Little Meddlers
Chapter 2 – The Angels
By: Yami no Kaiba


Up in the trees, invisible to the plane of existence they watched over, two little look-a-likes of Tasuki and Chichiri with feathered wings and halos sat and conversed.

“So… How does it feel to finally get a word in edge wise with Tasuki?”

The redheaded angel looked down at his relaxed and calm, not to mention very out of character, charge. “It’s really interesting, Jun-chan. I never thought I would ever see him this way. Gen-chan pretty much had Tasuki by the ear for whatever stupid, hair brained scheme he’d just come up with.”

The blue-haired angel nodded, looking around. “That reminds me, Rou-chan. Where is our hot headed little devil?”

“Gen-chan said he’s going on vacation to try and cheer up Ri-chan. You know how sulky Ri-chan’s been these last few years.”

Jun-chan nodded. “With Chichiri not even listening to him, he’s just not been the same. Though I can’t complain much I guess. It has made my job a lot easier.”

Rou-chan nodded. “Being uncontested for attention will do that. Takes the fun out of the job as well.”

Jun-chan gave the redhead an incredulous look. “You actually like arguing with that jerk?”

The redhead just shrugged. “He’s good at debating the subject.”

“Huh. Who’d have guessed? Think Tasuki might be as good?”

A small shake of the head, “Nah, he’s been raised all wrong to debate over a subject. He most likely would pitch a fit after five minutes and hit the other person over the head with his tessen, or be sneaky about getting what he wants. Remember how he got Miaka to take him to Kutou?”

“Mmm, he could have just asked Chichiri nicely to take him along.”

“There was too much of a chance Chichiri would have told him no. So of course Tasuki figured ‘Hey, what works, works,’ and came up with the meat bun idea.”

The blue-haired angel nodded his head, his bangs and ponytail bobbing along with the movement. “So what are you going to do for now?”

“While Gen-chan’s on vacation, I’ve been trying my best to smooth Tasuki’s burn-first-ask-questions-later behavior out. It seems to be working out pretty well.”

“Just don’t get your hopes up. When things are balanced again, I don’t think Tasuki’s going to like how he handled the earring incident.”

Rou-chan just blinked and cocked her head. “But they are effeminate.”

Jun-chan just smiled. “I know that and you know that, but for the sake of his manly pride I don’t think Tasuki would ever admit that.”

*---*---Tasuki’s POV---*---*

Leaning back against one of the tree’s surrounding camp, stomach full of fried fish, I can’t seem to help but take in my surroundings. The week had been mostly clear but now there was the smell of rain on the wind. I hope it will be something small that will pass over during the night. There’s nothing worse then traveling with a group through muddy roads in my own opinion.

Me and Kouji were always sent out on the rainy days back on Mt. Reikaku. We’d always made the loudest fuss about it, even hours after we’d gotten back. Me, because I’d always had the worry that I’d get caught out in a flash flood without being able to swim, but Kouji did it out of principal. Couldn’t have the gaki [brat] out swearing his aniki [older brother] after all.

The dampness in the air had caused an unexpected rise in the temperature today. I’d long since discarded my extra coat earlier, seeing how unseasonably warm it had become, especially for this place. Looking around, everyone except for Chiriko had done the same. Can’t blame him though, I think the little guy’s been catching a cold recently. I hope I’m wrong however, or we’ll be forced to stop before reaching our destination and I really don’t want to push my luck with that damned horse. He’s tolerated me pretty well this week for some weird reason, and like I said before, I don’t want to press my luck.

We’ve been crossing this forest for a good two days now, and all though the others might not have noticed, I’ve spotted some trees with a couple of planks between their limbs. It’s a sign that some well organized bandits are in the area. However, since I haven’t seen anyone or gotten the chance to find out how old those look-out posts are, I can’t be sure if they’re still in the business. It’s rare, but it has been known for a bandit stronghold to become self-sufficient enough to become a village or town. The Reikaku stronghold was looking to be headed that way before the whole thing with the youma and tessen had happened. If that’s the case here, it wouldn’t be fair to those bandits if I told the rest of the group about my suspicions then we meet them only to start off on the wrong foot. So for now I’ll keep my silence and let Chichiri alert us if he senses anyone.

Thinking about our resident monk, I finally realize I’ve been staring at him for a good while now. Damn, hope no one’s noticed. Considering how out of it I’ve been this week, I hope anyone that does just puts it down on the abnormalities list and leaves it at that.

I can smell the oncoming rain again. I don’t think anyone would be happy to wake up soaked. Decided, I stand up, stretching my arms over my head, popping my spine back into alignment. We’ll need to break out the tents tonight it seems.

*---*---Chichiri’s POV---*---*

I got back from my fishing trip at the river side with enough fish for dinner. That’s saying a lot with Miaka on this trip.

Since I’ve gotten back, all I can do is watch him. The movement of his hands, the sparkle of his eyes, the way he walks. Yes, I know, most wouldn’t take note of the way a person walks, but Tasuki does it in a way you wouldn’t expect. You’d think him to walk as loudly as he talks, but in reality he walks so softly at times you can’t even hear him.

He’s sitting now against a tree, a calm expression on his face. The lights and shadows are playing across him, shifting to and fro, catching in his hair and the metal work in his outfit. He almost seems as if he is a specter from a dream. So distracted in my new stint of ‘Tasuki watching’, it took five minutes to realize-

He was staring at me.

Hope and doubt swirled like autumn leaves through my mind. Did he guess? Or did he know? If he did, what did he think? Suzaku, I have to get a hold on myself. I haven’t done anything to give anyone a peek into my thoughts, so there’s no way he could know.

“Oh my…” I whisper as he gets up and stretches. Even as I watch I can’t help but wish his black jacket had been left in Kutou. It hides too much of what my imagination readily supplies. Tasuki’s walking now in that almost silent way of his, moving towards the packs.

It seems I’m not the only one who saw his movements. “Hey, fang-boy,” Tamahome calls out, looking up from his own stint of ‘Miaka watching’. “What are you doing?”

Tasuki’s bending over the packs now and I’m wishing most reverently that his jacket had been burned long ago. “There’s rain comin’ tonight. Figured I’d break the tents out so we don’t get soaked. Oi, Nuriko, wanna help out?”

Nuriko had just come back from checking on the horses when he heard this. “Aww, why do I have to? Tamahome hasn’t done anything yet, make him do it.”

Tasuki’s shrugging now, and I’m once again cursing that jacket of his. If it wasn’t there, along with his shirt of course, I’d be able to see the way his muscles moved under his tan skin… “I really don’t care which one of you does it. If we don’t get enough of these tents up in time, someone’s doubling, and it sure as hell ain’t Miaka.”

Awe, seems he’s given Tamahome an opening. “Oh? So you’re volunteering, fang-boy? That’s so sweet!”

I move covertly away from Tamahome, along with Nuriko, Chiriko, Miaka, and Mitsukake. Even Tama-chan is sneaking off. We all know how this is going to end; one toasted ogre-boy.

Therefore, when Tasuki’s hand doesn’t even make a move towards his tessen, we’re all surprised. Except for Tamahome, I think he’s just thanking his lucky constellation. Tasuki’s straightening and turning around now. “That’s all right with me. As long as I’m not paired with you, Tamahome,” he replies with the calmest expression on his face.

That’s… a bit more mature than I expected from him. Not that I’m complaining, but it’s just not how he’s supposed to act. Something’s going on with our resident hothead, but considering my line of thoughts lately, can I approach him about it without jumping him?

I probably shouldn’t chance it. Hopefully one of the others will take the redhead aside and help him out. I’d probably just make it worse right now.

Nuriko and Tamahome are now moving to help Tasuki with the tents. Seems we might not have to pair up after all. Rats, I was sort of hoping to get paired with him. After careful watching I know he sleeps only in a light shirt and boxers. Just think of the wonderful sight I would have had for a whole night…

--To be Continued.

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