Author Notes: I've thought that some people might have been wondering the question, 'Why doesn't Gohan recognize Pine's ki as Piccolo's?' Hopefully this chapter will answer that. Feh, hopefully I won't do another day split into more than one chapter.

[ ] denotes thoughts.

The Switch
Chapter 10 - Where's Piccolo?
By: Yami no Kaiba

Piccolo awoke silently as her sensitive hearing heard the door to her room crack open. Tensing unconsciously for a fight, Piccolo moved silently, even to her ears, off of the futon and into the corner of the room, preparing to jump her would be jumper.

There was a whirring sound for about ten seconds and then with a snap and a flash of light, Trunks was revealed in his little PJ's, camera in hand capturing a picture of an empty futon. The startled look on his face when he realized the occupant of the futon wasn't there was Piccolo's cue to act. And so she did.


Vejita woke up with a start as his acute hearing caught the sound of glass breaking only three rooms away. Reaching out with his ki, he searched for other ki signatures around his. It didn't take long for the Ouji to feel the two ki's that where escalating outside of the building.

Grumbling and cursing, Vejita grabbed a pair of pants and tugged them on, moving out of the bed he shared with Bulma and towards the balcony doors.

Walking out onto the balcony, Vejita looked about and saw the blurs of two fighters going at it in the air. The little golden one he easily recognized as his brat, and the other blue and emerald one he figured was the elf.

"Halt!" Both fighters paused in mid punch and dodge and turned their sightes on a very disgruntled Vejita. "Brat, get the hell to bed and go to sleep before the onna wakes up and starts to bitch at us!" When both fighters seemed reluctant to break away, he let out his ace. "If your not there in five seconds you're training with me tomorrow for twenty hours straight in the gravity room!"

Vejita watched amused as Trunks streaked off towards his room with a frightened look on his face.


Piccolo grunted as she entered her room through the broken window. The little brat had tried to take a picture of her in the PJ's Bulma had made her wear, insisting she had to wear something to bed. Well, she wouldn't let anyone catch her in the embarrassing thing again.

Taking the PJ's off, Piccolo snapped her fingers and sighed as her regular indigo training clothes settled on her body. She'd wear this to bed from now on.


Gohan smiled happily as he left the quiet house he lived in. Now that Goten was grounded by Chi-Chi, the little boy was much less rambunctious. Meaning, Gohan had actually gotten an uninterrupted night of sleep for once.

Considering his plan of action, Gohan jumped into the sky. First stop, Kami's Lookout.


Dende's antennae twitched as he felt a high level ki coming his way. If he wasn't mistaken, it felt a heck of a lot like Gohan's...

Checking up on the newest high level ki that had appeared only in the last few weeks, Dende smiled as he looked over the edge of the Lookout and saw Pine going through a routine of morning meditation. He was quite surprised that none of the other Z-senshi had noticed the new player, seeing as her ki level rocketed whenever she was sparring with Gohan.

Though in after thought, Dende had to admit that he had felt no one really feeling for ki's in the past seven years, except for Piccolo. After the incident with the androids the Z-senshi had learned not to rely on ki sensing for their fights, especially since Cell had been able to fool everyone with masking his ki level.

True though, old habits were hard to break, and close range ki sensing for every Z-senshi was in-tuned into their minds, a path so worn it worked even when they didn't think about it.

So really, it shouldn't have been so surprising that no one had come, since the Z-senshi in close enough proximity to Pine to sense her level either knew she was Piccolo or thought she was an advanced human fighter and no real threat to the Earth.

Dende, on the other hand, having the advantage of being guardian, knew the distinct ki of all of the Z-senshi as well as prominent humans. When he had wanted to check up on Piccolo the first day after the wish, he had been quite surprised to find out that he couldn't feel her ki. Panicking, Dende had done a search for new high level ki, fearing that Piccolo had been killed by a new threat. Finding one, Dende had immediately looked over the edge of the Lookout to locate and identify this new person.

Only to be rewarded with the scene of Pine beating the crap out of a school bully, and the ki definitely hers.

[Truly an interesting observation. Ah, and here is Gohan's ki coming in at a high speed. Wonder what's got him so worried that he wants to talk to me?]


[Weird, I don't sense Piccolo here at all...] Gohan touched down on the Lookout, looking around. Of course, he landed on the other side that Dende was on and had to walk around the whole place before he came to where he could sense Dende's ki.

"Hey, Dende! Do you know where Piccolo-san is? I wanted to talk to him about a tournament I'm entering and see if he would participate."

Dende sweatdropped for a moment, thinking this was a redundent thing since Piccolo was entering already. However, Dende hadn't been spending the last few weeks sitting on his ass thinking no one would notice that Piccolo wasn't around. He had come up with the perfect lie and already had gotten Bulma's corporation on it.

"Piccolo found out he had some close relatives on New Namek a few months ago and got a spaceship from Bulma-san to go there and meet them."

[Wow, Piccolo-san has family? I guess no body really thought about that...]

"Sooo..." A sly thought entered Dende's mind. "I've been noticing that you've been sparing lately with a new person. Tell me about her."

Dende immediately kicked himself mentally as he watched Gohan's face go into one of those classic human ways of looking like they were in bliss. He hadn't been on Earth for seven years without having seen at least one romance movie.


It was four hours later and Gohan had finally left when his stomach had forcefully reminded him that he had skipped breakfast.

Dende's eyes were wide. Some how Gohan had fallen in love with Pine! And from the way he had carried on about her, Gohan was head over heels for her, and he knew it!

[Gohan's going to be heart broken when Pine disappears in about two and a half months. I just hope Piccolo doesn't let things get out of hand. If those two get together, there's going to be hell when the second wish acts. I don't even want to think about what ChiChi will do!]

--To be Continued.

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