[ ] denotes thoughts.

The Switch
Chapter 5 - Havic High.
By: Yami no Kaiba

Piccolo, er um, I mean Pine looked down at the history text in front of her incredulously. [What the hell were these people on when they recorded this shit?] she thought to herself as she zoned out the rest of the class, skimming rapidly through the text book, a look of complete disbelief coming through her features.

A tap on her shoulder made her look up into the eyes of the female history teacher. "Now why aren't you with us, Pine?" The whole class was turned to look at her but she didn't notice.

Pine slammed the book closed and stood up. "Why aren't I with you?! I'll tell you why I'm not with you! This book is fucking wrong! That's why I'm not with you!"

The teachers eyes narrowed. "And what's wrong with that book? It's a very new edition, Pine."

"I'll tell you what's wrong with it!" Pine picked the book up and flipped through the pages, paused and quoted. "'And due to an assassin of unknown origin, the Royal Family and almost all of their protectors were shot. This caused civil strife which eventually caused the down fall of Crystal Tokyo.' That's not how it happened at all!"

"Oh, and just how did it happen?" The teacher's mind was already forming a punishment for the new individual.

"Everyone knows that Cosmic Sailor Pluto reached level three and split apart into her two persona's, her light side and dark side! Everyone knows that her dark side killed her light side and then stole her leader's transformation crystal, which also just happened to be her heart and star crystal, and Cosmic Sailor Jupiter's greatest weakness! Everyone knows that it was Cosmic Sailor Jupiter that killed all of the Senshi, Cosmic Senshi, the Royal Family, and destroyed Crystal Tokyo! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!" Now normally Piccolo wouldn't have exploded like that, but Kami's memories and all the memories of the previous Kami's had made her relive the events that had happened in her minds eye. Quite frankly memories of that time were very sharp, for it was the first mistake that a new Kami allowed to happen at the beginning of his reign. It was loaded with a lot of strong emotions.

"Ah, I believe you just recited the legend of the tragic end of Crystal Tokyo. Surely the legend was past down to you by one of your elders. Interesting that you believe that legend to be fact."

"It IS fact!" Pine was angry now. These humans were writing off that important event as just another regular, everyday assassination. How could they?! Didn't they understand the betrayal of trust and friendship that had happened that day?!

Gohan looked between the teacher and the new girl. The teacher seemed kind of pleased that she was pissing the kid off, but Gohan could feel ki building inside of the new kid, way past the normal ranges of an angry normal human. Just before Pine could say something else that would probably land her in detention or the teacher saying something that could get her head blown off, Gohan interrupted.

"But Mrs. Sakura, isn't it true that most legends and myths have a basis of true history in them somewhere? Therefore, couldn't the legend Pine just said actually be the truth?"

Mrs. Sakura frowned as she looked behind her at the black haired teen. "Yes, Gohan, it is true. However, since there is no one alive at this time to give us a true accounting of what happened, we must continue to treat the legend as a legend until proof is provided."

"So Pine could, in theory, be allowed to think the legend is true and be right. Therefore, no real punishment could be given since she was just defending her personal opinion, much as if this were a debate."

Gohan smiled to himself as Pine and Mrs. Sakura mumbled something under their breaths, glared at each other, and backed off.

Pine really wanted to blast that pompous ass teacher to the after world and beyond, but knew that would only get Gohan on her case. So instead she followed along till the bell rang, signaling the end of the class that she had decided, in her mind at least, to call 'Lies, Lies, and more Lies.'

Pine leaned back into her chair. She only had one more class before she would be allowed a break, and her whole body was itching for movement. She wanted, very badly, to get out of this chair and go back to her training by the waterfall. The Lookout had been getting boring lately.

"So you're a fighter as well?"

Pine looked down before her at the black haired kid she had helped to raise. Her eyes narrowed. "Gohan, you're out of shape."

"Wow, it's that noticeable, huh? Anyway, I just wanted to know if you were thinking about entering the Taikichi Budokai that's going to be in eight weeks."

Piccolo didn't hesitate. "I didn't know about it, but now that you mention it, I'll go." Piccolo looked down at Gohan, an idea popping into her head, making her smile cruelly. "And since I'm the one that pointed out you were out of shape, I get to be the one to pound you back into shape."

Gohan looked shocked fir a moment, then threw his head back and laughed.

Pine frowned. "And just what is so funny?"

Gohan tried to surpress his giggles. "It's just the thought of you keeping up with me. Also you remind me of a very good friend I haven't seen in years."

[Heh, if you only knew, Gohan. But if you did you'd tell your mom, and chi-Chi would pull you out of school so fast to keep her baby safe from the mean kidnapping monster you wouldn't be able to say no.] "Oh, believe me, Gohan, I'll be able to keep up with you better than anyone here. Pick me up at capsule Corp. tonight an hour after school ends. I believe you're a friend of my Aunt's, correct?" [Gotta remember to act dumb. Don't want him to know the truth.]

Gohan nodded quickly as the Japanese teacher entered.


Pine looked out the door with six bowls of white rice, three bottles of water, a small plateful of chicken strips, and a bowl of grapes on her tray. Spotting a tree to the far left that didn't have anyone under it, Pine moved over there and sat down. Pine picked up a bowl of rice and some chopsticks preparing to dig in when an ominous shadow mover over her.

Looking up, Pine's eyes narrowed at the large boy standing over her. "What do you want?"

A slow smile crept onto the blonde's face, saying he was either very intelligent or very stupid. "You're the new kid, right?"

Pine snorted. "Yea, so?"

"So I figured someone should tell you the rules. Since I'm free, I guess that job goes to me." His brown eyes were looking her over, making Pine feel very affronted for some reason. He leaned down and caressed her cheek. "Yes, you're a pretty one aren't you? Jerome might want you..."

Piccolo snarled and slapped his hand away. Placing her tray down, she stood up, cracking her knuckles. "I warned you people, but you wouldn't listen. Well, maybe a little lesson will teach you to heed warnings more."

What happened next only one other person in the courtyard could see. A punch to the left eye sent the boy reeling back, losing touch with the ground. Not for long was he allowed to go flying through the air before Pine was right behind him, slamming him into the ground with a hammer fist.

Pine stopped and looked down. "Feh, unconscious already."

It was two minutes later that a teacher was brought over. He arrived to see a still unconscious boy in a two foot crater with a tall thin girl with emerald green hair finishing off a sixth bowl of rice under a tree five feet away.

--To be Continued.

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