Title: Belated
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: PG13
Characters: Kon and Stephanie

Summary: They may be dead, but they're still teens.
Disclaimers: DC Comics owns the original characters.
Note: For trunks_angel.
Request: Kon and Steph, Post-IC, either in the afterlife or 'checking up' on their friends.


Kon kicked his feet, immediately disinterested at the foggy puff of cloud he manages to disperse. Trying to act as casually as possible, he looks nervously at the girl beside him. "I don't think we got off on the right foot..."

"Well of course not. I mean, being *randomly* and *unjustly* attacked by a metahuman? I'm surprised you have friends at all, if you greet everyone that way," the blonde interrupts with an ill-concealed smirk.

Immediately feeling defensive, he turns to fully face her as he snipes back, "Yeah? And how the hell would *you* react if you were suddenly seeing someone else in your best friend's clothes?"

He notices the way her eyes crease in silent laughter, so openly different from Tim's smiles, and yet just as honest. How she could ever have been part of the Bat clan when being that open is beyond him. Though her humor is certainly on par with some of the jokes he's heard Nightwing crack, when she says, "I'd congratulate my friend for finally getting laid."

He can’t help but laugh. "Tim? Getting laid? Somehow I don't see it..."

Stephanie props her arms on her raised knee beside him. "Yeah... I was like, his second girlfriend, and we didn't do much other than kiss."

He leans in and turns on the charm, "You know, if you want to..."

Stephanie giggles, and pushes him away. "Thanks, really, but not right now. I'll keep the offer in mind, though."

"Hey, I can wait," Kon says, without any disappointment in his voice as he flops back to sprawl on a cloud. "We have all eternity, after all."


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