Author Notes: This is a bit late due to me being bossed around by my mom to do house work. Gomen, now on to the story!

Disclaimer: I own all anime!! Mwaahhhahahaha!! *Gets pummeled by anime writers.* *Comes out of cartoon cloud looking worse for wear.* Okay, I don't own any anime, though I wish to the highest deity that I did. Then I wouldn't have to worry about College, ne?

A Dangerous Combo! Pez and Beer!
Chapter 4 - The Total Destruction of the Teletubies!
By: Yami no Kaiba

Gohan waited for the other Z senshi to come to were he had last seen Vegeta. Now that we got that out of the way, onto the high Saiya-jin!

Now, as for Vegeta, he left through the open door right after he threw all the equipment at Gohan. Zooming down the corridors at break neck speed for a human, but pretty average for a Saiya-jin, he left a calamity of studio workers on their butts since he knocked them over. I mean, papers are flying everywhere, people are screaming, and some women have their skirts flying up (Because of the draft! Now stop drooling, you Hentai!).

Vegeta was now in the stair well, going up numerous stairs, because the alcohol in his system was effecting the pez just enough to let him still think coherently, if not a little rationally (Basically he's at the same mental capacity as Goku when Goku was a kid, ok?). His muddled brain said that if he wanted to fake out his pursuers, then by going back UP he could do it.

Eventually, Vegeta reached the top floor and ran out of the stair well. He was running down the hall way till he got to a yellow door, opened it, zipped inside, and closed the door. Leaning against it, Vegeta had his ear against the door, trying to hear if there was anyone following.

A gasp from behind made Vegeta whirl around. Vegeta came face to face with another set. Though this one wasn't made by animation, it looked just as crappy as the Pokemon set. "Who the hell are you?!" A guy with a hat on that said 'Director' on it cried out at Vegeta, who was in total darkness.

Vegeta just looked at him with a smirk and started to slowly advance well powering up a ki-blast in his left hand. "I am the Saiya-jin no Ouji-sama, Vegeta." He brought his hand up close to his face, illuminating it in a scary way. "Now, DIE!" He lunged out with his hand in the general direction of the director, letting lose the ki-blast.

After the director ashes settled down, Vegeta got a good look at the other people in the area. There were four really whacked up people in weird different colored outfits on the sets that were balling their eyes out like a bunch of babies. The whining was really getting on Vegeta's nerves. "SHUT UP!"

When this caused the four weirdo's just to cry harder and louder, Vegeta just ground his teeth and brought his arms up and together. "FINAL FLASH!"

Well, there goes the wall, and the rest of the set, too! Not to mention the ashes of the four babies! Vegeta grins and flies out the now open wall, not bothering to check his power level anymore. He left the city with the Z senshi in fast pursuit. A sudden dizzy spell overcame Vegeta and he blacked out, plummeting towards the ground. (Does a coin toss.) He hits the ground and makes a Vegeta sized whole, where just moments later, the Z senshi pry him out of and take him back to Capsule Corp.


At Capsule Corp., Vegeta is laid out on a table in the hospital wing with wires and other thing hooked up to him. Bulma is talking to the Z senshi in an aside room behind some glass. "Well, the pez and the alcohol he ingested seem to have combined to make him go into a coma like state. But don't worry, he'll be fine in a couple of days."

Everyone splits up, and a few days later Vegeta wakes up. He seems fine and is said to be ok by Bulma. Amazingly enough, he has no memory of what he did after he drank the alcohol.

Vegeta walks into the living room to find Trunks playing a game. Looking at the clock, he says to Trunks, "Hey, brat, why aren't you watching that Pokemon crap?"

Trunks' eyes tear up and he runs from the room sobbing. Vegeta just stands there looking perplexed. "Well," he says to himself, "at least I got the TV to myself."


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