Lost Identity
Chapter 1: Identity in Question
By: Yami no Kaiba

I’ve been having these dreams now, periodicly every now and then. Not really dreams, exactly. After all, you can’t call the same dream dreams, can you? It started during the night Vejita-sei was destroyed, and since then I’ve had it once every year. But for the past five years, the increments of time between each retelling has been decreasing at a very drastic rate.

Normally, I wouldn’t even put it with a grain of salt. But today, a new development has come of this. This dream only comes to me at night.

Today it struck me while training.

And it’s because of it that I’m sitting here now, on a rocky cliff staring at the sky, alone, though I’ve always been alone. Funny, how when you feel the very foundation of your life is slipping away and things that never would have bothered you before come back and bite you in the ass.


In case you haven’t guessed by now who I am, I’ll tell you. My name is Vejita, the Saiya-jin no Ouji.

At least, that’s who I think I am. Hope I am.

This dream of mine scares me. Terrifies me. For it taunts and mocks me, giving me the same confusing images over and over, but never clearly.

And it all sugests that I am not who I think I am. That I am not the Saiya-jin no Ouji, or even an elite Saiya-jin for that matter.

Ever woken up one morning to find that some one else stole your life? Your identity? That’s what I felt like this afternoon, when it did come.

And this time it was clear. Crystal clear.

And no one out there can help. How can you help a person that has lived a lie their whole life?

I can no longer deny it. My mind itself has told me. I am not Vejita, the Saiya-jin no Ouji.

My name is Kakarrot. And this is my story, how it all began that day oh so long ago when my father Bardock took me to see the King with him...

--To be Continued.

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