Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, Barney, Teletubies, or Pokemon. Although, I wish some of the DBZ characters were real and that some of them weren't...

A Dangerous Combo! Pez and Beer!
Chapter 2 - The Death of the Purple Abomination!
By: Yami no Kaiba

Vegeta was flying around, his mind buzzed by the pez and beer he had consumed only fifteen minutes ago. He was still thinking slightly and his mind told him that Bulma would be notifying the other Z senshi about his apparent craziness and that if he didn't want them spoiling his fun, he should mask his ki. So he was masking it well flying around and blowing up any white car that he sighted because he hated the color.

He paused and floated down to the ground, looking in the window of an appliance store, watching with growing agitation what was being displayed on the TV's. It was that purple dinosaur crap that Trunks always made him watch. His eyes widen as his not right mind comes up with a brilliant idea. Throwing his head back, Vegeta laughs hysterically, making the pedestrians look at him funny. He stops suddenly and throws a small ki blast at the store before he lifts off the ground and flies off towards the original broadcast building for the network.


Well this was happening, Trunks was at home, watching, you guessed it, Barney. It was the end of the live show and the purple freak was singing that annoying song of his, Trunks was singing along, when there was a large explosion from the set that kicked up a lot of dust and debris from the back wall that had just been blown to pieces. Trunks watched in wonder as a short, tall haired figure covered in shadows walked into the set. As the lighting settled on the figure it was revealed to be, you guessed it (and if you didn't your one dumb person) , Trunks' father, all powerful, high and mighty, gets his ass kicked by Goku every other day, the arrogant bastard we all know and love, Saiya-jin Prince Vegeta!

"MOM! Dad's on the TV!" Bulma rushed into the room, her cell phone in her hand, glancing and staring wildly at the TV. Bringing the cell phone up to her ear she shouts, "GOKU! He's at the broadcasting building!"


Back at the studio, Vegeta was standing there, laughing, his head thrown back. Barney was looking at him and sweat dropping. The live audience of kids that had panicked when the wall had blown were looking at him strangely in confusion, the younger ones sobbing slightly.

"So, uh, what's your name, friend?" Barney asked after some encouragement from the director.

Vegeta was still laughing hysterically for another few minutes before he stopped suddenly. Staring with his red ringed hazy black eyes at the purple freak, he brought up his hand that was crackling with energy. "I'm the Saiya-jin Prince Vegeta!"

"Uh, umm, Vegeta, why don't you put your hand down and we become friends, eh?" Barney was backing up slightly as he said this in a choked voice.

A glint came into Vegeta's eyes as he started slowly to walk towards the purple freak. "Hmm... How 'bout not and saying we did?"

"Great! 'Cause I love you, you love me, we're a happy family!"

Vegeta cringed physically as he heard Barney start singing. "SHUT UP YOU FREEZA WANNA-BE!" Vegeta went SSJ and brought his hand forward, throwing a ki-blast at the still singing thing. Barney blew into pieces, sending Barney parts and chunks into the audience of children that started to cry and wail. The cacophony made Vegeta even more agitated, and turning towards them, he held out his hand and cried, "BIG BANG ATTACK!"

--To be Continued.

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