Title: Only a Game
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Series: Digimon Zero Two
Rating: G
Pairing(s): None.
Disclaimer: *Holds up a sign in katakana that reads 'I don't own Digimon' in English.

Summary: A small flash back for Ken.

Warnings: None.


Turning the knob, I stick my hand under the running water only to hiss and retract it. A ruddy red color surfaces as blood runs under the skin, reminding me that I can no longer tolerate that kind of heat.

Turning the faucet to the right temperature, I shed the heavy folds of clothes I wear to keep warm. Stepping under the soothing fake rain, I close my eyes, tilting my head back as I lose myself in thoughts…

Shivering, I can’t but help to wrap my arms around my waist, hugging myself, trying to conserve what little heat I have left and absorb what I can from the water. I’ve been cold, oh so cold, ever since…

It’s another dark night with the gentle ambience of the star filled sky I’ve only known here in this world. A fire crackles before us, and I smile slightly as I look at my somber partner. “Ryou, can I ask you something?”

Shaking his head slightly, the spiky haired brunette turns his brown eyes to me. “You already have, munchkin,” he teases softly, smiling ruefully as I pout at him.


Laughing, Ryou shakes his head again in bemusement, then puts his hands up in a truce motion. “Simmer down, Ken! I’m only playing! You can ask me anything, you know?”

Falling back into my quite, uncertain ways, I stare into the fire a moment, figuring out just how to put this weird unsettled feeling I’ve been having lately. “…this… this world’s just a game, right? I mean, we’re not REALLY going to be killing this guy, Millenniummon, right?”

There was only a moments hesitance from Ryou. “Yeah, Ken, it’s only a game…”

My eyes snapped open, chilling shards of ice. “Liar,” I hiss out into the quite of the room, only for the small sound to be swept under the pounding of the water spray on the tiles of the washroom.


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