than half the class is?"

Most people shrugged well some glanced at each other worriedly.

"Well, I can’t wait for them so get out some parchment and take VERY good notes for those that are not here. Today’s lesson will involve changing these into mittens."

With that Professor McGonagall took out a box and placed it on the front of her desk. Conjuring a surgical mask and putting it on, McGonagall took off the lid, allowing the class to hear the meows within.


Severus looked despondently at the little white kitten curled up on his desk. From what he had been able to see before the little thing had fallen asleep and curled its head inwards, it was all white except for a patch of gray fur in the shape of a sun centered on her brow. She was small enough to fit comfortably in his palm and had lime green eyes.

She was so cute this way! Why did he have to turn her into a pair of mittens? It wasn’t even cold outside, for crying out loud! Besides, it wasn’t like he’d actually be able to do it. Severus sucked at Transfiguration. Hell, he had failed the damn subject on his OWLS and NEWTS. What made them think he’d be able to do this now?

Looking up to the front of the room, he caught the slightly murderous look of Professor McGonagall. First of all, it was only the first lesson of the new term and half the class hadn’t shown, and second, she had to wear the surgical mask so she wouldn’t sneeze herself to death with all of the kittens around unless she turned into a cat herself.

McGonagall narrowed her eyes at him and Severus turned back to the kitten on his desk. If he didn’t even TRY he had a feeling Minerva would give him detention. So with his eyes closed tight, Severus pointed at the sleeping cat and muttered the spell.

Peeking open his eyes, Severus’s heart plummeted. Oh, the poor thing! She most definitely was still a kitten, but he’d managed to turn her beautiful coat emerald green!

As Severus stared at her and wondered how to change her coat coloring back to white, Filch entered the room and strode over to Minerva’s desk as the rest of the class entered behind him, looking either frightened, excited, or disappointed.

"Albus wants to see Severus, Minerva."

"Whatever for, Argus? And why is over half my class late?"

"Someone put a Levitation spell on the front hall. Anyone that entered it was stuck in there due to a boundary potion."

Minerva glanced over at Severus. "That still doesn’t explain why Albus wants to see Severus."

At this, Filch smiled rather nastily. "The hall was green, Minerva."

McGonagall’s eye brows shot up. "Green?"

Filch nodded. "Green. Emerald green, to be exact."

"Ah, thank you, Argus. Mr. Snape, take your things with you. Seeing as you have failed to turn your kitten into a pair of mittens, take the cat with you and I expect you to do it as homework. Get the paperwork from one of your dorm mates later tonight."


Albus Dumbledore waited for the door of his office to open. He, the one who had brought down the dark wizard Grindelwald was waiting for a thing he considered infinitely worse. The greatest prankster to have ever gone to Hogwarts.

Severus Snape.

As that very person slipped through his office door and sat down in the seat in front of his desk, the Headmaster was reminded of the nearly daily visits the two had only slightly over a decade ago. Wait a minute, was that a green kitten in his hand?

"You can’t pin this on me, Albus. You have no proof that I did it."

Dumbledore looked at Severus very carefully. "The hall was green, Severus."

"So? Just because something’s green, doesn’t mean I did anything to it. What if Potter’s hair had been green instead of pink? Would you have accused me of hexing Potter then?"

"No, because you were an adult then. However, you’re a kid now. One that, might I add, gave the Creevy brothers green tails and has transfigured something into a green kitten."

"You know I can’t transfigure worth crud, Albus. It is a kitten, I just turned her green by accident."

"Back to the topic, did you put that spell on the great hall?" Albus gave his sternest glare.

Severus just smiled. "Yup!"

Albus sighed. "Fifty points from Slytherin and two nights of detention with Filch, Severus."

"Fifty points? Isn’t that a bit harsh?"

"Severus, half the school missed most of their classes this morning because they were floating around in the great hall!"

Severus pouted cutely. "Ah, come on, Albus. It was only a joke."

Albus only pointed sternly at the door. "Out, you little rascal. And if I have to call you in here again today, it’ll be an extra hundred points off."

Severus smiled, saluted mockingly saying, "Aye-aye, sir," and left.

Albus Dumbledore leaned back into his chair, took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. [Gods, I’m getting to old for this,] he thought.


YnK: Well, I’ve successfully managed to do two chapters in a row and come up with what I think is a pretty crackin’ good prank, as the twins would say. I think Black Rose has calmed down a bit, so the next chapter will probably written by her. Special thanks go out to Silverfox for hyping this fic in chapter eleven of Runaway Dragon. We really appreciate it!

--To be Continued.

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