Title: Snow Bunnies
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Fandom: Young Justice
Rating: G
Character(s): Robin, Superboy

Summary: Tim's cold. Kon's warm. It all works out.
Disclaimer: DC owns the rights to Robin, Superboy, Impulse, and the Super-cycle.
Note: Especially written for cosmicastaway. Feel better soon!


At first, he'd just been happy to be alive after the electrical attack he hadn't been able to dodge had run its course. It wasn't until after the battle had been summarily won and Impulse had zipped off to drop the zip-stripped offender off at the nearest meta-prison that he'd realized the full extent of the damage caused.

Superboy was floating stationary in the air at a comfortable distance away, brushing off some excess building debris from his jacket. “Well, that was a waste of time.”

Robin frowned slightly. He probably should say something about never underestimating, but for once he agreed with Superboy. He's pretty sure the local authorities could have handled this.

“So, should we wait for Impulse to get back or head over to Happy Harbor without him?”

Shrugging to get some of the accumulated snow out of the folds of his cape, he pulls it around himself and sat down in the snow. He had a perfect line of sight to watch the Super-cycle romping through the deeper snow drifts. “Considering his nature, we should wait for him.”

“Right oh, Wonder Boy.” Glancing in a considering way from where the Super-cycle was playing around towards the unspoken leader of their little group, a spark of mischief entered Superboy's eyes.

In reflection, it shouldn't have been such a shock to him when Superboy tackled him into the snow. He's also pretty sure the experience shouldn't have become a study into the opposite sides of the heat spectrum. Or the intense speculation he suddenly developed over how *close* Superboy's lips were to his own and how it would probably feel to just lean up and-

“Dude, you're *cold*.”

Right. “The electric charge short-circuited the thermal wiring of my suit.”

Superboy gives him an incredulous look. “And you want to wait around for Impulse?”

“It's the responsible thing to do.”

Superboy snorts. “And let it never be said that a Bat isn't responsible.”

“Superboy,” he growls in his best bat-voice in warning.

“Sorry.” Superboy chews a bit on his lower lip, then sits up and draws Robin into his lap. “You know, you could have said something.”

Robin concentrates on relaxing. “Like what?”

“I'm cold. Come keep me warm?”

“Sure, if I wanted to sound like a pansy.” As he snuggles deeper into Superboy's surrounding warmth, Robin thinks there might be time later to explore his earlier musings.

Waiting for their errant partner, the two watch the Super-cycle continue playing in the falling snow.


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