The Switch
Chapter 8 - Trunks and Goten unleashed!
By: Yami no Kaiba

Piccolo groaned as a damn annoying low buzzing sound filled the room, to low for a human, even a Saiya-jin to hear. Groping for a small throw pillow and catching hold of it in a violent gesture, Piccolo chucked the downy item in the general direction of the racket.

Of course this didn't do anything to the pyramid like Namekian alarm clock, hers now compliments of Dende.

Sighing wearily, Piccolo got on her knees and pulled her arms back in a stretch to get the kinks out from sleeping on her stomach. Done, she slipped off of the futon, padding lightly on her bare feet over to the empty dresser towards the clock that had Namekian symbols carved into the sides. It was a pretty piece of art as well as a functional timepiece.

Pressing one finger to indent a raised panel and twisting the top of the pyramid in a clockwise direction, the clock beeped once and was silent.

Turning to the door Piccolo walked out of his guestroom and down the hall, taking the hall and letting his keen sense of smell and hearing lead him in the direction of the kitchen.

"Eat with your mouth closed, brat!!"

"But Papa, I'm in a " Trunks was saying when he stoped as his gaze locked on Piccolo's person in the doorway. His mouth droped open and his eyes dilated.

Intrigued by his son's look, Vejita turned his head around to look at what had left his son speechless. Standing in the doorway was Piccolo, dressed in a shirt and pants PJ set of a velvety sky blue.

"About time you woke up, elfie," Vejita smirked at the blue clad warrior. When all he got was a frown, Vejita chuckled slightly to himself as he turned back to finish off his breakfast.

Piccolo, still frowning, sat down and excepted the plate of food that one of the servernt bots put in front of him. Picking up the chopsticks, the girl started to pack the food down.

"Wow, Piccolo! Do you always wear that to bed?" asked a now very curious eight-year-old after finishing off his meal in a hurry and almost chocking twice.

Shaking her head slightly, Piccolo finally really woke up. Looking down at what she was wearing, she could feel a warm flush creep up her neck to her ears and cheeks. Hurriedly snapping her fingers, a brief flash of light insues for a second before disappearing, leaving Piccolo wearing her new forest green fighting gi with the recent addition of a weighted electric blue sash, wrist bands, and brown ankle boots. The weighted items (sash, wrist bands, ankle boots) had been adopted to make up for a lack of weighted shoulder pads and turban for sparing with Gohan.

The brave, no longer grounded, purple haired chibi opened his mouth. "So do you?"

"Shut up, brat," Piccolo growled out as she rose gracefully from her seat and headed towards the door.

"Don't forget, elfie, the onna wants you back here for dinner," Vejita stated, not even turning around. When the sound of a door slamming met his ears, he chuckled evily. "Now I believe you have some where to be, brat?"

Trunks nodded and left in a hurry, following the emerald green haired wonder.


"Goten-chan!" a very hyper purple haired chibi cried as he tackled Goten to the ground. It had been two weeks since the wish, and his mother had finally allowed him out of the house for fun.

"Trunks!" Goten grabbed his friends biceps and rolled over, bringing the two into a long roll for dominance to see who would come out on top. It ended seconds later with Goten's form pinned under Trunks. Laughing, Goten looked into Trunks' eyes and smiled at what he saw. Trunks had that look in his eyes again, the same one that the purple haired demi-saiya-jin had had when he had first revealed his plan to Goten two weeks ago. "So what are we going to do this time, Trunks-chan?"

Trunks did a Vejita like smirk. "Oh, you'll see, Chibi-chan..."


Pine backflipped through the air after having planted the heel of her brown ankle boot into Gohan's face. Annoyed at the slowness of her opponent, she sent a stinging ki blast into his abdomn, chastizing the younger warrior for his weakness.

As Gohan fell towards the ground slightly out of control, his blonde hair whipping wildly around him, Pine followed close at hand, helping the young demi-saiya-jin to the ground by grabbing onto him and using her weight to knock him into the ground. "Gohan," she growled into his ear as she leaned over him, "what the hell is wrong with you?! You should be much faster than this!"

A sigh escaped his lips as his hair faded back to it's raven black and his eyes turned back into obsidion orbs. "I'm sorry Pine, I just got a lot on my mind right now. Can we stop?"

Pine paused, as she thought this through. If anyone else had acted this way and asked her that, she would have laughed in their face and continued to pound the shit out of 'em. But, well, this was Gohan. To hell with anyone else, but Gohan ment more to her then even Kami knew. Gohan was the only person that even put a little light into her Kami forsaken life.

"Fine," she growled out, as she roughly shoved him down to get up. "You owe me big, kid." When all she got was the clasic Son smile, she threw her hands up in the air in a human fashion of showing annoyance. Thinking about this slip of her emotions, she vowed to try and get out of the habit of these human gestures. Bringing her arms down, she crossed them in her regular style and walked off towards the waterfall.


Trunks smirked as he watched through the bushes as Pine started to meditate on a rock well facing away from where Gohan stood. Gohan was stripping off his sweaty clothes fast and diving into the lake for a cooling swim. This was going to be too easy.

Letting go of the bushes as he pulled back, they rustled quitely as the bended branches snapped back into place. Looking behind him to see his cohort in crime, Trunks couldn't help it as his smirk grew even wider.

"Ready, Goten?"

Goten smirked as well. This was going to be good. "Hai, Trunks-chan."


"What the hell??!!" Pine's eyes flew open as her body stood and tensed, expecting an attack at any moment. Her eyes scanned the landscape, even as her mind made the connection that the yell of surprise had come from behind her and had been made by Gohan. Pivoting on her heels, expecting an attack at any second, she turned around and...

Blushed. Standing there in the nude was Gohan. His black raven hair hanging down to his shoulders and in his eyes, completely soaked and even now dripping down onto his muscled chest. She couldn't seem to help it as her eyes traveled down, noting how handsome he looked just standing there with the light centered on him, glinting off of the collected drops of water. How flat and hard his abs looked...

Before her eyes could go any farther a flash of white light from the edge of the forest caught her off guard.

Gohan eeped as his modesty kicked in and he dove into the water again. Hysteracal, high-pitched laughter caught Pine's attention, coming from where the light had come from. As her senses detected the sudden increase of two small ki's, two familiar trouble making chibi's bounded out of the woods and jumped into the air and flew off, one with black hair carrying a bundle of clothes and another with purple hair fisting a disposable camera.

--To be Continued.

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