Author's Notes: What possessed me to write this? I have no idea... Well, If you want to know where the Pez part came from, read Pam 'Spam Sawyer's "Pez Super-Nova" fan fiction.

A Dangerous Combo! Pez and Beer!
Chapter 1 - The Consumption
By: Yami no Kaiba

Vegeta was walking around the Capsule Corp. building after he had finished his training for the day in the gravity room. Walking past the door to the onna's lab, he paused and looked back in. The onna had left the room earlier because she had the setup for the fractional distillation project she was doing done and had stayed only long enough to see that it was going.

Vegeta walked over to the setup and watched as a brown liquid bubbled from the flask marked hydrogen peroxide and traveled its way up the tube attached to it in a gas form. As Vegeta watched, the liquid stopped rolling down the tube into the collection beaker marked access. A timer went off somewhere in the lab room, making Vegeta start a little. The heat turned off and the liquid stopped bubbling, now a clear liquid.

Taking off his gloves and setting them on the table, he picks up the lab notes to the side. Vegeta looked through the lab, checking it out. He paused and got a wicked look in his eyes. Taking the flask marked hydrogen peroxide from the setup, Vegeta poured the clear liquid into a purple sports bottle from the side table and put the flask back with enough liquid left for the onna to finish her experiments. Screwing on the cap, he left the lab with a full bottle of 100% drinkable alcohol.


It was an hour later when Bulma was checking her experiment. As she rechecked her data, she noticed she should have had more alcohol than she had...

She noticed then the white gloves on the table.


Bulma ran out of the lab, white gloves in hand. [Why, when I get my hands on that piece of shit! He's sleeping on the couch for a week! No, two weeks!] She entered the kitchen to a most unusual site...

Bulma paused at the threshold to see Vegeta going at a box of ice cream without a care in the world as to who could see him. He had a spoon out and was digging away so fast, it was incredible that he didn't have a brain freeze yet. Trunks was sitting there to the side, rooting him on. There were three empty cartons of ice cream on the floor and a purple sports bottle there too. There was a deep red flush on Vegeta's cheeks and across the bridge of his nose. His eyes were slightly hazy as well.

"Vegeta! What are you doing?!" Needless to say, Bulma was confused.

Vegeta had the spoon stuck in his mouth as he looked up at Bulma with those relaxed, hazy eyes of his. He took it out and looked up at her with a genuine smile. "What's up, Bulma? I was just winning my bet with Trunks here. Give me a sec, would ya?" With that, Vegeta was back at the ice cream, finishing it off at a surprising rate. "Done, now pay up, kid."

"Cool! You didn't even get one brain freeze!" With that, Trunks took out a single and gave it to Vegeta. Vegeta was smiling kindly the whole time, putting Bulma on edge a bit.

"Uh, Vegeta? What did you do with the alcohol from my lab?" Bulma walked over and put a hand on Vegeta's shoulder.

"Hmmm? Oh, I put it in that bottle there, Bulma-san," Vegeta said, pointing a finger at the purple sports bottle on the floor. He got up gracefully from the chair and left the room as Bulma bent down to the purple sports bottle. Unscrewing the cap and glancing inside, she notices it's empty. [Oh, Kami! No, he couldn't have drunk ALL of the pure alcohol, could he?!] Her practical side comes out, [Oh, yes he would, especially when he thinks his Saiyan metabolism is so good...]

[Oh, crap!] Bulma rushed to follow Vegeta into the living room. At the door, she cried out in fright. Trunks had left his Pez dispenser on the coffee table and Vegeta was downing the little pill candies like there was no tomorrow. Which, after seeing this, Bulma had the feeling that there wouldn't be... "Vegeta! Stop!"

Vegeta put the Pez down and looked over at Bulma. "Okay, Bulma-san." That's when things started going downhill. Vegeta's hazy coal black eyes got a weird ring of red around them and Vegeta started jumping up and down in one spot. The reinforced structure of the compound started to groan under the strain. Vegeta was giggling insanely and threw a small ki-blast at the roof. It exploded and threw shrapnel everywhere, terrifying Bulma-san. As she crouched down and protected her head, Vegeta was off, flying through the roof to only Kami-knew-where, laughing and giggling along the way.

Shakily Bulma stood and looked up. [I should go tell the guys what happened...]

--To be Continued.

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