YnK: *Glares at the retreating form of Black Rose than smiles wickedly and snaps her fingers.* Gosh, I love Quirrell. *Watches bemusedly as Black Rose falls over bound in ropes.* I’ll deal with you later. Right now I got a chapter to write.

War of the Hex’s
Chapter 3 – Breakfast time!
By: Black Rose and Yami no Kaiba

Severus Snape looked over the dormitory he would be living in indefinitely for the duration of his supposed torture. At least, that’s what ninety-five percent of the staff thought. Dumbledore and McGonagall on the other hand…

Those two had been on the teaching staff the first time around that Severus had been through school. They suspected more than the others did what to expect, and had tried to warn the other staff. However, the majority of the staff didn’t put it in much thought. After all, how could such a mean, cruel, bitter bastard be the picture of rambunctious disaster area they painted?

Except for Professor Binns. He had been on the staff the first time around as well, but then again, nothing EVER happened in his class. The students were always too comatose to do anything.

Dropping his trunk at the foot of his bed, Severus flopped onto it, staring at the ceiling. He had stayed the night in the hospital wing because Poppy wanted him to be close in case of any delayed side effects.

Tuesday was Transfiguration followed by Care of Magical Creatures. Gods, the first class he had to go to was THAT one! Hmm… At least he could bug the hell out of Minerva.

Chuckling lightly to himself Severus got off his bed went over and opened up his trunk with a muttered spell revealing…

"Are you done yet, Mr. Snape?"

Quickly grabbing his wand, a borrowed copy of An All Around Guide to Transfiguration, and a small stoppered crystal vile with a cobalt blue liquid, Severus closed his trunk. Muttering a quick phrase to put the wards up, Severus turned around and smiled innocently up at Mrs. Holy as he put the items in his spelled sleeves.

"Yes, Professor."

"Then please join the rest of the students down at breakfast."

"Ok, Professor."


Harry Potter sat down to breakfast red with embarrassment as three quarters of the school snickered quite audibly. Over the night the same way that his hair had once grown back after an offending hair cut, his hair had tried to go back to it’s natural coloring. So instead of all pink hair, it looked as if he had gone out and streaked his black hair with pink.

Slouching down in his chair, he looked over at Hermione who had received her copy of the Morning Prophet with an interested expression on her face. Glancing at the front cover, Harry did a double take.

"Hey, ‘Mione, can I read the cover?"

"Sure, Harry," she said off handedly as she handed the front and back sheet to Harry.

Reading over it quickly, Harry glanced at the glowering picture of an adult Severus Snape.

Surprising Youth

- Rita Skeeter

During an accident in one of his classes, Professor Severus Snape, ex-death eater and current Potions Professor of Hogwarts, was hit by an extremely experimental charm, says Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts to Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge late last evening. When pressed for information, the Headmaster would only say that the charm was a deviation of the full-body-bind curse, making the charm bind the Professor’s body into that of a fifteen-year-old until the proper counter-curse is preformed. Since the deviation of the charm is experimental, no one knows what the counter curse could be. However, when asked on who had cast the charm, Dumbledore was adamant that the charm had been cast by mistake and that the guilty party was not to be blamed.

Later in the discussion, it was brought up in concern by the Minister that the only known Potions Master in the world was now incapacitated. However Dumbledore was quick to say that no damage to Mr. Snape’s memory was apparent.

Professor Severus Snape has now been reinstated as a fifth year student to Hogwarts until either the counter-curse is found or he re-graduates from the school, where upon Mr. Snape will retake his role as Potions Professor. This writer, however, has to wonder if the experimental charm could have unhinged the Ex-Professor’s mind. As all wizards and witches know, charms and spells can affect the mind of a living being.

Harry felt ill for a moment. Could he really have damaged Snape’s mind? And if he had, how would Snape act now?

"How could they put something like this in the papers?" Harry hissed, looking over at Ron and Hermione. "What if You-Know-Who finds out? You know he would love to get his hands on Snape because he was a spy! This would create the perfect opportunity!"

"Ah, come on, Harry," Ron blithely said, waving his fork around, "it’s not like evil people read the paper! Have you ever heard of one doing so?"

It was at that moment that the very man, boy now, walked into the room followed closely by Professor Holly.

All activities at the tables stopped.

Shoulder length, CLEAN black hair with blue highlights was the thing that everyone noticed first. Those not shocked enough by that noticed that he was SMALL. Smaller than anyone in any of the age groups, including the Creevy brothers. If that wasn’t enough, what caught everyone’s attention next, would have sent half the population of Hogwarts running away in confusion and utter fear.

Snape was SMILING.


Dumbledore watched wearily as the entire school looked upon the giddy child. Groaning lightly, he rested his head lightly on his folded up arms. He knew that look, the Weasley twins had that look on all the time. And for the first time since the incident, Albus Dumbledore knew his worst doubts were reality.

Severus Snape would not be long in coming up to his study.


Breakfast had been terrible. The entire Slytherin congregation, not knowing what to make of a happy little boy being Professor Snape had immediately taken a disliking to him. Because of this, he had been left by himself at one of the ends of the table were the seventh years normally would have eaten with no one to talk to.

This had reminded Severus of the one draw back of being a kid again. The isolation. No one in Slytherin was supposed to be nice. Being happy, unless it was a happy pleasure caused by some one else’s pain and suffering, had been automatically ruled out.

Severus could remember: when he had been sorted, the astonishment of all present. That he had been put into Slytherin, when on the train he had shown that he was a very capable prankster and very brave, if a bit fool hardy, considering his very first prank had been directed at none other than Sirus Black.

As Severus walked down the halls, not all to calmly might I add, when turning a corner he was bowled over by the Creevy brothers. Getting up and dusting off his robes, he looked piercingly at them, causing the boys to stand stock-still.

Smiling mischievously at them, Severus took out his wand from his left sleeve with his right wand and with a swish he called out, "Kitarriya Changus!" Nothing appeared to happen.

With a muffled eep from both the Creevy brothers, they turned and fled, making Severus smile even more as he saw the effect of his little curse.

Both brothers were now being followed faithfully by tails.


Red eyes with snake like pupils looked up from an edition of the Morning Prophet to meet ice blue.

"What a most…interesting opportunity."



YnK: Not until you agree to the kitten idea.

BR: Fine, fine. We’ll use a kitten! You must be obsessed with cats, what with the tails on the Creevy brothers!

YnK: Yep! *Smiles cutely* Also, no more incapacitating the other.

BR: aaaw… but where’s the fun in THAT?!?!?! *Blinks, then looks contrite* ok.

YnK: Swear to it!

BR: OK. I swear it on the Moon Palace that I won’t bind you up again.

YnK: *Looks pointedly at Black Rose, kind of like Dumbledore* Good. *Snaps her fingers.*

BR: *Shakes herself and gets up, smoothing out her skirt.* OK, well, that’s the end of the chapter folks! Next chapter, see what Sevi does in Transfigurations! *Grins and rubs her hands* Oh Minervaaaa!

YnK: *Groans as the screen goes blank* Hey! Who turned out the lights!!???

--To be Continued.

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