Title: Seeing the Familiar
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Rating: PG
Characters: Tim Drake, Richard Grayson

Summary: Tim thinks about his new psychology teacher.
Note: For Justice League Academy’s Round Robin AU.
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by DC comics.


There was something about the way Mr. Grayson moved that caught the eye. It wasn’t that he was always moving (except perhaps when he was asleep and Tim made a mental note to find out) but that it had left Tim with a nagging sense of familiarity. Mr. Grayson moved with a smoothness and quick step that told of grace, agility, and an overabundance of energy that screamed for an outlet.

The digital camera made no noise as Tim caught another picture of Mr. Grayson flipping on the gymnastics equipment stationed on the ground level of the gym.

Normally, Tim would mark down his daily theories and observations from class and leave well enough alone. He was, actually, a little uncomfortable with the fact that he was essentially stalking one of his teachers.

However, unlike the other teachers, Mr. Grayson doesn’t keep a journal. The lack only makes Tim more curious about Mr. Grayson (Dick, he wants to be called Dick, though Tim can’t fathom why anyone would want to be). That curiosity has driven Tim to find out everything ever written or legally documented about the older man. The results of his (mostly illegal) computer searches had explained so *much*.

Pressure on the shutter button and Tim now had a nice picture of Mr. Grayson’s upside-down backside.

Once, when Tim was three and was just learning how to speak, his parents had come home from another trip. Tim vaguely remembers that his parents hadn’t been fighting in those days, unlike his sharper memories back to when he was five. On that brighter day before his parents had become even less involved in his life, they had taken Tim to his first, and last, circus.

That night, three year old Tim Drake would have his first significant nightmare.

Tim takes another picture and one of the lights on the camera blinks on. Checking it shows that the memory chip is full. Irritated, he makes a mental note to buy a larger capacity chip as he slinks off quietly to his room.

Slipping into sleep only brings him into a world of half forgotten loud noises and bright colors. He’s smiling up at the face of an older boy in reds, greens, and yellows while sitting on his knee. He’s sitting in front of his parents in the big tent, stuttering words and being fascinated by the older boy moving in ways Tim yearns to do. He’s watching in fear and horror as the older boy’s parents fall in the air. He’s silent as the tall man comes not in pity, but with knowledge, understanding, and compassion to lead the older boy away.

--To be Continued.

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