The Switch
Chapter 15 – Time Warp
By: Yami no Kaiba

For the next two weeks, with all the training going on, time seemed to slip by soundlessly like the water in a stream (i.e. meaning there were a few bumps, but they were smoothed out. ^_^).

So it was very surprising for Pine when she was woken up by the sounds of a hyperactive chibi Trunks running around the complex, screaming at the top of his lungs, “It’s today! It’s today!”

Having her alarm clock sound off at that particular moment dashed all hopes for going back to sleep. Grouching mentally to herself as she crossed the room and turned it off. With a snap of her fingers to change clothes she was off towards the kitchen to make breakfast (Basically scrambling some eggs to slightly black and getting some butter and toast.).

[Hey, Dende, anything new pop up that you couldn’t handle?] She asked this well cramming a forkful of scrambled eggs into her mouth.

[Brolly came back last night and killed everyone except those at Capsule Corp.] Dende dead panned.

There went her orange juice across the table. [WHAT?!]

Pine could practically SEE the impish grin Dende sported. [Just yanking your chain, Piccolo-san!]

Pine growled low in her throat. “That little shit brat...”

It was at this point that Vejita walked in, looked at the seemingly angry (but cute) Namekian/Human and the spray of liquid all over the table and raised an eyebrow. “Dende again, elfie?”

Pine tried to, but couldn’t suppress the blush that spread across her face. “I swear, his humor gets more twisted each day. I’m starting to wonder just what it is he watches when he’s supposed to be guarding.” Yes, orange juice all over the table was getting to be a frequent occurrence in the mornings these past two weeks whenever Pine checked in with the little god. “I’m damn happy that the old Kami wasn’t around when the kid took the post. He might have demanded that Dende split like he had to and I have a feeling Dende’s evil side would be even worse then Daimao.” Pine shivered.

Vejita taped the end of his chin as he poured himself a bowl of frosted flakes one handed. “You know, that would really be an interesting sight...”

Pine decided just to give him a look of death. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to be potent enough, since not even the milk the Saiya-jin no Ouji poured into his bowl bubbled.


Pine crossed her arms as she followed the rest of the re-gathered group down the pathway. There were a lot of people about, and she had never been a people-person. The crowd was large, other hopeful fighters, tourists, people in black suits, and the usual budoki officials. Vejita and Pine were at the back of the group, as they slowly walked up the tree lined alley, looking left and right for a glimpse of a dead companion.

Pine blinked as she turning towards her right. She could have sworn...

She almost jumped backwards when Goku and Baba phased in front of her. Clenching her teeth together tightly she tried to calm down as Son smiled at them. “Hi-ya!”

“About time you got here, Kakarrot,” Vejita said in his usually annoying way, eyes flickering with a smug smile from Pine to the halo toting Saiya-jin.

"Goku!" After that as far as Pine was concerned, the hugging and kissing and tears that were falling from everyone's eyes was an almost unholy torture. Sentimental crap... who needed it?

After almost an eternity of time in Pine's view the group settled down finally. Finally having time, Pine stepped forward, hand outstretched. "I don't believe we've met, Son-san. Daimao Pine, pleased to meet you."

The hand was grasped and shaken, as well as there was a bit of twinkling in Goku's eyes. "Ah, yes, Kaio-sama informed me about you," those black eyes slid towards Gohan then back to Pine's own. "I've heard you pounded my oldest back in shape. Thanks."

Pine shrugged and let her voice fall so that only the two of them could hear. "If I had known about his lack of continued training I would have done it earlier."

A bark of laughter and a harsh clap on the back sent the Nameckian hybrid almost to the ground. Grrr... she'd have to get him back for that...

"Gohan-kun!!" Pine winced slightly and turned around, stoic expression coming up. That bitch- er, Videl- was running towards them, hair cut short due to an off comment from Gohan earlier.

Gohan, who was not wearing anything concealing after Pine had railed at him how stupid that would be since everyone knew he could fight already, almost had his face planted into the cement of the walk way as Videl jumped onto his back. If it hadn't been for Pine's quick save, that is.

Hands splayed out over a firm chest, leaning forward to counter balance the poor boy, Pine was confused as a warm, fuzzy feeling started in the pit of her stomach. Almost questioningly, Pine looked up into Gohan's surprised jet eyes. There was an uneasy silence until a sharp sarcastic voice made the two jump apart, blushing furiously.

"Break it up, you two! We still have to sign up for the stupid tournament. You can drool over Kakarrot's half breed spawn latter, elfie!"

Trying to subdue whatever it was she was feeling, Pine allowed her anger to take over. "Oh, fuck off, Veggie-head!" [Well,] one of Pine's sarcastic inner voices said, [its nice to know that Dende isn't the only one who's language is being highly influenced by these humans.]

There was a small pause of shock as Vejita stared at Pine incredulously. "Why you little-"

Pine blew him a raspberry. [Oh, that's really mature... Yes, let's tick off one of the few known people that can wipe the floor with us!] "You're the little one, shorty!"

A muscle under Vejita's left eye twitched before he took off, flying straight at the Human/Nameckian hybrid, right hand fisted and cocked back to deliver a blow.

Eyes widening, Pine eeped and ducked, shifting to the left, leaving the Saiya-jin no Ouji to shoot past her. Scrambling, she high tailed it around the area, weaving through the crowds and barely dodging the pissed off raven haired warrior.

"Damn it, you pain in the ass, can't you take a joke?!"

"No one insults the Saiya-jin no Ouji without punishment!"

"Well, you could of fooled me! There's a certain blue haired onna that seems to insult you daily and I don't see HER being chased around!" [Kami-sama, why the hell can't I keep my mouth shut?!] Pine thought, dodging a punch partially and being thrown and embedded into a wall across the aisle.

[Really, Piccolo, I have no idea why you keep provoking Vejita.]

Groaning minutely, Pine launched herself into the air, avoiding the follow up spinning kick that demolished the section of wall she had currently been residing in. [Dende, shut up!]

Pine lost Dende's reply as a hammer fist from behind sent her back towards the ground. Bracing against for barely an instant, not daring to take longer with the ex-planet exterminator on her mental tail, she dodged to a side-

And ran straight into a shorter person, sending the two rolling along the ground, getting their arms and legs tangled to finally stop in a dusty heap.

Blinking, Pine stared down into the surprised face of a purple human like being with slanted black eyes, pointed ears, and a spiky mohawk of white hair.

--To be Continued.

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